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Messages - Ronnoc

National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
April 24, 2024, 07:51:15 PM
Thanks for the reply. I've been seeing that the Electroliner is making waves across the UK, especially London. I really do hope that NX order big for this bus, it also seems to be good from a passenger perspective.
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
April 24, 2024, 07:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tony on April 24, 2024, 07:13:40 PMThe next order, which is likely to start delivery later this year, that I cannot give details of yet, but it will not be BYD
Have you had the chance of driving another electric bus asides from the BYD ones and the electroliner? If so, what is your favourite electric bus so far?
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
April 24, 2024, 04:47:05 PM
That's good to hear. The interior on the BYDs are very awkward, 39 seats upstairs for a 10.8m bus is a bit lack luster too.
Quote from: Stu on April 16, 2024, 07:43:51 PMI did a 'lap' of the 8C one Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago now - yes, I was bored and wanted something different to do!

In my opinion, under 'normal circumstances', the route copes quite well with single decks at its current frequency levels (every 12-15mins).

The problems with overcrowding come when the buses get delayed and start running late, but then the same can be said for any other bus service that uses single decks.

In the rush hours it gets very busy, especially because it goes past so many schools and is a convenient link to many bus routes. It gets into traffic in basically almost every suburb that it passes through, so it ends up regularly getting late and often bunches together.
Current signage is 14' 3 with a red circle, meaning E400 MMCs and BYD E400 Cities (and the new E400EV model) can fit under there. The sign used to be triangle not long ago, back then you'd have 14' 5/6 buses going under regularly. I'm sure some 11A/C deadrun buses still go through it sometimes.
In the view of NX, do the current passenger loads warrant a need to upgrade this route to double decks? From what I've seen as a passenger, it sure as hell does. This is all up to the fleet situation at NX ofc, but just wondering.
Quote from: spacecowboy150 on April 12, 2024, 05:52:32 PMTarget the cars not the buses, theyre the ones doing the most damage to the environment and releasing the most fumes
There's nothing wrong with electrifying buses, the amount of emissions produced by an 8.3L ALX400 engine being used over 20 years must be very high. However, the best way to target cars is human-centric urban planning and excellent public transport infrastructure. Although this concept will be demonised by the same conspiracy theorists that fabricate lies about electric buses exploding every other day.
Quote from: markcf83 on April 12, 2024, 02:35:00 PMDon't get me started on this fake news. There is no climate crisis in the UK.
Believe what you want to believe, but it's not just the climate crisis as to why companies are pushing for zero emission. People would much rather not be inhaling the fumes of combustion engines, so it's good if these emissions can be cut as much as possible.
National Express Coventry / Re: Coventry Garage
March 16, 2024, 08:02:43 PM
Does damage to the chassis make a bus an instant write-off, or does it vary depending on the amount of damage to the chassis? 
Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
March 08, 2024, 02:26:11 PM
Thanks for the clarification. The reason why I was wondering was because I walked towards the Billesley Common bus stop only to find the road closure had disappeared alongside a 17XX Omnilink passing by on the 2 to Maypole on normal route. I got some extra steps in at the very least.
Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
March 08, 2024, 12:29:50 PM
1921 on the 2 to Birmingham deviated from its main route, turning right to Chinn Brook Road before turning left on to Trittiford Road before returning to YW road. Is there a reason why it did that?
National Express West Midlands / Re: Electric Buses
March 03, 2024, 02:51:46 PM

I am certain all operators have actioned the tasks in the alert by now hopefully. I do recall a DVSA alert relating to emission traps retrofitted on older vehicles. Either way, the Daily Fail are at it again with their fearmongering clickbait titles.
Garage threads / Re: Yardley Wood Garage
February 26, 2024, 01:46:55 PM
Saw 4567 in town about 20 mins ago with some NX staff inside, wonder what it was doing.
Thanks for the clarification. I'm guessing that 'E' working was to space the services out a little. Those traffic lights outside of University station are causing a bit of a stir for the X21/X22. But when is the X21/X22 not in a stir?
It is going to be 196s, unless they want to put 172s on it then there is no other alternative. There are plans to electrify the line to Shrewsbury from Wolves and upgrade the speed limit to 90mph from 75mph, but knowing the ambitiousness of this country, it will likely be shelved.
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