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Messages - Steveminor

We have requested a stop be positioned directly in front of the station where the layby is
Quote from: Stu on July 25, 2021, 03:06:54 PM
Yes, that's what I believe to be true, I'm just curious about where some of these 'rumours' are originating.
When drivers are bored they start rumours lol
@Stu the x1 is not down for a route change so its just a school return timetable chane
Other Operators / Re: Claribels
July 25, 2021, 06:10:47 AM
I've explained the 36 changes in the other thread..
Quote from: metrocity on July 23, 2021, 07:31:08 PM
The 41 is serving Formans Road instead
I believe the 41 & 36 will mirror each other from acocks green to reddings lane giving that section an enhanced service between both operators. The 41 will then serve foremans rd &Stratford rd whilst the 36 will serve battery way & golden hillock rd. Through these changes both Nx & Claribels will be providing enhanced connectivity  to the area with the 36 adding the multi modal aspect with its connection to west Midlands trains at small heath station.
Changes now registered for 29th August.
Service 36 no longer serving Foremans rd & Stratford rd now serving battery way & extended to small heath station via golden hillock rd.

Service 604.
Warren farm is withdrawn with buses starting from Kingstanding circke.
Halton rd & braemar rd are removed with buses now serving Melrose Avenue and Monmouth drive.
Buses extended from mere green to Hillhook Bishops way via the lichfield rd.

Some exciting new links for these longstanding services
Photo on their website shows an old Zara decker in the background
Other Operators / Re: Claribels
July 19, 2021, 02:00:02 PM
You'll just have to wait
Other Operators / Re: Claribels
July 18, 2021, 10:59:06 PM
I am working on some changes at present.
Other Operators / Re: Claribels
July 17, 2021, 10:52:43 AM
There were very few passengers to mole street even back when serverse travel operated the 36 back in the 90s
Quote from: Jack D on July 16, 2021, 09:48:34 PM
@Steveminor whats the variation?
That's for @Tony to reveal if he wishes.
Some very interesting changes coming up. From Claribels too as I put the finishing touches to some of my own route changes. (Dont ask no clues given)
Bus operators have decided to lower fares its upto other modes to decide what they do with their fares
I believe the variation is for the opposite end of the route not the solihull side
It's a shame that an object used to keep people healthy & stop.the spread of germs has become a political point scoring tool
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