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Started by Celestial Toymaker, January 31, 2022, 08:05:10 PM

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Celestial Toymaker

(REPOSTED) Once upon a time a company known as WMPTE OBTAINED 8 Ford A, Alexander S B22F (JOV 730P - 737P) all were based at Acocks Green and worked the ill fated Dial-A-Bus, since 1975 i followed these little buses, and their friends Commers 4238 & 4241
(EOF 238L & 241L), im appealing to EVERYBODY on this site, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have ANY photographs of these vehicles, would it be possible for you to email them to me please, destined for my own personal collection ONLY if you can help, please email FORDALEXANDERB22F@GMAIL.COM
3000 F300 XOF

like 3000 I do not exist anymore........ worth nothing as scrap either

i might also masquerade as a Community Radio DJ

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