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Rotala / Re: Rotala Management - Questions & Answers
February 13, 2025, 08:15:14 PM
Noted on the 125 Stourbridge to Bridgnorth today that the passenger numbers whilst not great for the present service there were passengers particularly on the sections Stourbridge to Kidderminster and Highley to Bridgnorth that were dependent on the bus,
rather than the proposed pulling of the service in its entirety, could it not be retained with a reduced frequency
there are 3 vehicles on this service, it ought to be possible to reduce that to 2 surely.
Stourbridge to Kidderminster hourly, Kidderminster to Bridgnorth 2 hourly and when that bus gets to Bridgnorth could it run back to and from Highley whilst sitting at Bridgnorth making Highley to Bridgnorth hourly?
Quote from: Stu on February 02, 2025, 07:32:36 PMI do agree that Oyster is great in London, but then we do have Swift Go here in the West Midlands that does the same thing. But I agree that paying by contactless card is not as well integrated here.
it would be a boon if tap & cap worked across the different bus companies, for whilst my travel to & from work is wholly NXWM, the buses I use for getting around on days off are a mixture of Diamond, NXWM and Kevs
Rotala / Re: Diamond West Midlands - Kidderminster
February 06, 2025, 06:38:36 PM
I bet you most people on the 9 don't travel end to end and there's loads of places inbetween through a dense urban area.
I commute from Lye to Birmingham on the 9, so not quite end to end but very nearly, true there are not so many passengers  that do the whole of the route as did in the days of the Midland Red 130, it however remains the cheapest option and works for all my shifts, which the railway does not, ironic since I work for the railway,

As the 125 is the only bus Stourbridge to Bridgnorth, and indeed Stourbridge to Kidderminster, it would be a great loss, cutting off access to onward services such as to Ludlow, admittedly it is not used by a great number of passengers, perhaps a little publicity might help there, a pity that retention of services by subsidy from all councils on the route is not considered important for the people of all communities,
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