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Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
June 10, 2020, 12:06:07 PM
Quote from: SL 16 YPN on June 10, 2020, 11:56:01 AM
Upcoming Stratford Road review? Renumbered to E6 to denote electric service?
There's a photo of its interior branding, which does mention the 6.. I'll link it later if I get the chance to find it
Garage threads / Re: Perry Barr Garage
June 05, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
After given the go-ahead, it seems, works to 'upgrade' the Snow Hill public realm will begin from next week

As far as I'm concerned, buses are still allowed to use Colmore Row, following the completion of the works - however, as the website above does state, the right turn from Livery Street onto Colmore Row will be removed.

QuoteThe first phase will focus on improving public realm along Colmore Row and Livery Street, work will include removal of the right turn from Livery Street onto Colmore Row, meaning all traffic will turn left onto Colmore Row.

Artist impressions:

This will also see the Livery Street bus stop moved to the main pedestrian entrance for Snow Hill Station and taxi ranks on Colmore Row being moved to create a new rank at the top of Livery Street.

I don't see this as much of a problem for the 7 & 52, which uses the left turn anyway, but I've got some concerns in regards to the 101. No doubt, there will be amendments to the route; it'll be interesting (to me, at least) how drastic these changes are.

Artists' impressions
Following its announcement nearly 1½ years ago; the Rapido Trains' Fleetline still in the works! (CAD image is quite a scroll down)

Design completed & now in for tooling. Full announcement expected in the summer! Worth mentioning that the link above is almost a month old; so not too long a wait, hopefully!  ;D
Rotala / Re: Diamond Bus - Redditch Garage
May 19, 2020, 09:18:41 PM
B9TL 40625 has returned to DBNW -
(not mine)

Quote from: Tony on May 19, 2020, 09:21:19 PM
Listed on the fleet changes I posted last week
Apologies; must've missed it!  :-[
Quote from: Gareth on May 03, 2020, 02:50:31 PM
New Bus For London and New Routemaster buses had readers in the centre and at the rear as three door loading was allowed. This was in the process of being changed to front door loading only, so I'm not even sure if the readers are still fitted or not.  No other buses have readers at the centre door.
They're still fitted, albeit decommissioned, from what I saw on one of my last visits last December (when they began trials of front door boarding on the 8 )

I believe the only other buses to have card readers at the centre door are the Red Arrow BYD E200s for the 507/521
Margaret Street, Birmingham
4180 - at the end of her working life
Sherlock Street, Birmingham
1924 - September 2019
St Andrews Stadium - 15th March 2019

Don't suppose anyone could indulge me at all as to why they were there? It appeared to be a conference of some sort

Quote from: D10 on April 15, 2020, 09:12:47 PM
It was the annual NX Bus management conference.
Cheers for the reply :) much appreciated!
Photo Links / Re: Preserved Buses
March 26, 2020, 08:16:47 AM
Six months later; finally decided that I like it enough to upload 😂 :

Chapel Lane, Wythall
Wolverhampton Corporation, then and now
Garage threads / Re: West Bromwich Garage
March 14, 2020, 12:53:33 AM
2232 now fully branded for the 40 - surprised it wasn't mentioned earlier! ;)
The Archive / Re: Noteworthy Workings - March 2020
March 13, 2020, 01:00:17 PM
6818 - PB101
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
March 13, 2020, 10:06:07 AM
E007 out on training duties, just arriving into Birmingham now; E001 not far behind - at Adderley Street now

Been told of E003 which was sighted in Coventry about an hour ago
Pool Meadow Bus Station

872 - after a rare bout on the 16
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