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Messages - IMarkeh

Other Operators / Re: select bus
September 26, 2023, 02:22:55 AM
Answer to both is 25. If it was any company which was half reputable or cared about it's perception to passengers, the bus wouldn't have ever gone out again until it was fixed.

Quote from: Jamie A on September 25, 2023, 10:20:29 PMDo you have dates and times when the service has missed out parts of the route to catch time up and contacted the company so this can be investigated by the company? 

The only time I can think of a service running an hour late was Friday, this was due to Stafford being almost at a standstill, this was caused by all the roadworks in Stafford and problems on the M6 but again, if you email the company with dates and times, this can be looked into 
Quoting what a driver was bragging about with passengers. Not my personal experience. 

It's very interesting to also note that the driver didn't want to take people to Goal Square on the 875 either. I jumped off a few stops earlier because it worked out quicker but they announced it was terminating at Shrewsbury Hotel. Checking tracking, this shows as correct and then sat there for a short time before running onto a 9. from my observations and from overhearing drivers, it's clear to see that drivers are just left to do what they want and something is only done when a complaint comes in (though I doubt emails even get read)
Other Operators / Re: select bus
September 25, 2023, 03:28:11 PM
Bus 28 seems to like aggressively jerking when idling too which is just lovely. Anyone looking at the bus must think passengers are all loopy.

Lack of information on the 67 timetable as well. Traveling says all trips serve the prison. Selects website timetable doesn't say anything about the prison. Tracking suggests drivers only serve when they feel like it. What a way to run a tendered bus service.

On the 875 and seats are threadbare and even tape on the seats where clearly it had all seen better days. Drivers bragging about missing bits of the route out to make up time and the seemingly lack of ops person so buses running 1hr plus late just carry on or drivers do their own thing to sort it out. On the trip I went on, we went through 4 timing points more than 1 minute early, maximum of 4 minutes early.

If I was Mr Peddle, I'd be damn ashamed to say I have shares in this business. Sadly the only reason this form is growing because of tenders and being begged to expand into new areas. It's certainly not their quality that is keeping them going. It's no wonder Staffordshire struggles to get people on buses with these lot and Chaserider.
Other Operators / Re: select bus
September 25, 2023, 02:10:52 PM
Very interesting that Select are refusing to take card on the 67. Driver claims that it's been turned off. Funny how even Lets Go and Banga Bus can somehow provide basic facilities like contactless but Select can't.
Other Operators / Re: Chaserider
September 19, 2023, 08:37:05 PM
29th October the 19 starts in Walsall

Rotala / Re: Rotala Management - Questions & Answers
September 14, 2023, 02:45:54 AM
Quote from: Simon Dunn on September 13, 2023, 09:07:37 AMI note your comments and agree accurate data is important.  We have ongoing issues and engagement with Ticketer/ BODS,.  Most these problems require developer engagement which we are working with.
Given the specific problems that are being experienced are pretty exclusive to Diamond Midlands and South East and given the issues only seem to exist on some routes, it seems strange that the issues need more engagement from developers.

I hope that the issues get resolved quickly as these data issues have gone on for far too long and I know that I, as well as many others, can't plan journeys as the data is too much of a mess and Bushubs website platform is absolutely awful.
Rotala / Re: Rotala Management - Questions & Answers
September 12, 2023, 01:35:55 PM
Dear Simon,
I ask when is the Rotala group going to take bus open data seriously? Numerous failings have been highlighted in this thread and yet for some unbeknown reason, they are rarely fixed and more and more issues keep coming up. As a group, you must surely see the benefits of giving passengers the correct information so that they can make their journeys. More passengers means more revenue and higher profits, is that not your goal? Given the potential punishment for not complying with bus open data and giving correct information can lead to action taken against your operators licence, it seems that even the risk of losing ops discs is not enough for you to properly comply.
Other Operators / Re: The Green Bus
September 04, 2023, 08:42:46 PM
Quote from: igogeneral on September 02, 2023, 09:53:39 PMIf Green Bus could not make them pay how will Ridley's and Diamond ?
Green Bus stated their routes were unviable due to the insurance premiums going up. Everyones insurance will cost different so even if everyone had the exact same costs for drivers wage, general operations etc, the insurance cost could be what sways things.

What I don't understand though is why aren't the schools and councils trying to put more kids onto the local bus network. Would save everyone significant sums of money.
Other Operators / Re: select bus
August 21, 2023, 09:09:09 PM
Quote from: Dennis Dart Plaxton Pointer on August 21, 2023, 06:38:41 PMThey've got a new depot opening in Telford so dead millage won't be that high
Oh really? Interesting. Just for Select or will it be shared with Chaserider for their Telford tenders?

Even so, the point still remains, Select has a lot of dead mileage and could significantly improve the overall network (bearing in mind the combined ticketing with Chaserider) which then increases bus patronage in the area benefitting everyone.
Other Operators / Re: select bus
August 21, 2023, 06:22:46 PM
Select are also gaining the 297 (Bridgnorth - Kidderminster) and 436 (Bridgnorth - Shrewsbury) which is 4 buses worth of work. As well as the 406 which is another bus worth of work.

Shame Select don't try to capitalise on dead mileage by doing dead mileage runs.
Rotala / Re: Rotala Management - Questions & Answers
August 09, 2023, 08:23:38 PM
Hi Simon, 
Please can you speak to Traveline NOC team to update the NOC Database for Midland Classic. Your NOC code MDCL is still showing contact details for Midland Classic (including website and twitter etc).
Other Operators / Re: Chaserider
July 17, 2023, 12:03:18 PM
Quote from: Craigkibbs on July 16, 2023, 07:32:13 PMI saw the details on vosa.

Details all show variation to timetables. No route changes.

Data on this part of bustimes comes from Traffic Commissioners' local bus service registration data
@Winson you had already done May in post #144
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 13, 2023, 06:50:39 AMI believe this is working.  If it isn't please come back to me
Data coming through that link is the timetables that are being inputted into the Ticketer portal. Given these issues seem to only ever effect Diamond WM and Midland Classic, it is reasonable to assume that this is a DiamondWM/Midland Classic issue with information that the team are putting into Ticketer.

If you log into the Midland Classic ticketer portal, you should see many of the issues that I have highlighted earlier. Including but not limited to the entries for the V3 simply being a carbon copy of the Burton route 2 but with the route number changed.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on May 06, 2023, 06:43:12 AMThese issues were fixed. 

If you check now the issues are resolved.  I am told an import for the bank holiday at the time failed which resulted in all the information falling out.

Most of the errors in post #3097 are not resolved in the dataset that Ticketer is sending out here: last updated 5th May 2023.
Quote from: Simon Dunn on April 30, 2023, 06:11:20 AMI have contacted our team who deal with this.  They will update ASAP
God help us if it's the same team who were meant to be dealing with the Midland Classic issues in post #3097 as that was reported in October and the majority of those issues still exist.
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