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Messages - PinkBus


Looks nasty, but fortunately no one seriously injured. But of a shock for the owners of the house though!
Quote from: StourValley98 on December 24, 2018, 11:58:26 AM
I didn't see nothing when I passed through not long ago, must've been moved quite quickly.

I would imagine it was moved fairly quickly as it was at the bus stop right by the traffic lights and was causing the traffic to build up.

It definitely was broken down though, the blinds were blank, hazards on and the driver was on the phone, ironically I had just got off it to go to the chemist by my doctors and it seemed fine from the Cape to there.
A 47XX crimson Trident broken down on Smethwick High Street on the 87 heading towards Dudley, right on the traffic lights opposite the jobcentre. Happened about a hour ago.
Single Decker WB89 showing Smethwick Blue Gates 89E at around 18.30 last night. I saw it as I was coming back from West Brom.
Have to agree with most of the comments here, it was dreadful the first couple of days and I couldn't get it to work, but since Saturday it has seemed to be working ok and I must admit I quite like the tracking feature, even if sometimes it is slightly out.

It should have been tested more before it was rolled out to Google Play to be downloaded, but the major hugs seem (mostly) to be sorted out and it can only improve.
Just saw a tweet on Twitter about a new NXWM app that has replaced the existing one from today.

I've downloaded it and it doesn't appear to be working correctly yet, I don't really understand why the app needed updating, I found that it worked very well for me when I was out and about.

I'm looking at the new app now and it isn't showing the stops right by where I live, yet the old app shows them immediately and also the time of the next bus.
The bus stops for the WB89 and Diamond 21 in The Uplands and Hales Lane in Smethwick really, really need changing. The ones heading to West Brom in The Uplands and outside the flats in Hales Lane have gone completely white, there are no numbers on them at all.
Garage threads / Re: West Bromwich Garage
August 17, 2018, 11:07:26 PM
Quote from: Tony on August 14, 2018, 03:02:46 PM
814 is now in the full WMB livery

I know a lot will disagree with me, but I really like that, nice and plain. Will all NXWM buses eventually be this colour?
Quote from: Justin Tyme on August 08, 2018, 09:59:18 PM
The 120 has been the 120 since 1928, although in those days the Oldbury - Dudley section was basically via the current 87 route.  Rounds Green was served from 1929, and Oakham from 1953.

The 140 has been the 140 also since 1928.  It ran Birmingham - Dudley - Gornal Wood until 1939.  The Gornal Wood section then became the D40 and lasted with that number into WMPTE days.

I haven't got details of the 128/129 to hand, but I think they originally started in the Warley revisions of 1980.

The 128/9 began September 1980 replacing the 229/233 routes that ran previously.

I know this because they were my buses to school from Bearwood,  I lived round the corner from the route and they changed to the 128/9 as I began my 4th year at secondary school. The 220/1 became the 448 and 450 at the same time.
Quote from: Sh4318 on August 06, 2018, 03:21:15 PM

It could, and in my opinion, should be put to better use, the Abbey Road doesn't need 8 buses an hour, roads like Norman Road, Thimblemill Road and Alexander Road are roads that the 50A/C served, that the 48A doesn't

Now that I agree with, in fact put single deckers on the 48A, have it turn left at the island at the top of Manor Road, then have it follow the old (and much missed imo) 444 route, Hales Lane, Thimblemill Road, William Road, Harold Road, The Oval and Broadmoor Avenue, giving people like me a link to Bearwood that is more regular than Diamond's 21. It also gives us another link to West Brom other than the 89 and gives people in Warley more links to Bearwood and West Brom, both being popular shopping areas locally. Also it means people in these areas could connect with other buses for Birmingham and Merry Hill.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on August 05, 2018, 08:01:00 PM
I still have no clue what the difference between the 48 and 48A

The 48 is the full route to Northfield, the 48A follows the 48 to Hurst Road Community Centre, then turns right up Salop Road, left at the top of the road onto the 128 route, then follows that route into Bearwood, turning right onto Bearwood Road at the Bear Tavern and carrying on to the bus station. Would've been a good route for me when I lived in Bearwood to get to school and college.
Quote from: Sh4318 on August 05, 2018, 10:45:58 AM
Are we really suggesting we can't adjust to a number change?

You obviously can, I can but there will be a lot of people who can't for various reasons. There's a good saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", which I think applies to these services.
Quote from: Sh4318 on August 05, 2018, 02:21:14 AM
Perhaps I should have used the 10, 10A and 10B numbered routes - that have been around for a couple of years - as an example, or perhaps the 16, 16A and 16W... or 448, 448A and 448B that once ran. Funnily enough, I'm yet to hear of any complaints regarding these variants

I just don't see why people would struggle to get used to '13A' rather than 127. Are we assuming people are stupid and will get confused by this? Just seems like complaining for the sake of complaining to me

It might seem like complaining for complaining sake to you, but I've known the 120 by that number all the time I have been catching buses, the 128/9 have been those numbers for nearly 40 years, you get used to them. Now, we have to learn a completely different set of numbers for local bus routes, at least when the 448 changed, it changed to the 48, these changes are going to be confusing for a long time I think.

I wish myself they had just left the numbers alone, nothing wrong with them and there was the opportunity for NXWM to use other numbers for new or changed routes, not the currently fashionable A or B.
Quote from: Kevin on May 04, 2018, 07:58:46 AM
Only just noticed this, but what Dom said in response
I've experienced that once before with the last 51 from town - 01:02
Many people waiting abandoned and went for a taxi but I knew it was still going to turn up. Eventually came well gone half 1 and with only 5 people on board in the end made for a gloriously fast ride home

Just noticed your reply and thank you for a fuller explanation. I've always been lucky with last buses when I used to catch them, but did wonder what would happen.
Silly question I know and please don't jump on me for asking, but I take it the 87 will run it's current route alongside the X bus? Glad the 89 is being left alone, selfishly it's nice to have a bus that stops right outside where I live to take me to Birmingham or West Bromwich. Also I'm guessing the new X bus will stop at the new hospital if it ever gets built!

Interesting changes, like others have said, sad to see the 120, 121, 126, 127, 128 and 129 numbers go, especially the 120, 128 and 129 which were the buses I caught the most when I lived in Bearwood in the '80's.

Does anyone know when these new services are likely to start?
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