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Messages - puddin68

email sent to richard5608 - with a favour to ask.
Notices / Re: New Member? Click Here!!
September 15, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
thankyou for your welcomes, nice to be here.
Notices / Re: New Member? Click Here!!
September 14, 2015, 07:52:03 PM
Hi, my name is Chris, a 47 year old former MBF member, Stagecoach and Travel West Midlands driver originally from Coventry and now in Kenilworth.

I have briefly seen the website and love a lot of the pics - WOW!, with me being a former bus driver I decided to collect model buses based on Coventry vehicles over the years and change existing model wherever possible to Code 3's too try and fill a gap for Coventry Transport/West Midlands models, sometimes for others but mainly for myself.

I thank you for your time reading this and very much look forward to joining in, all the best,

Hi , I'm new to the site and was reading the tread about the hanover helen software and I'd love to try it, could I possibly buy a copy of it from you please as I'm having no luck getting it, it would really help me with my model buses, many thanks for your time and help, regards, chris.
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