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Messages - windy miller

The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
February 09, 2021, 02:54:32 AM
 My Mrs had known Mr Ali for many years and often bought groceries from
  his (Asian) corner shop. News of his recent death came as a surprise.
  apparently on his arrival at heavens gate he was told by the gate keeper
  that heaven is reserved for Christians only...Mr Ali replied.."I gave £2000
  to christian aid week on Monday!!...Peter set off to check with the 'boss'.
  he returned a short time later with good news..." Boss said 'give him
   his 2 grand back and tell him to fuck off.... >:( >:(
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
January 15, 2021, 02:00:27 AM
  ...   " I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.

                              Winston Churchill   1940

                " When things go right, (or so they say)
                  Life is just a song.....
                  But a mans worth while
                  if he can smile
                  When everything's gone f'n wrong......
                                  Adolf Hitler  1945

The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
January 10, 2021, 02:45:47 AM
When an elderly beggar knocked on my door last year we didn't hear him.
  undaunted he tried his luck at our back door instead.....
  'got any cake?..said this scruffy bastard.. " Cake?..I said.. "Who are you?
   " I'm an old war veteran on hard times..he replied.
     mmm ..An old soldier Eh?... Were you at the Front???  I asked
   "Yes! he said.  .but I couldn't get an answer.... >:( >:( >:(
   Many thanks I know where to keep an eye out for them
Thanks Tony   Associated coach services operated by NX drivers presumably?
   anywhere within 45 miles?
 Thanks T/b  Can I assume that the vehicles are/will remain allocated
  to BC  but (presumably) modified for wheelchair and/or alternative access
    as/when required?   768 is the only BC vehicle I have not seen in service

  I see the staff bus pair 766 and 768  appear to have  been reallocated?
  to N E A T? can someone remind me what the acronym N E A T stands for?
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
January 02, 2021, 11:37:11 PM
 When the 'Scotsman' pulled out of Paddington back in 2019.........
Paddington rolled on his side and enjoyed a post coital Marmalade Sandwich...
........ :o :o
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
December 25, 2020, 02:10:38 AM
   The last time I saw my GP he told me I had a bad case of Alice.
   Alice?..." Whats that?..I asked..   The Doc said he was not sure but
    Christopher Robin went down with it ...
   .. I need to buy more expensive crackers..  :).    Merry Christmas
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
December 16, 2020, 06:57:21 PM
 As a fit guy in my early thirties I found short term employment as an
  usher at Leeds crown court. It never ceased to amaze me the eclectic mix
  of low life in the dock. On one occasion, after his 'summing up' the judge
  asked the defendant.."do you have anything to say before I pass sentence?
   in reply the guy said' "F*ck all!".Unfortunately with his hearing impaired
   the judge turned to the clerk of the court.." What did he say?..he asked.
   " He said Fuck All your honour... mm..strange! said the judge.." I could
    have sworn he said something"...... :)
Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
December 03, 2020, 02:20:39 AM
  Q. has Pens allocation for 729 and 730 actually been out in revenue
     earning  service yet? ???
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
December 01, 2020, 02:14:07 PM
 When Wayne Rooney sat on his favourite horse at Aintree last year, the
  horse was unexpectedly 'spooked' and set off at speed. Unable to control
  the horse he was unseated and fell off.With one leg caught in the saddle
and the other leg on the floor,He desperately  hung on for his life.
  Fortunately After a few minutes Colleen had finished her shopping
   and was able to turn it off........ :) :) :)
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
December 01, 2020, 02:02:54 PM
..When I ran my Mrs to the clinic for a D&C I spoke to her Gynaecologist
   afterwards." Did you see anything unusual"? I asked...'well', He said...
"Lord Lucan riding Shergar was unexpected but apart from that  she was fine" :o
The Muster Room / Re: Avin a larf
December 01, 2020, 12:03:42 PM
 My Mrs may not have had the biggest minge in the world when we first
   met but she certainly has now! ;)..When she realised she had no money
   to cover her taxi fare, she dropped her drawers, opened her legs and said..
    "can I pay with this?
   ..The taxi bloke replied. ' yes...But do you have anything smaller???
 I had noticed these icons were missing. it may be best to remove them
  permanently as they may only encourage trolling (tit for tat) and we
   can do without any of that thanks
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