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Quote from: nxwmbusfan1999 on August 31, 2015, 07:22:43 AM
In my opinion

I enjoy riding 72 when it was B7s/Omnilinks but haven't got chance to ride one with new E200MMC's

at the moment im waiting till more enter service on 71/72 at least then i have a chance of riding some in my local area
Personaly not a fan of the 72 but, the 71 has got to be my faveourite route :)
Quote from: Liberator9 on August 30, 2015, 10:18:57 PM

All four would be fairly interesting to work on:

71/72 - Both long routes and certainly would be interesting to work. Think the layovers are fairly decent at the Solihull ends. Busy routes though and can sometimes have the problem passenger onboard further, but any route can - but most of the time would be an interesting one to work. The 71 is one of my old favs really, certainly got variety on it. The MMCs of course on it, so decent ones on it.

73 - Fairly quiet at times but is a fairly interesting route - going through Small Heath can be a nightmare at times due to the traffic and narrowness of the roads. But makes it more exciting that way probably! At the minute has Plaxtons on it half the time, and Geminis the rest, so luck of the draw whether you get a decent bus on it.

966 - Certainly one I'd find tough to learn at times! Lots of turns and quite an interesting route. Geminis on it make for a good ride and get a chance to get some pace along the Airport bus road. Loadings seem to vary, but would be a nice one to be on in the mornings. By the afternoon do tend to have a few cans rolling about upstairs, but you get that on the 37 at times as well. Never had a problem on it - funny enough the route where I've had the noisiest and most annoying passengers has been on the 5 - clearly been unlucky!

Shame AG don't still run the S2/S3 really, or the old 192 - they were great chances to run the B10Ls/B6s to the max and quite interesting routes, certainly the S2 round Balsall in the middle of the countryside!
You can see a bit of countryside in Minworth  :)  on the 71 their is never realy any trouble or, problem passengers. @Liberator9
Quote from: MW on August 30, 2015, 09:47:34 PM
What do you guys think of the AG Solihull routes (71, 72, 73, 966, S1). I'm considering learning them, as I'm starting to get a little bored of my normal routes (basically everything else AG runs). The only thing putting me off is the Solihull start or finish. I've been told a lot of duties either start or end in garage, but I'll have to check (so that means catching 37 to Solihull Station).

Out of these routes, I've only ever been on the 966, which would have been around 7 years ago (would have been around 13 years old then!). It was when PB operated it I think, I'm not sure though, it was definately a Gemini anyway. The rest I've never caught. The 72 looks interesting to me.

I'm sure some, if not most of you have ridden these routes, so what are your opinions on them? Dead routes, or interesting? They all except the S1, look like a hell of a lot of turns which is interesting! I'm just looking at the NXWM website where it has the map view of the routes.
The 71 is a very nice route @MW definetley not dead interesting their are quite a lot of turns Sutton to Clock Garage/Castle Bromwhich Morrisons is probably the nicest bit of the 71.
Quote from: Liverpool Street on August 30, 2015, 08:33:50 PM
Those poor defenceless apples.
Plus at one point they were kicking the bonnet! Looked to me as though they were board and they had nothing better to do than try and smash a window in.
I was on 2152 this Evening 2152 did the 19:20 from Kingshurst on the 56 today but while it was parked in the terminus a group of teenagers  around the age of between 8 and 16 were throwing Apples at the back widow over and over again the driver eventuraly put the Alarm on and they all ran away but further down the road they again started throwing apples at the side of the bus in the end 2152 was left with deep scratches on it back window the size of a  apple on its back window. You could hear loud bangs over and over again.
National Express West Midlands / Re: Buses To Find
August 30, 2015, 02:17:58 PM
4855 and 2203 please
Quote from: MW on August 29, 2015, 08:03:56 PM
Apparently there was a Fiat Punto that pulled out just off shot. From watching that though it does look like a lack of attempt to slow down. I don't know. If that was at 1059 it's also running late.
What I read on the Birmingham Mail was due to people parking on that  road the residents want to make it a one way road so it is safer for drivers @MW
Quote from: Liberator9 on August 29, 2015, 07:59:36 PM
That looked painful - glad no one was too seriously injured. Not going to speculate as unfair on the drivers, but certainly going to be a trip to Walsall now for 1926. Been a bit traumatic for the 27 driver with that Gemini coming straight at you...
People have been injured though none are thought to be life threatening @Liberator9
Garage threads / Re: Acocks Green Garage
August 29, 2015, 07:26:20 PM
Quote from: The Real 4778 on August 29, 2015, 07:23:11 PM
News reaches me of an incident in Kings Heath involving an 11C and a saloon on an unknown service.
4520 crashed into 1926
4520 was on the 11A
1926 was on the 27
@The Real 4778
Garage threads / Re: Acocks Green Garage
August 29, 2015, 03:01:25 PM
Quote from: Winston on August 29, 2015, 02:52:07 PM
Has 2225 still not put in an appearance at AG yet?
Not seen 2229 out has it entered service yet?
Other Operators / Re: National Express Dundee
August 29, 2015, 11:45:07 AM
Quote from: tphi12000 on August 29, 2015, 11:24:45 AM
Yes I remember seeing 1787 on the 11 coming out of the villa a few years ago
Some did the 11E journey to The Fox And Goose a couple of times aswell
Other Operators / Re: National Express Dundee
August 29, 2015, 11:20:07 AM
Quote from: ChrisF7165 on August 29, 2015, 11:16:45 AM
1774 is on the 11A (Dundee one) today - don't suppose it ever appeared on the Birmingham one?
May have done between 2007-2010 some definetley did make it onto the 11A
Stagecoach / Re: Stagecoach in Warwickshire
August 28, 2015, 07:55:07 PM
There was a Dart on the Stagecoach 68 today is this usual? I think it was 35182.
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