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What got you into buses?

Started by Sh4318, October 04, 2013, 01:00:00 AM

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The Real 4778

Boarding the 113 on Chester Road, Banners Gate, when it was a red bus, then an identical red bus with WMPTE stickers, then the same bus painted blue and cream.  The BMMOs had so much character to a small boy, with their 'no spitting,' 'no snuff' signs.  It was like travelling in a bygone age.  It was of course, 1972-74.

At Kingstanding Circle we'd board a 46 that was a platform Brummie Standard back then, if we were going to Hockley and the assay office.  That's before I was allowed to stay at home alone in the school holidays. 

At Beggar's Bush the 107 became the additional option into the city, or to Sutton - more ex-Midland Red magnificence.  At Oscott college, we'd catch the 42 to Erdington or into town, which was a BCT Fleetline from memory. 

Soon after, the twenty stylish Volvos came to Sutton which seemed to carry on the tradition of charismatic buses from the Midland Red stock.  We always looked down on the non-Alexander or BMMO styled types from then on!
Don't you start.

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