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Main Site PCV Photography Comments / NXWM 1593
March 23, 2015, 01:49:49 AM
V nice recent shot of 1593 on the 244 at Dudley and looks to be in very good external condition - it looks quite modern for a 17 yr old bus - compared to the latest photo of 1594 in Coventry which looks very tatty round the edges.
This may seem a daft question but I was curious why a few entries are in beige (eg 4142). Anyone care to advise/comment
I went past the NXWM Kings Ferry garage on the train a couple of days ago and noticed what looked like an Alexander Ultra bodied single deck in Kings Ferry livery in the middle of the yard partially surrounded by coaches, anyone know if one of the 1501-1514 batch has been transferred there, and if so, why?

The Archive / Transferred Double Deckers
August 06, 2012, 08:03:31 PM
Anyone seen any of these (eg 4146, 4636 etc) - there are 15 listed in the August fleet update transferring to CV.
National Express West Midlands / Optare Excel
April 17, 2012, 01:00:06 AM
Love em or hate em (and I know some of you do  ;D ) I think these are the best looking single deckers in the NXWM fleet - however a question for those of you in Wolverhampton, are there many left in all day service or are they just used at peaks now? Or confined to one or two routes?

According to Tony's listings from NXWM there are only around 20 left out of a peak of around 55.
The Archive / 4801 - in need of a repaint?
April 14, 2012, 08:59:28 PM
You've just posted a photo of Pensnett's 4801 - the red is faded awfully, what on earth have they been using to clean the buses at Pensnett  :o  it does look slightly worse because it's got a new corner panel which is much darker, but it even so it does look dreadful, in contrast to the pics of the old liveried double deckers you've just posted.
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