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Buses on TV

Started by Trident 4609, December 24, 2013, 09:14:29 PM

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Stagecoach Optare and E200 along with a few other E200's and other Buses on the National and Local News as the Labour Party Mayors met in Wolverhampton at an engineering training place. 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Couple of Lothian Buses E400MMC and a B7/B9 on Rebus
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


NX 74 Branded E400's one of which was 4970 on Midlands Today on Monday
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


GMTE Leyland Atlaneen I think A706LOC 4706 in the Film Spike Island set in 1990 but created in 2012 that Bus was in the Manchester Livery of the time so must be in Preservation. Also Featured is a Merc Coach that has a Merc V10 engine can't remember the reg was in a Red, White, Orange/Brown Striped Livery I think. 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Several NBFL Buses going past on the BBC Election Coverage 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Stagecoach MMC's and an UID Red E400 on Sky Sports News at Silverstone doing the Track Shuttle 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Bit of Nostalgia and not so much on TV but I guess they did release a Video for it in the Three Lions 98 Version Music Video there is a Ralph's Coach Company I Don't know if they are still around assuming it is from down that the England fans travel to France in. Looks like a Volvo/Van Hool the Germans have a similar coach to. 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


McDonald And Dodds on ITV this evening is about a murder on a First Bath bus, plenty of bus and depot shots.

There doesn't appear to be any working CCTV on the bus in the show, it would make the story a lot shorter if there was!


BV23ZVG NX Coach featured in the new NX Advert
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Ex London Scania Double Decker in Colgate Colours on the Colgate Advert looks like one of the ones NX has other than being a London Example
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Yesterday several Diamond and NX Buses in Dudley by the Coronation Gardens on Midlands Today and today a film clearly shot a while ago as a 16 branded Platty on the 16 seen on Football Focus
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


NX Bus on the new West Midlands Bus Advert looks like an Electric Bus by the CCTV/NIS Screen being behind the Wheelchair space and the shape of the Screen seen on Youtube just now
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Looks like a GMPTE Atlanteen possibly on Red Wharf it was filmed in the 90's, 
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


Just realised On the old Kids TV Programme The Slammer the kids are taken to the slammer on a Kings Ferry Coach, first time I've seen it I didn't even realise as a Kid they got of a coach as a kid
Local Routes
NXWM 34, 37, 39, 79
DIA 310
WCT 65
Bit Further Away
NXWM 529, 25, 41, 11, 11A, 40, 47
DIA 326, 57, 23, 41A,
Frequently Travelled On Routes
79, 34/37, 39 and Very Occasionally the 529 and 74


When I was little I had a video which was about childminding, and involved the childminder taking two boys on the service 377 to Sutton Coldfield aboard Travel WM's Eclipse Gemini 4502.

Seems to me that 4502 has since had an early retirement, as the newest photo I could find was in 2019.

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