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Messages - Liberator9

Quite like that branding actually - stands out and good chance for a tidy of some of the Eclipses. The location of the name and the application of the badge looks better than the previous white on red set up.
The Walsall Scanias I would say have far greater priority than the E200s - some of those Scanias looking quite jaded and scruffy now.

Said it before, but the refurbished buses are looking excellent. Far cry from those repaints back in 2010. 
Garage threads / Re: Birmingham Central Garage
July 23, 2016, 10:57:08 PM
Optares when they're working tend to be pretty good - known a few who driven on the Signatures who've commented that the Optares are good when they're working properly - i.e can actually get up any slight incline or alarm bells not going off constantly.... MFX is the best Solo SR as it had new turbos fitted; the worst having to be MFY with its' cooling fan.

The Streetlites are nothing special, just a old MK1 E200 copy. The E200MMCs are a step above the Streetlites personally and the new Optare Tempos as well. Wright's doubledeck offering is certainly superior over the single deck at the moment.
I have to say I actually like the NX standard design, despite having been around for quite a few years now. Give good lower back support and also comfortable with the padding.

My only minor complaint with the Crimson refurbs are the fact the handrails should be resprayed into the Crimson colour. Old TWM refurbs did this (B10Ls for example) so don't understand why this can't be done now.
4513 (11 branded) was on the 5 this afternoon.
Well haven't done one for ages, and as this was my first Crimson Scania, worth noting. 1898 - very smart in its new livery; far cry from what it was before. Interior all cleaned and seating very well done up. Rode well and also seemed far smoother than my last ride on it last September in pre refurb state. Keep up the good work NX - fleet is looking the best I've seen it with the new buses/livery.
Rotala / Re: Diamond 'Signature' Services
June 15, 2016, 10:58:21 PM
Cheers @Matt.N0056

Just lucky in seeing it at the right time then!
Rotala / Re: Diamond 'Signature' Services
June 15, 2016, 07:51:24 PM
Citaro out on the S2/4 this afternoon.
Dudley Road is sounding out of control - glad you were ok and managed to get the bus safely stopped - not a nice situation.   :(
Midland Metro / Re: NXWN Crimson / Platinum w
May 29, 2016, 11:03:35 AM
Let's hope Rotala do not get the contract, I dread to think what will happen...
Quote from: notepanel on May 18, 2016, 08:43:29 PM
Going off-topic, but for a change the Mail can't really be blamed for the photo - it is taken from National Express Groups image library for the Media.

Ahh right - I apologise in that case!

Useful link JoNi - so it is only a possibility then. However I see standards of branding - so companies may just have to bear a logo for the Mayor or be to a certain specification...
I would dare say that operators would keep operating in their livery - I don't think NX would be keen to start repainting and refurbishing the fleet, again. Operators would retain their assets, including the buses. Looking at that bill, we already have the partnership which formed a few months ago (with only Diamond staying out) and we also have the open data - the fares, routes, timetables etc are all on Network West Midlands. We have the Swift card now which is growing in use. Really do we need any more intregration. I think the main focus now needs to be on the infrastructure, to help aid reliability - the latter one of the main things that passengers want and will notice!

I hope the Birmingham Mail is just putting out one of its inaccurate and exaggerated articles! Can the Mail not find a more recent picture... I'm sure it may just be a continuation of the current partnership, with further investment in new vehicles and perhaps better collobration rather than anything too drastic.
Oh wonderful - about to stick their oar in. If it's anything like Centro's organisation and foresight then it'll soon be reverted. Also would it not be typical that we finally get a decent NX livery and we lose it in favour of some bland thing...although I'm sure NX would protest about that I hope.

Living on a route which is supposedly contracted from Centro it doesn't make a bit of difference - in fact it's been far far worse since it passed out of NX hands.
Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
May 11, 2016, 05:48:13 PM
Quote from: Tony on May 11, 2016, 03:09:01 PM
1926 now back at YW fully repaired

Excellent to hear - good work by those involved.
Quote from: Dom on April 20, 2016, 08:57:40 PM
And people wonder why drivers numbers are dropping so quickly.

Yeah exactly - looking through some of the comments you can see a few current or ex drivers commenting to the same extent, also reflecting on the lack of management support. From a third party viewpoint I've seen and heard several drivers echoeing the latter now; it would be nice to see that rectified as clearly an issue for some. The abuse some drivers get is appalling at times. A row of incidents like that and it'd do your head in really. And people start asking why all the drivers aren't always friendly, smiling etc. It's because they have to put up with morons like this at times. Could explain the reasoning why when I go to other areas the drivers seem far happier and more inclined to speak, because the usual clientele are so much more respectful.

One idea would be what TfL do now with the Underground; having emergency response units who can be called out to deal with incidents such as this. May give drivers more reassurance that there is help actually on the way, and may act as a deterrent, and catch those responsible for this.

I've been on a couple of times when the bandit alarm has been activated - does usually work in getting them off. However fortunately I've not had an incident this bad. The alarm is a useful device, and it is a good alternative to the horn when you flick it on and off briefly. Quite amusing when a couple of drivers use it on the 6 to greet each other!

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