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Messages - amodelofcontrol

Stagecoach / Re: Stagecoach in Coventry & Warwickshire
November 20, 2024, 01:49:55 PM
Quote from: Justin Tyme on November 07, 2024, 07:51:03 PMThe 86 is generally hourly, slightly more frequent at peak times, and the peak vehicle requirement (PVR) is probably 4. That said, bustimes shows that 6 buses in all have run on the 86 today.

On Sundays 2 buses are required on the 86, and the service interworks with a Rugby town service (1 to Hillmorton).  The Sunday 85A requires 1 bus.

The Rugby cross-town service that will become electric (4, Brownsover - Cawston  Grange) has a PVR of around 6 buses - and bustimes shows 6 buses in all have run on the 4 today - if I have counted correctly 🤞.
It's understood that the four Yutong E12s for the 86 at Rugby are 73053-56, the four that have gone on loan to Kilmarnock in the meantime (as that depot has a large electric fleet already and chargers in place). Comments from people up there suggest they are due back in "January", so presumably the chargers at Rugby should be in place by then.
First / Re: First Bus - Wyvern
July 31, 2024, 04:45:17 PM
Interestingly they have disappeared from the trackers/Bustimes entirely.

My first hunch is that they have gone into the NewPower programme (First are repowering 32 StreetDecks to EV, remember), but otherwise I'd expect them to go to Bristol/West of England if not.
Bugs and Errors / Re: Bugs & Errors - Main Site
November 29, 2023, 10:30:03 AM
Marvellous, thanks!
Bugs and Errors / Re: Bugs & Errors - Main Site
November 29, 2023, 08:38:11 AM

thanks as ever for your most-useful updates. Looks like a minor issue with the new First fleetchanges - they are not (yet) showing, despite the main page saying period 8, but when I click through it's still period 7 as the latest.
First / Re: First Bus - Leicester
November 04, 2022, 05:32:55 PM
Quote from: Glenfieldmathk1 on October 28, 2022, 05:57:59 PMAlso, why is stagecoach listed on the Leicester buses website as having 22 electric vehicles? They aren't based here and there's literally 2 routes which are out of the city boundary?
Makes you laugh. Happy to pay stagecoach for the electric buses. But won't pay for a few digital bus stops around Glenfield (on route 13, which is a mainlines bus!).
They will be from the Coventry "Electric Bus City" project, converting the 48 group (Coventry - Nuneaton - Atherstone/Leicester), so the funding is from Central Government that was awarded to the wider project (which sees all buses into Coventry go zero-emission by 2025, and NXWM's large batch of BYD/ADL 'deckers entering service at the moment are the first part of). That they reach Leicester is something of a side benefit!
Arriva / Re: Arriva Leicester
September 04, 2022, 05:24:05 PM
This order was reported on other groups some time ago.

Arriva - finally - appear to be investing again, with electric bus orders to come too in time (Leicester, Stevenage, Milton Keynes). Northumbria has now put 19 ADL E400 MMC in service, and the first of 14 ADL E200 MMC also (BLOTW records 14, the first five are already out).

Interestingly two more ADL E400 MMC in the same registration sequence to the Northumbria examples are recorded without an operator on BLOTW, but they are a different chassis designation which might suggest they aren't for Arriva.
The bid itself ( confirms 100 hydrogen 'deckers and 24 articulated hydrogen buses (for Sprint, of course). The latter are interesting - I can't imagine there are many manufacturers to choose from, and my first thought suggests Van Hool ExquiCities.
Other National Express Operations / Re: Stansted depot
August 04, 2020, 08:39:23 AM
Presumably, these will replace the current Citaro fleet at Stansted (almost one-for-one, it seems)?
Rotala / Re: Hallmark Connections (inc Hotel Hoppa)
February 18, 2020, 05:53:21 PM

thanks as ever for the additional info - presumably the StreetLites for Heathrow will be another batch to continue the slow upgrade of the Heathrow Hoppa vehicles?
Rotala / Re: Preston Bus
August 21, 2019, 09:38:02 AM
Buses Mag this month reports that eight StreetDecks are due "for Preston".

As these reports can sometimes be mixed up, it's likely worth checking - presumably these are in addition to the batch that have gone to Bolton?
First / Re: First Bus - Leicester
August 18, 2019, 10:18:40 AM
Quote from: Nathan on August 17, 2019, 03:05:07 PM
69527-31 & 69537-39 are at Oldham.

Thanks Nathan, bang goes that theory, then!

What is clear is that the Bolton sale has triggered an enormous set of cascades across the group, so I doubt we're done quite yet.
First / Re: First Bus - Leicester
August 17, 2019, 01:00:32 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 14, 2019, 03:15:52 PM
The Bolton one's have gone to FSY @ Sheffield


only six have gone to South Yorkshire - 69521-26 - which means that as yet, 69527-31, as well as 69537-39 (recently painted into Olympia, after working for some time in their as-acquired Eclipse purple) are unaccounted for. Those eight could well be the ones expected in Leicester (which would make sense).
The BYD/ADL 'decker order for NXWM has been confirmed officially by ADL today in their latest press release.
Rotala / Re: Preston Bus
June 11, 2019, 09:05:43 AM
I notice that four B9TLs were sold to Ensign (and quickly snapped up by Yellow Buses Bournemouth).

What's caused the loss of these from the fleet? With the amount of elderly 'deckers still at Preston, I'm surprised these have gone.
Quote from: Mike K on April 12, 2019, 12:29:07 PM
Interesting. At the moment the E400EV BYDs (assuming that's what they will be) in London, and those on order for Stagecoach Manchester are E400 City.

Presumably it would be possible for ADL to use either bodywork though?

Could it be dangerous to assume that these are automatically ADL-based vehicles? After all, there are also Optare MetroDeckers which are currently gaining orders now (and indeed there was an announcement recently that they had taken a number of "significant" orders for the type since the Reading and Metroline orders - only one has gone public, which is 21 for First York Park & Ride work). I mean, I know it's very likely that they are ADL, but...
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