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Started by JB93, April 21, 2013, 01:23:04 AM

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Quote from: 2206 on December 20, 2024, 01:40:23 AMLooks like major disruption for the X21/22 in 2025 if this is happening?
"In addition to this both services will use Bristol Road, Edgbaston Park Road, Pritchatts Road in both directions due to full closure of Edgbaston Park Road from January 6th to March 25th".

The closure on one network seems to be listed for July though so maybe postponed?

It's been postponed to take place during School Summer Holidays.


17 this evening diverted up  cattle Rd upthe 97 route to 8a/c the  back on normal line of route not sure what happened 


Looks like St Lawrence Way in Darlaston is Closed can see two Ambulances and the Police Gonna assume NX34/37 and Diamond 310 are on Diversion not sure which way. 37 just been sent down Willenhall Street must have not long happened as the Driver went to go down St Lawrence Way, 37 Willenhall Street Right Rough Hay Road left back onto Blockall, 34 will just skip out Rough Hay Road and go straight down Willenhall Street, 310 has gone past Green Dragon to New Street to merge out by The Island at the top of St Lawrence Way, 1882 has followed the 39 route down Stafford Road and 1881 I assume followed the 310 as I haven't seen come past on Willenhall Street and they would have been told by there colleague on the 37 that the road was closed. 1881 turning around at the Green Island to come back down Willenhall Street.

St Lawrence Way reopened about 3/4PM yet the driver of 1804 on the 34 seems to think the Diversion is still on as I just heard  them stop to let of passengers, maybe a Radio call from WA needs to go out to let them know that the road is open unless there are overnight Roadworks in Rough Hay, as 2117 on the 37 went down St Lawrence Way
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


WN16 on Diversion due to Flooding on Wombourne High Street it is Planks Lane, Giggerty Lane and Common Road to Stourbridge, Wolverhampton Buses are using normal line of route 

Also diversion earlier for the Bradford Street Services in Walsall as the 34 as I was on eairler went up Midland Road onto Tasker Street to turn right back onto the Wednesbury Road, Buses to Walsall seemed to use Corporation Street and Colmore Road, I'm not sure if the offical diversion was down Midland Road but my bus went that way, I think I then did see an 11 go that way as we left the lights to, Been a long time since I caught a bus down there, I think the old 38/39 went down there once I was a kid so I might not remember it that well but for some reason the 38 went down Midland Road, onto Tasker Street then left at the end then right onto Corporation Street West I think it is before taking a left onto Rollingmill Street, then left onto Old Pleck Road. 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Due to a fallen tree on Stourbridge Road between Wombourne and Penn the road is currrently closed northbbound with services 15 and 16 (to Wolves) diverting via Gospel End

Southbound is unaffected.

Road reopened c1015am.


WA41 is on Diversion to February 1st I think it is as Poplar Ave is closed for works, Diversion from Poplar Drive Is Atlee Road and Churchill Aveune so following the 37 and then the old 40 route, It is only closed Eastbound so the 41 to Willenhall should be going it's normal route
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


WN 8 diverting via Bagley Street and Waterfall Road today
Local routes are the PN 7, WN 8, 25 and 242 (mainly the 8)
Also regularly use the PN 2, PN 2A and WN 82
Local rail station is Stourbridge Town, 139s 😍

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