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Messages - HAJ1073

Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
February 07, 2015, 08:52:46 PM
Allocation just seems to be random at Pensnett. Branded 222s end up on every other service while mercs are squeezing through nanny goat farm, branded x96 also crop up here there and everywhere, it will be interesting to see how long the new enviros stay on the 9 service, I dare say you will find one picking its way round the 222 or 53 routes before long!! May be a good idea just to de brand their busses so they are less out of place or indeed confusing to the people who abuse, I'm sorry use the busses!!
Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
January 23, 2015, 09:55:11 AM
Somewhat of a backward move to take 400s off pensnett,ageing ones at that, to replace them with presidents if that is correct!! Mercs are slowly but surely going just to be replaced by vehicles of similar age and condition, not good for the company image and the passengers of the pensnett service catchment area!! Be tooling like banga travel or g r s before long!! At least it guarantees Mansfield some work!! :-o
Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
December 17, 2014, 11:06:52 AM
Up to now, bus allocations have been very poor with branded vehicles being put off their supposed route and inappropriate busses slapped on any old route and the amount of vehicles breaking down is just shocking!! Perhaps with the wind of change blowing round pensnett garage we may see some changes for the better!! May not be wise to hold ones breath but perhaps give the benefit of the doubt and wait and see  :o
Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
November 30, 2014, 10:59:29 PM
I'm sure your right, I was only saying it in jest to be fair but as for reliabiliy, that's no joke speaking from experience!!
Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
November 30, 2014, 10:20:07 PM
Reliability issues with the vehicles go a long way to make the services unreliable.Taking the 53 and 289 improvements have been made to the route to help with reliability of the service along with them now being on their own running board but if the busses keep failing which they do on a regular basis mainly down to the age of them then these efforts are in vain. I bet some of the vehicles in that top yard at Pensnett that have been withdrawn are in better shape than some of the crates they currently have to service!!

Garage threads / Re: Pensnett Garage
November 30, 2014, 05:17:01 PM
It would be nice to see pensnett get some half decent vehicles to their fleet. The fact they have to keep borrowing b6s from Wolverhampton  and the state of some of the mercs must be an embarrassment to the company especially as they are talking about the platinum routes and the improved vehicles!!
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