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Messages - Liverpool Street

Quote from: 2900 on May 22, 2016, 11:00:56 AM
The other day I received a letter in the post from west broms management on how the garage has become one the worst performing garages after being the best for a couple of years, IMO could be just coincidence but when good experienced drivers have gone in the last 12 months and you replace them with rookies what do you expect. You can't have your cake and eat it one might say.

I have heard on the grapevine that drivers who are based at Oldbury bus interchange will never get a canteen/restroom even after several assaults, thank you NATIONAL EXPRESS and our toothless Union for nothing since 2002, well this works both ways if I,m taking my first bus back to oak road then I,ll take my rta break at west brom bus station then travel to Oldbury if things are pear shaped usually results in lost mileage. Sometimes the 4s go missing etc etc,  west brom traffic have taken the piss by telling drivers to go straight to Oldbury and travelling is part of your break, I,m sorry traveling between places of work is exactly that work part of the job it's not break time.

Couldn't agree more.

They need to understand TRAVELLING to a take-over point is NOT part of your break.

Garage threads / Re: Birmingham Central Garage
May 22, 2016, 08:54:38 PM
Quote from: 2206 on May 22, 2016, 05:04:46 PM
Noticed today that the handle bars on 4609 have been repainted into Crimson. Its on the 56/70 today.

Wasn't it like that before transfer anyway? I think @Nathan mentioned the red bars previous.
Quote from: 2900 on May 13, 2016, 02:16:14 PM
74/75 soho road services garage controlled.
I read notice do not call AVL on land lines use radio only, landline was the most effective way of solving issues quickly.
Just my view, but back in the day you had experienced bus people one could say in key operational positions these people have either retired or moved on its just not the same any more,now you have muppets to put it politely.
I wonder how effective AVL is ? How much mileage was lost under garage control compared to the introduction of AVL

My understanding is AVL stands for AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATOR please feel free to correct me.
Just for laugh what could it stand for.

Adjusting Vehicles Lazily
Adjustment (not) Very Likely
Quote from: P419 EJW on May 12, 2016, 09:08:56 PM
I noticed that 4309 seems to have had the front destination bodged with black paint on either side. It looks very odd.

Beginning of new black branding. Don't worry about it.

Quote from: clayderman on May 11, 2016, 08:25:20 AM
Light hearted incident here; made me chuckle a bit..

Have to admit... Definitely got me chuckling.
Quote from: Kiewii on May 10, 2016, 07:33:39 PM
4076 finally entered proper service today...

Not sure what use the Network West Midlands sticker is to passengers though.

"There's life in the old girl yet!"

Looks really impressive.
Quote from: Will on May 08, 2016, 12:18:58 AM
Just found this on Facebook I can't imagine what he went through ::) ::)

Huh. All I ever got on the Bristol Road was year old toffees from women older than my mother.
Quote from: 2206 on May 05, 2016, 05:18:59 PM
The 98, 99 and X64 also sop on both sides of the Priory Queensway and both stops are very close together.

They still serve the bottom stop!?
Quote from: clayderman on May 05, 2016, 03:42:46 PM
@979 i'm very aware of this, although not every service with these bus stops are affected by the works at Paradise Circus, for example..

Take the 16, for example - on Moor Street it serves the same stop as the 16A, 45, 47, 98 and 99 - all of which doesn't serve Paradise. My question stands.

And the bristol road.

Actually, more to the point...
Why do services which serve the first three stops in the start of Carr's Lane also stop at Moor Street Queensway? The stops are quite literally opposite each other.

If I had my way those services wouldn't serve that stop, as it'll free up the congestion around that right hand turn after Albert Street, and also I did mention how ridiculously close the two stops are.

(Also it'll stop the scumbags from running from Carrs to MStQ if the driver refused travel and hopping on again, I've seen. And if they missed the bus anyway they should wait for the next one instead of risking life and limb and baby in pushchair to catch a frequent service. Its amazing what you see standing in town for an hour. Well, 45 minutes if I'm honest. The city centre makes me sick.)
Can I see this please? I'm not on Facebook. Someone screenshot it please
Seems a shame to rectify these oddities as it gives the fleet some character. Uniformity a boring trait
Quote from: notepanel on April 22, 2016, 08:21:01 PM
Presumably connected to this chain of tweets...

Looking at that picture I'm sure it could've fit through if they approached at the more acute angle from the offside.
It'll be tight, but I'm sure its doable.

Obviously without actually being there none of us are any the wiser.
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