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Demolition of the former Bus Garage Cleveland Road Wolverhampton

Started by horsencart, April 27, 2017, 03:18:56 PM

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Demolition continues at a pace  it is hoped that this  sign may be saved   
to go to either  Crich  Tramway  or  BCLM  they   BCLM  are thought  to be saving the  "Out  of Darkness Cometh  Light"  sign but as yet both are still in position  (but not  for much longer) 


Let's hope that something can be done to save this stone.....
Don't judge me until you've walked in my size ten shoes.


It appears  that the two  stones are to be saved and go to the BCLM   
   "  I have had confirmation from Irene, head of collections at Black Country Museum, that they are having the long frieze as seen in your photo, as well as the smaller one you mentioned previously. "

Kind regards

Laura Waters

It is a pity that the one on the outside of the  building  (Bilston Road)   was not saved 


Don't judge me until you've walked in my size ten shoes.


Sadly it was not possible to save the  "Out of  Darkness  "  sign  on safety  grounds,    and the other "tram"   now may not be saved    again on safety grounds  they may still save it  but I do not hold out much hope, the  "Out of Darkness"  Stone  sign  is somewhere under these bricks


The more I read of this fiasco the more angry I become, from the very start the contractors have been completely uncooperative, its not rocket science to remove the old stone safely before demolition takes place but time and time again they rule it out on "safety grounds" giving them the excuse to just smash it to the ground and leave it with the rest of the rubble. Its amazing how it was possible back in 1975 to remove the stone signs and install them in the new building but its somehow impossible to do the same today.......

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