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Messages - I love Walsall buses

National Express West Midlands / Re: Diversions
January 24, 2019, 06:23:37 PM
29s being diverted past the yellow flats up turning right then past ryecroft chip shop and returning to normal line of route
Garage threads / Re: Wolverhampton Garage
January 24, 2019, 04:21:09 PM
According @Tony from Facebook 2006 is branded for the 2 and 2009 nearly done 2002-2011 will get the branding applied
1881 and 1885 (34/39) both on the 29
The Archive / Re: Noteworthy Workings - January 2019
January 24, 2019, 04:17:41 PM
Quote from: Jack on January 23, 2019, 06:18:24 PM
Since when have they been branded for the 37? From what I've seen they just have 34/39 branding...
They have the 37 on the side "buy from our driver on 34/37/39 or something along the lines of that
1882 (34/37/39) on the 29
1849 (4/4H/4M) on the 29
Preparing to do the last 29 of the evening 23:15 off Walsall
Quote from: Michael Bevan on January 20, 2019, 10:11:32 PM
4862 was towed back to Walsall Garage earlier from Lower Bull Street...

A few hours later, 4868 also broke down on Lower Bull Street after having a problem with the doors...
Not a good day for the enviro 400s
Garage threads / Re: Walsall Garage
January 20, 2019, 11:02:55 PM
Quote from: Jack6101 on January 20, 2019, 09:02:57 PM
1851 now branded for the 4
Apparently all of 2125-2132 are now 31/32 branded
Other Operators / Re: Thandi
January 20, 2019, 09:54:42 PM
Quote from: Westy on January 20, 2019, 08:35:12 PM
Anyone read the Sunday Mercury today?

Looks like Evergreen Coaches(part of Thandi) are in a spot of bother!
With what
34/37/39 branded 1888 on the 4H
Rotala / Re: Diamond Bus - Unusual Workings
January 19, 2019, 04:49:53 PM
30809 on the 401E
Quote from: cris 99 on January 17, 2019, 04:48:54 PM
1900 has been back a week now i had it on the 11th on the 4h
Oh I didn't know
Quote from: Tony on January 02, 2019, 11:22:36 AM
Hartshornes :- 2015; 2020; 4493; 4496; 4635; 5505
Powertrain:- 4799; 4876
RWT, Lye:- 1852
Keltruck:- 1886
Carlyle:- 4746; 4759; 5502; 6714; 6880; 6889
PCS, Wootton bassett:- 5409

BY:- 7026
BC:- 2131; 4736
PB:- 4323; 4731; 6794
WB:- 1888
MS:- 4397; 4451
YW:- 1900
1900 has returned to Walsall it's on the 29 did the 07:38 to blakenall this morning
 31/32 branded 2130 on the 4M
1852(4/4H/4M) on the 29
1859 (4/4H/4M) on the 29
1878 (4/4H/4M) on the 29
1885 (34/37/39) on the 29
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