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Messages - Steve3229vp

Quote from: Solo1 on June 06, 2024, 07:46:53 AMWould of thought they would of got rid of the tridents instead of the enviros
4799-4815, 4817-4829 have come off lease, so the leasing company that owns them has sold them to Go Ahead
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
June 05, 2024, 06:46:29 PM
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on June 05, 2024, 06:37:27 PMI'm guessing you're gonna remove them all from the list once they all are withdrawn?
I would of thought that was obvious !
Garage threads / Re: Perry Barr Garage
June 05, 2024, 12:00:34 PM
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
June 04, 2024, 05:44:44 AM
According to Bustimes, E189 and E185 are on the 33, E222 is on the 65
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
June 03, 2024, 04:44:53 PM
We'll all just have to be patient.
In a few weeks time we'll all be photographing the last of a certain type bus before they leave PB and not even noting the electrics !
Garage threads / Re: Perry Barr Garage
May 31, 2024, 04:49:30 PM

Quote from: Tony on May 31, 2024, 04:17:52 PMCompared to a B7RLE Which are more reliable and rot less, and have better leg room

That's why I prefer them and in time with more Electrics coming into service the single deckers at PB will be less than now 
Garage threads / Re: Perry Barr Garage
May 31, 2024, 02:47:52 PM
Just seen a Volvo single decker (2063 I think) on College Road near The Crossways on driver training and the driver looked like a PB driver.
Could this mean Volvos coming to PB to replace some of the Scania Omnilinks ?
Well I can hope and dream can't I !
Quote from: Ingleboro261F on May 30, 2024, 06:15:44 AMWhich diesels are leaving and by leaving do you mean completely withdrawn or moved to a different garage?
You know full well that will be revealed when the time comes, Tony will put it up then and not when people ask him in advance because his not allowed to 
Quote from: Mayfield on May 24, 2024, 08:15:21 AMIf you can point anything positive out I will gladly take it on board.
The Hydrogen issue is out of NX'S hands
Quote from: Mayfield on May 16, 2024, 09:48:26 PMIf they do return to service next week better be quick to get a photo as I bet they don't last a week
You're always positive about the Hydrogen buses aren't you !
Quote from: Stu on May 12, 2024, 09:53:16 AM@Tony that article I posted on my Facebook page yesterday has definitely attracted a lot of negative/ignorant comments for some reason!

Some (actually a lot) of the comments were unsubstantiated rubbish, these new Electric buses are the future, they are comfortable, quite and fairly quick. When the Platinums arrived they were the most impressive buses since the Timesaver metrobuses from 1986. For me the new Electrics are even better. The only problem with them is their seating capacity is a bit low at 65 which is 8 less than a Platinum and 12 less than an Enviro, the main daytime will be fine, but peaks may struggle, buses going towards Perry Barr are carrying more than a year ago. I hoping than come September there will be peak frequency increases on the 33 and 907. If passenger numbers are increasing the last thing we need is them been put off by packed buses especially with Parker on the prowl.
Quote from: BlackCountryBusSpotter on May 09, 2024, 11:52:28 AMHe had already trialed it to with the 31 and 32 in Walsall the 42, 43, 43A in West Bromwich and the 40 in West Bromwich. Only really the 31 and 32 worked and maybe the 40 but if I'm right Diamond didn't want to run in the partnership anymore. So they now operate the 42, NX the 43 the 43A was scrapped. The 40 is still NX and Diamond and the 31 and 32 is NX and Diamond but I believe NX have more journeys on the 32 than Diamond who match or slightly better NX on the 31
These were agreed partnerships, not franchises
Quote from: SO6597 on May 08, 2024, 07:44:42 PMI was flicking through the 1986 WMPTE fleet list booklet just now and there's a section on routes that had been registered by WMT in the spring for October. It was organised by garage and in the YW section it shows the following:

77 Northfield to Kings Heath
78 Cotteridge to Kings Heath

I'm assuming that the 78 became the retained and extended 27 and I know there was an old 77 that went from Kings Heath to Longbridge but can anyone shed more light on what these routes were intended to be? It also shows the 49 running from Solihull to Rubery and not Northfield, was this part of the mix too?

Also, were there any other routes/changes that were registered but didn't happen in the end (either WMT or MRW)?

I think the 77 and 78 were to replace the 27 using double deckers which would of meant rerouting away from Bournville Station, Midland Red West intended to register the 27 in some form on competition with WMT
Quote from: Tony on May 08, 2024, 08:50:18 PMDo you have figures to show that?
I bet he doesn't
Quote from: Tony on May 08, 2024, 08:17:21 AMOnly 3 garages now aren't fully staffed and lost mileage due to breakdowns or no bus is less 1% so not much more NX can do about reliability other than get more electric buses into service which seem to be doing very well at Coventry. All other reliability is down to roads and traffic, like this morning with Six Ways Aston underpass closed causing chaos for all Birchfield Road services, but to someone in Aldridge complaining the 997 is late towards Walsall, that will still be NX's fault
Yes I was stuck in that this morning, I pleaded with the bus driver on the 907 to go onto the bus lanes but he said no it's a designated route, meanwhile x51/936/997 were using bus lanes. Before I asked him 4863 was on the 51 right in front of us at Perry Barr Bragg Road and he got into City only a few mins late whereas our 907 was nearly 30 mins late.
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