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MCW foctory in the 80's

Started by danny, September 15, 2012, 01:22:47 PM

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Hello guys when MCW used to build the metrobus back in the day can anyone remember seeing other oporators metro's trunderling the streets of brum on their way to their respective oporators, also were the 6 wheeler metros assenbled in birmingham or another factory, and were they ever seen when new before shipping to hong kong. (this is one for the more mature generation :) xx
Danny :)

Revenue Protection Officer for West Midlands Trains

Routes 12, 22, 126 are my locals


Not quite that mature yet, but old enough to remember MCW!

I seem to recall as a Child seeing various new buses around Washwood Heath, In particular one day, large numbers of new London Metrobuses at 'The Fox and Goose' It was also common to see Underground carriages on low loaders and usually police escorts on Washwood Heath road. And Im sure there was the occasional chassis only and low loaders too.

MCW also had a parts and service facility on Clayton Road (Just off Washwood Heath Road near Saltley Gate) in the late 80's. I lived almost opposite at the time and it was common to see many buses drive down there. Seemed to be mainly Metroriders, but the odd Metrobus too.

I dont ever remember seeing SuperMetrobuses when new, but they were built at Washwood Heath and I have seen photos on flickr. I look up and post links.


The Chinese models are real beasts. Would they have been road legal here?
My local's the 3 and 63.
Casual bus user. Doesn't know much other than some buses look nicer than others.
Contractual web developer, self employed game designer/programmer, Wolverhampton bjorn and bread.


Quote from: Badger on September 15, 2012, 07:45:28 PM
The Chinese models are real beasts. Would they have been road legal here?

Yes, the Metroliner Double decks (London Liners/National Express Rapides) were only the same as the Hong Kong ones, just with restyled bodies

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