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Messages - tuffe

Great thanks all! Remembering colours is difficult, and over 60 years in my case probably impossible. I so much loved that summer in Darlaston and Birmingham, was wonderful to relive a little with your help!
Coming back to my query concerning the Darlaston bus routes in 1962: I seem to remember that I sometimes took a direct bus to Birmingham city center (Coronation Road?) and that the bus was green. Might this line have passed also Wednesbury? I was earlyer advised that the bus from Darlaston to Wednesbury was in the blue Walsall corporation livery.
Thank you Justin for your answer! I hope to paint à Lesney bus in the appropiate colour and would love to also attach the correct identification to both ends: what might have the text been? Where could I find the correct shade of blue, seems to exist several ones.

As an apprentice at Rubery Owens plant in the summer of 1962 I used to go to Birmingham for the weekends. Now in my 80s I ve tried to remember what line I employed and what the buses looked like. Usually I took à bus from Darlaston Bull Stake to Wednesbury railway station and the diesel into town. Maybe somebody knows?
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