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Messages - bovaman

Other Operators / Re: Chaserider
January 13, 2021, 11:24:25 PM
today there was only one vehicle [ex arriva dart] on the rugeley / 63 network rather then the usual 4 workings so i guess there must be some sort of  issues,  Was 2 nice 65 plate e200 mmc on  60/825/826 circuit on Monday though which seemed a vast improvement to what has been on offer of late! Not seen them 2 mmcs since mind haha. Im sure Chaserider will settle in and sort it all out soon, lets face it they cannot be worse than what we have been used to for the last few years! Not a great time at the moment to take over a new area in the middle of a pandemic  so i wish them well in there new venture. I'm sure the network will improve given a  little time to get things in place & road legal.
There seems to be a lot of the ex arriva fleet  solos and darts missing from action this week!!
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
November 05, 2020, 10:53:54 PM
carnt see the light blue centro staying at cannock for much longer ,  not long been repainted and would need be repainted again soon if it stayed id expect,,,,, lol not much left to ship out now few more volvos and the new 2 new liveried commanders,  pye greens be starting to suffer now too with no pulsars left oh dear
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
October 09, 2020, 10:27:16 PM
not sure about YJ59BVA not seen that about, but did see plaxton centro YJ57BWF [light blue livery] on its way to Tamworth this morning by Hopwas bridge.
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
October 06, 2020, 10:52:07 PM
YJ59BVB is back at Tamworth swapped for that scrap heap 05 plate volvo shed, i followed BVB last friday afternoon on the Glascote ROad on the 4 or 7 i think it was on
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
October 06, 2020, 10:22:57 PM
Im sure all will be revealed very soon :-) Burton was loaded with scrap sheds then sold on, and now Cannock is still being loaded with end of life junk,,,,,, only 3 centros and the 2  57 plate commanders left now mmm..........  brings the value right down to make it more attractive to off load possibly, god imagine inhereting that load of junk lol. Perhaps a change will be the improvment thats so greatly needed, one can only hope, then it might actually be worth trying to rely on a  bus to turn up again when it should! Arriva cannock seemed to go down the pan the day Dan Flannigan left! its just been a albert steptoe & son operation ever since. shame really.
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
October 02, 2020, 09:32:41 PM
id say more than likely preparing the depot and/or its contents to be dumped with the loads of scrap end of life junk thats piling in there of late, feel sorry for who ever inherits that load of junk tbh as the damage has been done to the network as its been run in to the ground with time expired unsuitable unreliable scrap heaps, it will take a lot of putting right thats for sure, passengers lose confidence and find alternative arrangments, who really wants to suffer small cramped  bone shaking heaps of unsuitable dirty junk on long interurban runs at sky high fares.
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
October 01, 2020, 09:48:28 PM
noticed today that 3743 Pulasr is now back at Tamworth depot, so thats another newer of the cannock vehicles shipped out, wonder whats occuring,,,, seeing as most the 'newer 10/12 year old stuff' seems to be shipping out, most of the interurban routes are now regularly operated with old wrecks too
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
September 14, 2020, 10:39:59 PM
the 1 is still a live registration at the TC by the looks of it, cannot see any cancellation notices going back, so one would presume it should  be back running by now. Its Gone from a flagship sapphire brand to no signs of a service at all,  something not reet there im sure. :o
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
September 14, 2020, 10:21:13 PM
haha no surprises there, was on a 44 seater vdl the other day, said 21 persons limit on the sticker, so a solo would be about 5 lol. Shame the bustimes tracking has vanished it was my way of avoiding travelling on solo heaps of junk :-) perhaps it to hide all the breakdowns lol
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
September 14, 2020, 08:57:10 PM
dont upset the arriva police for god sake Bob  lol,  any way  aint pye greens gone to the twin deck sapphire experience yet, be ideal on there for social distancing, 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs whilst a solo does a busy 60 or 825 school time  :-)
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
September 12, 2020, 10:51:10 PM
anyone know why arriva cannock/tamworth have dissapeared off bus map
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
September 01, 2020, 11:07:23 PM
4409 will be wasted on pye greens no doubt lol  ;) ;)
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
June 21, 2020, 11:37:44 PM
Quote from: Bob on June 21, 2020, 11:15:06 AM
Yea two 59 plates. Wonder if their days are numbered too?...
I would think so as some of the Volvos have now gone, wonder when the rest will follow suit.  and also noticed another old pile of Junk on the 63 yesterday LF02PMO. Im surprised  The centros & 3740/41 are still there too tbh, time will tell ,mmmm
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
June 20, 2020, 10:51:34 PM
Quote from: Bob on June 20, 2020, 11:23:14 AM
Cannock's premier range lol
an Albert Steptoe & Son company   8)  there is some right old junk operating on the 60 cycle these days,  18 year old knackers, clapped out solos and them horrendous antique bone shaking darts a regular now dear me! so the 06 plate commander is quite a luxury item, im surprised they havent been transferred out else-where by now too like everything else that was worth more than a couple of grand,
Arriva / Re: Cannock Garage
June 19, 2020, 11:36:11 PM
Quote from: Bob on June 18, 2020, 01:45:42 PM
FJ06 ZTE broke down in Huntington yesterday with engine cover up
06 plate wow thats a posh one!!!! lol
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