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Midland Metropolitan Hospital

Started by Busboy105, February 11, 2020, 05:26:25 PM

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Does anyone know the situation regarding the MMH? Last time I checked, when Carllion went bust another company took over and it's supposed to be finished by next year or 2022 (can't remember the exact year). Anyhoo my question is that when it's finished will the 82/87 be rerouted to serve it directly or will they run the same route as they already do and bring another route (return of the X7?)


Balfour Beatty won the initial £20 million package of remedial works at MMH & have only recently won the package to complete the construction phase, once that's been done, the hospital then needs fitting out. It will be 2022 at the earliest, possibly later than that.


Quote from: Winston on February 11, 2020, 07:27:54 PM
Balfour Beatty won the initial £20 million package of remedial works at MMH & have only recently won the package to complete the construction phase, once that's been done, the hospital then needs fitting out. It will be 2022 at the earliest, possibly later than that.

Yeah, a lot could happen in two years. Doubt there's much point in reviewing bus services before then.
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the trainbasher

Quote from: Winston on February 11, 2020, 07:27:54 PM
Balfour Beatty won the initial £20 million package of remedial works at MMH & have only recently won the package to complete the construction phase, once that's been done, the hospital then needs fitting out. It will be 2022 at the earliest, possibly later than that.

Yet in places such as China they can get a 19 story office block built and working in 10 days. Just shows how slow British building contracts are. Those hospital beds and wards are needed now, it's no wonder the NHS is in crisis!

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Trident 4194

Quote from: the trainbasher on February 11, 2020, 07:43:11 PM
Yet in places such as China they can get a 19 story office block built and working in 10 days. Just shows how slow British building contracts are. Those hospital beds and wards are needed now, it's no wonder the NHS is in crisis!

That's due to such strict building regulations here to ensure there are no deaths building the buildings


Quote from: the trainbasher on February 11, 2020, 07:43:11 PM
Yet in places such as China they can get a 19 story office block built and working in 10 days. Just shows how slow British building contracts are. Those hospital beds and wards are needed now, it's no wonder the NHS is in crisis!

The Chinese might build it in 10 days, but it's all made up from pre-built units that are only assembled on site.

I don't think you understand the complexity & infrastructure required to fit out a hospital.

The hospital has been lay for 2 years in part built state whilst the local trust tried frantically to source the funding to finish it.

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