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Messages - tank90

First / Re: First Midlands vehicle needs 2012
August 25, 2012, 07:40:20 AM
jc at somepoints during the day the 55(A/S)/56(A/S) will need larger vechcials due more people using the service granted at off peak yes smaller buses would be better but at peak times ie mornings and when the schools start to leave they can get busy quickly and then in to the evening. I would have said it was a catch 22.
First / Re: Latest Changes.
August 18, 2012, 09:16:30 PM
To my knowlegde from reading many Redditch Bourgh Council papers that 1 54 plate Trident is ment to stay at Redditch due to some of the funding that First had with them to get them. But then again I could be wrong or First have forget.
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