4164 is another bus where advert removal has taken the paint with it.
It is currently at Trailways having a quick body tidy up before a repaint in red/white
4641 is now done
Removal of the advert from 4631 has taken most of the paint with it, so this will be the first of that batch in Crimson, already in Walsall being done
Quote from: Tony on January 10, 2016, 04:33:44 PM
Removal of the advert from 4631 has taken most of the paint with it, so this will be the first of that batch in Crimson, already in Walsall being done
I know in previous cases where a bus needs repainting due to advert removal the ad agency would pay the bill. What happens in a case like this where the bus would have been due for repaint and refurb anyway, but is now being done earlier than expected?
will anything at WA be crimsoned anytime soon?
@Tony which gemmini is now in crimson, ive just seen it parked on the road @Walsall where the buses go into the yard... i would of got a pic but didnt wana tresspass
Quote from: Busman Jamie on January 11, 2016, 10:04:47 AM
@Tony which gemmini is now in crimson, ive just seen it parked on the road @Walsall where the buses go into the yard... i would of got a pic but didnt wana tresspass
So you're happy to ask for information on here, but this quote from you elsewhere seems to indicate you don't like what I post?
"Just go on his forum, say no more!"
@Tony Could you shed any light on what's happening with the XD repaints? the word is they were suspended just before xmas because our 2 tone green was too dark at night.
While I'm here, curiosity has gotten the better of me, given how badly the red paint faded on the old NX livery, has a new formula of paint been found that will prevent this happening to the new livery on WM buses or should we look forward to seeing faded 2 tone pink in a few years? :)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on January 11, 2016, 03:10:36 PM
While I'm here, curiosity has gotten the better of me, given how badly the red paint faded on the old NX livery, has a new formula of paint been found that will prevent this happening to the new livery on WM buses or should we look forward to seeing faded 2 tone pink in a few years? :)
The red hasn't faded for a couple of years
Just seen repainted 4468 on bc97 looking immaculate. Couldn't help laughing to myself when a liitle kid about 5 shouted "Look mom, a harley bus!" as it came into view. Spotted in chelmsley wood heading for the city by the way.
First three repaints of 2016 are 4468; 4641 & 7032
Currently in paint are
AG- 4532, 4648, 4528, 4642
BC 4449, 4464, 4631,4164
PB 7030, 7033, 4818, 4825, 4819
WB 1946, 1948, 1950
WA 4105
4105 & 4164 are 'quicky repaints' in red & white due to poor condition of existing paint
That explains why ive not seen 4105 then
Quote from: Tony on January 12, 2016, 02:02:27 PM
First three repaints of 2016 are 4468; 4641 & 7032
Currently in paint are
AG- 4532, 4648, 4528, 4642
BC 4449, 4464, 4631,4164
PB 7030, 7033, 4818, 4825, 4819
WB 1946, 1948, 1950
WA 4105
4105 & 4164 are 'quicky repaints' in red & white due to poor condition of existing paint
4105, 4164 must be in good condition mecanically and chassis wise to warrant a repaint
Quote from: WMT3000 on January 12, 2016, 08:21:19 AM
Just seen repainted 4468 on bc97 looking immaculate. Couldn't help laughing to myself when a liitle kid about 5 shouted "Look mom, a harley bus!" as it came into view. Spotted in chelmsley wood heading for the city by the way.
I don't get it.
Quote from: The Real 4778 on January 13, 2016, 01:55:19 PM
Glad it's not just me!
It must be on a need to understand basis & we don't need to understand what this is all about lol. I am also glad I am not the only one who looked at that & thought what the ????
@Liverpool Street @The Real 4778
Quote from: The Real 4778 on January 13, 2016, 01:55:19 PM
Glad it's not just me!
Harley as in Harley Davidson. One of the world's premier vehicle manufacturers.
Quote from: Squiz1971 on January 13, 2016, 02:21:55 PM
It must be on a need to understand basis & we don't need to understand what this is all about lol. I am also glad I am not the only one who looked at that & thought what the ????
@Liverpool Street @The Real 4778
Enough with the p*sstaking.
Quote from: WMT3000 on January 13, 2016, 02:34:14 PM
Enough with the p*sstaking.
I'm not sure anyone is.
I didn't understand the significance of the remark the child made either
Quote from: WMT3000 on January 13, 2016, 02:34:14 PM
Enough with the p*sstaking.
I wasn't taking the mick as I didn't understand what the remark was about but now
@WMT3000 you have explained I understand what it meant now. No offence was meant with what I put so I apologise if I did
How come the exhaust has been sprayed over on 4641, it looks tacky and lets the pristine paintwork down
Quote from: Squiz1971 on January 13, 2016, 03:38:10 PM
I wasn't taking the mick as I didn't understand what the remark was about but now @WMT3000 you have explained I understand what it meant now. No offence was meant with what I put so I apologise if I did
No problem squiz. I was probably being a bit highly strung with the p*sstaking comment. No offence taken.
Here is 4105 after its quicky repaint.
Quote from: Tony on January 13, 2016, 06:09:16 PM
Here is 4105 after its quicky repaint.
@Tony have its seats been refurbed
4105 looking very tidy indeed , scrubbed up well
Anybody want a job at Walsall Paintshop?
4105 looks smart, be nice to see 1 in crimson lol
Quote from: Busman Jamie on January 13, 2016, 08:19:00 PM
4105 looks smart, be nice to see 1 in crimson lol
tbh not sure if there DDA so if not you wont see one if they are you may have a chance
Quote from: RS on January 13, 2016, 08:22:08 PM
tbh not sure if there DDA so if not you wont see one if they are you may have a chance
Very very doubtful whether they would consider repainting any, am sure Tony said that buses from 4425 upwards were to be done.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on January 13, 2016, 08:23:54 PM
Very very doubtful whether they would consider repainting any, am sure Tony said that buses from 4425 upwards were to be done.
True so does that mean 4425 itself will see crimson
Quote from: RS on January 13, 2016, 08:25:22 PM
True so does that mean 4425 itself will see crimson
I think so which is why i feel that you see the 44xx Tridents mostly on the 140/1/241, then with the extra unbranded MMCs you will see those routes become a Crimson route.
Quote from: RS on January 13, 2016, 08:22:08 PM
tbh not sure if there DDA so if not you wont see one if they are you may have a chance
Yes the complete National Express operational fleet is DDA one complete year before the deadline
Quote from: Tony on January 13, 2016, 08:28:12 PM
Yes the complete National Express operational fleet is DDA one complete year before the deadline
Thanks for clarification
Quote from: WMT3000 on January 13, 2016, 02:32:51 PM
Harley as in Harley Davidson. One of the world's premier vehicle manufacturers.
I still don't get it.
Quote from: Liverpool Street on January 13, 2016, 10:26:49 PM
I still don't get it.
Likewise, Harley Davidson are synonymous with motorcycles, how 1 managed to confuse a crimson double decker bus for a motor cycle I'll never know !
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on January 13, 2016, 10:30:20 PM
Likewise, Harley Davidson are synonymous with motorcycles, how 1 managed to confuse a crimson double decker bus for a motor cycle I'll never know !
Maybe Harley is the name of a big red bus out of child's cartoon show. Who know 's
my previous comment... Just to clarify, i was trying to say i think the predidents would look nice in crimson, i know its unlikely they will be done though
Quote from: Busman Jamie on January 13, 2016, 11:27:02 PM
my previous comment... Just to clarify, i was trying to say i think the presidents would look nice in crimson, i know its unlikely they will be done though
There's no precedent for it.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on January 13, 2016, 10:30:20 PM
Likewise, Harley Davidson are synonymous with motorcycles, how 1 managed to confuse a crimson double decker bus for a motor cycle I'll never know !
Who's 1? I don't understand.
Vehicles returned to garages last week
4528; 4532; 4105; 4164
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4648, 4642,4647, 4525
BC 4449, 4464, 4631,4463
PB 7030, 7033,7020, 4818, 4825, 4819
WB 1946, 1948, 1950
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
4105; 4164
4528; 4532
Quote from: Tony on January 18, 2016, 10:33:30 AM
Vehicles returned to garages last week
4528; 4532; 4105; 4164
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4648, 4642,4647, 4525
BC 4449, 4464, 4631,4463
PB 7030, 7033,7020, 4818, 4825, 4819
WB 1946, 1948, 1950
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
4105; 4164
4528; 4532
4631 is crimson isn't it?
Quote from: WN on January 18, 2016, 11:07:25 AM
4631 is crimson isn't it?
Any single deck, or any double deck 4425+ in for a full repaint will go crimson
Will the B7RLE'S get done or will they be moving to Dundee
Tony, is 4524 still getting branded for the Circle, or have plans changed. I presume the fact that it's got a mega rear is why it's not branded yet?
Quote from: MW on January 18, 2016, 01:15:29 PM
Tony, is 4524 still getting branded for the Circle, or have plans changed. I presume the fact that it's got a mega rear is why it's not branded yet?
I think all the ones that are going to be done are now done
@Tony do you know when Walsall bus will get this new stunning livery, its well good, be good if the inside of the buses could get a bit of a tidy up aswell, new seat covers perhaps and some the window etching sorted out.
Quote from: Tomf1993 on January 18, 2016, 01:34:01 PM
@Tony do you know when Walsall bus will get this new stunning livery, its well good, be good if the inside of the buses could get a bit of a tidy up aswell, new seat covers perhaps and some the window etching sorted out.
Walsall do have the new style livery, just not Crimson....
BY and WN (Although they will when the buses get round to be done) do not have any buses in the new style livery (Whether that is Crimson or Platinum).
I know WA have the new style on the Platinums, I meant the new red livery
Quote from: Tomf1993 on January 18, 2016, 01:55:25 PM
I know WA have the new style on the Platinums, I meant the new red livery
There is priority on the batches that are currently being done (buses are being painted in batches, which I think is a much better system) . These repaints appear to be focused on WB's and PB's Omnilinks (I've lost track how many have been done and how many will be done), BC's Tridents (44**'s and now 46**'s) and AG's Gemini's. I suppose the answer is when they get round to it.
Thanks Nathan, it is a stunning livery is it not? very very nice :)
Well we did have 4801 on loan for a week I think,
Quote from: BU07 LGO on January 18, 2016, 09:11:33 PM
Well we did have 4801 on loan for a week I think,
We did
Quote from: RS on January 18, 2016, 09:24:14 PM
We did @BU07 LGO
I was lucky, I got to drive all 3 loan buses that week (4801,4819,4820)
Quote from: WN on January 18, 2016, 09:32:46 PM
We? Walsall isn't your local garage though?
meaning we did get them
1948 currently on the way back to WB with 1947 at Walsall for repaint
Is 4464 off for repaint too?
Just seen it pass Leamore Kfc!
Has (WA) 4105 worked in passenger service yet since repaint ? Haven't seen it for a bit
Quote from: Wright liberator on January 22, 2016, 02:36:01 PM
Has (WA) 4105 worked in passenger service yet since repaint ? Haven't seen it for a bit
Not yet, awaiting an MoT
Think its 4648 or 38? now finished
Quote from: BU07 LGO on January 22, 2016, 06:34:50 PM
Think its 4648 or 38? now finished
4648 went back last night
De ja vu?
Quote from: 646 on January 25, 2016, 07:08:18 PM
De ja vu?
So who copied who?
Quote from: Trident 4194 on January 25, 2016, 07:10:16 PM
So who copied who?
There's been a photo of that on the main site for a few months now
Quote from: Tony on January 25, 2016, 07:15:59 PM
There's been a photo of that on the main site for a few months now
Looks nowhere near as good as standard Lothian livery!
Vehicles returned to garages last week
1946; 1948; 4449; 4648
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4642,4647, 4525, 4638
BC 4464, 4631,4463; 4455
PB 7030, 7033,7020, 4818, 4825, 4819
WB 1950, 1947, 1941
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1946; 1948
4105; 4164
4449; 4468
4528; 4532
4641; 4648
Pretty sure that 4818 was back in garage this morning
Quote from: John on January 27, 2016, 05:28:14 PM
Pretty sure that 4818 was back in garage this morning
Can I have a picture of 4818 in the new livery please?
Quote from: John on January 27, 2016, 05:28:14 PM
Pretty sure that 4818 was back in garage this morning
You did, 4827 is now in the process
4464 should be heading home very soon as well
followed by 4642
Quote from: busboy31 on January 27, 2016, 06:01:46 PM
Can I have a picture of 4818 in the new livery please?
Just look at any other E400 in crimson from the 48** batch
Quote from: Tony on January 27, 2016, 06:31:59 PM
4464 should be heading home very soon as well
followed by 4642
Is it not being rebranded for the 97 then?
Quote from: Westy on January 27, 2016, 07:13:26 PM
Is it not being rebranded for the 97 then?
They may just wait until most/all of that batch are repainted?
Quote from: WN on January 27, 2016, 06:39:40 PM
Just look at any other E400 in crimson from the 48** batch
i like it ,most amusing chap
Quote from: WN on January 27, 2016, 06:39:40 PM
Just look at any other E400 in crimson from the 48** batch
4464 back in service on the 22 this evening
Are there plans for more Coventry buses to be repainted in too the two tone blue
Vehicles returned to garages last week
4464; 4644; 4647; 4818; 7030
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4525, 4638, 4654,4640
BC 4631,4463, 4447, 4455
PB 7033,7020, 7022, 4825, 4819, 4827
WB 1950, 1947, 1941
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1946; 1948
4105; 4164
4449; 4464; 4468
4528; 4532
4641; 4642; 4647; 4648
7030; 7032
7033 is on the 15A
Drove past Walsall just, and there is another crimson Enviro400 parked at the side, looks ready to be collected. Probably 4825
Quote from: John on February 08, 2016, 10:59:00 AM
7033 is on the 15A
Drove past Walsall just, and there is another crimson Enviro400 parked at the side, looks ready to be collected. Probably 4825
Yes that is 4825, finished on Sat so included in last weeks figures, but not yet collected by PB
So when the 4 Geminis in paint come to AG it will have as many crimson vehicles as red and white - 150 total and 75 crimson.
Looks like there's been more ex Dundee buses (70xx) than current ones repainted!
Quote from: Tony on February 08, 2016, 11:04:55 AM
Yes that is 4825, finished on Sat so included in last weeks figures, but not yet collected by PB
4825 now back at PB with 4821 at Walsall, just one of this batch left to do now, 4824 which is on the 7 today
Noticed 4819 on the 16 today. Is this its first outing? You could almost see you face in the silver painted wheels and gleaming paintwork.
Tony's recent list revised & re-posted - thanks
@uniquicity for pointing out errors/additional completed repaints:
There are now 275 buses in service in the West Midlands in the new livery
Vehicles returned to garages last week
4819; 4825; 7033
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4525, 4638, 4654,4640
BC 4631,4463, 4447, 4455
PB 7020, 7022, 7031, 4827, 4828
WB 1950, 1947, 1941
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1946; 1948
4105; 4164
4449; 4464; 4468
4528; 4532
4641; 4642; 4647; 4648
4818; 4819; 4825
7030; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/46/8/9/51 (5)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4449/62/4/6/8 (5)
AG 4527-34 ( 8 )
AG 4635/6/9/41-5/7-9/52/7/9 (14)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20/2/3/5/6/9 (26)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7023/4/6/30/2/3 (6)
Total 204Blue
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13Platinum
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58Green
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
Just wondering why there are two separate PN blocks. One for just 3301 and one for the MMCs
Quote from: WN on February 09, 2016, 09:31:16 PM
Just wondering why there are two separate PN blocks. One for just 3301 and one for the MMCs
They are listed in fleet number order , no other reason
I'm still quite confused why they are repainting some of the Gemini's which have been repainted within 1 year.
Quote from: Ronnoc on February 09, 2016, 09:59:32 PM
I'm still quite confused why they are repainting some of the Gemini's which have been repainted within 1 year.
The only one of those refurbished twice in a short period is 4659 after RTC damage. 4644 was previously done in 2012.
And 4649 got done in July 2015 (red and white) and again in December 2016 (crimsonhttp://wmbusphotos.com/NXWM/4475-4699/4649.html
4638 was done in 2015 and is currently in for repaint.
@Ashley 60171 Quote from: Jack6101 on February 09, 2016, 10:25:04 PM
And 4649 got done in July 2015 (red and white) and again in December 2016 (crimsonhttp://wmbusphotos.com/NXWM/4475-4699/4649.html
December 2015
They're gonna have to do them at some point anyway, so to keep to the buses done in batches/route by route, it's simpler to do it now. 4507-4523, 4660-79 will probably be the only NXWM livery buses at AG for a couple years, rest Crimson. I expect the remainder of the Presidents at AG will at least be decimated this year, which makes me think 4700-17 may actually come here. Who knows eh.
Quote from: Chris on February 01, 2016, 11:11:39 PM
Are there plans for more Coventry buses to be repainted in too the two tone blue
It doesn't look like many Coventry buses will gain the two-tone blue in 2016 - but who knows. The 4830-42 batch of Enviro 400's were delivered in late 2011/early 2012 so might fall due for repaint in 2016/2017. The other Enviro 200's and Enviro 400's and Volvo B7RLE single decks are all fairly recent deliveries. All the older Tridents/Volvo's in the 4203 to 4424 range presumably won't ever receive it and that only really leaves 4450-54 and the ten Wright Eclipse Gemini's. I can't imagine the 10 O530G Citaro Bendibuses will receive that livery either.
The paintshop is having a good week this week with 4525; 4638 & 7033 already finished!
Vehicles returned to garages last week
1950; 4525; 4638; 4654; 7020
Vehicles currently in paint
AG 4640, 4650; 4655
BC 4631, 4463, 4447, 4455
PB 7022, 7031, 7021, 4827, 4828, 4821
WB 1947, 1941, 1952
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1946; 1948; 1950
4105; 4164
4449; 4464; 4468
4525, 4528; 4532
4638; 4641; 4642; 4647; 4648; 4654
4818; 4819; 4825
7020; 7030; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/46/8/9/51/2 (6)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4449/62/4/6/8 (5)
AG 4525/7-34 ( 9 )
AG 4635/6/8/9/41-5/7-9/52/4/7/9 (16)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20/2/3/5/6/9 (26)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020/3/4/6/30/2/3 (7)
Total 209
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
@Tony Very impressive how many vehicles Walsall put into Crimson over 2015 and 2016 - excellent to see more and more of the fleet being rolled out in it.
I'm sorry for asking again but is 1926 any closer to a return - been out a long time now.
Quote from: Liberator9 on February 15, 2016, 07:33:34 PM
Very impressive how many vehicles Walsall put into Crimson over 2015 and 2016 - excellent to see more and more of the fleet being rolled out in it.
I'm sorry for asking again but is 1926 any closer to a return - been out a long time now.
The bodywork is back together and it has been started, but a lot of electrical work to do
@Tony Thanks for the update - certainly sounds like it has been a complex job in repairing it.
Strange that none of the northern Black Country depots have no crimsons yet!
Dont know about Wolverhampton, but the only time Walsall ever sees one, is when the 45 has one.
Quote from: Westy on February 15, 2016, 08:46:29 PM
Strange that none of the northern Black Country depots have no crimsons yet!
Dont know about Wolverhampton, but the only time Walsall ever sees one, is when the 45 has one.
Oh Of Course, Walsall, the garage with the second highest number of buses in the new livery in the entire system!
It's not strange at all, remember I am a former Walsall garage person, and I have written the order that the buses will be done, I have no prejudice against Walsall, but there are more things to take into account, than, 'I'd like them done'
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 15, 2016, 08:49:00 PM
Birmingham garages far to important!
Walsall has one of the largest allocation of new livery vehicles, albeit the Platinum version, and these are brand new not refurbs. And Pensnett was the first garage to receive brand new Crimson livery buses. Plus it's already been notified that Platimum buses will be serving all Black Country regions later this year. So not sure I buy this Black Country always gets a raw deal thing.
And brand new bus 3301 at pensnett
Quote from: Mike K on February 15, 2016, 09:11:51 PM
Walsall has one of the largest allocation of new livery vehicles, albeit the Platinum version, and these are brand new not refurbs. And Pensnett was the first garage to receive brand new Crimson livery buses. Plus it's already been notified that Platimum buses will be serving all Black Country regions later this year. So not sure I buy this Black Country always gets a raw deal thing.
What about WN though, an important service like the 126 and those buses were one of the last to be repainted in the now former fleet livery. They went around for many months in a disgraceful state and nobody seemed to care!
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 15, 2016, 09:43:15 PM
What about WN though, an important service like the 126 and those buses were one of the last to be repainted in the now former fleet livery. They went around for many months in a disgraceful state and nobody seemed to care!
Precisely, they were the last repainted in red/white, so why should I choose them for a Crimson repaint
Quote from: Tony on February 15, 2016, 09:49:18 PM
Precisely, they were the last repainted in red/white, so why should I choose them for a Crimson repaint
Well you can't now
@Tony because of that reason, however whoever did the job before you should have chosen those buses much earlier. Having buses go around with remnants of the old 126 branding still visible and shabby paint work can't have done NEs reputation any good.
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on February 15, 2016, 09:53:03 PM
Well you can't now @Tony because of that reason, however whoever did the job before you should have chosen those buses much earlier. Having buses go around with remnants of the old 126 branding still visible and shabby paint work can't have done NEs reputation any good.
Buses are repainted in batches so I'm assuming those that in paint as a whole require more immediate attention as opposed to the odd 1 here and there, if the bus is in that bad a condition, Im sure it would have been fixed by now.
Every bus due for repaint will have its turn, I personally can't wait to see the B7RLEs Mk2 in the new livery !
Can't wait to see what they do with the hybrids
It's going to be interesting to see what they do with the hybrids id Dundee too, our new livery is already green. Personally, I don't think there's going to be such a big thing made of the fact these buses are hybrids now as they're not a new thing any more, the public are used to them now. The new Wright StreetLites we have in Dundee are micro hybrids and they're painted in the standard new livery with nothing to make it obvious they're any different, so, don't be surprised if the hybrids in WM go crimson.
I wonder if in that case they would get the current standard moquette.
Quote from: DavieDD2 on February 16, 2016, 11:35:34 AM
It's going to be interesting to see what they do with the hybrids id Dundee too, our new livery is already green. Personally, I don't think there's going to be such a big thing made of the fact these buses are hybrids now as they're not a new thing any more, the public are used to them now. The new Wright StreetLites we have in Dundee are micro hybrids and they're painted in the standard new livery with nothing to make it obvious they're any different, so, don't be surprised if the hybrids in WM go crimson.
Re the Micro Hybrid Streetlites, very few operators actually differentiate from them, our local Streetlite MicroHybrids haven't been differentiated between them and the conventional ones except for two which were to launch the fact they were different, and even then as the stickers have started to come off with broken windows they haven't been replaced, similarly with the rest of the Streetlites across First group.
Quote from: Stevo on February 16, 2016, 05:17:01 PM
I wonder if in that case they would get the current standard moquette.
with the hybrids green interior the grey red dot moquette would look rather odd, IMO the hybrids don't warrant a repaint they are still in excellent condition plenty of other routes require a face lift first.
Quote from: 2900 on February 17, 2016, 10:36:54 AM
with the hybrids green interior the grey red dot moquette would look rather odd, IMO the hybrids don't warrant a repaint they are still in excellent condition plenty of other routes require a face lift first.
The 4 branded omnilinks are in a horrific state
Hybrids will probably have the same livery as the rest, just with a green leaf or something that says they're hybrid. Probably a slightly different moquette.
Quote from: Trident 4194 on February 17, 2016, 10:51:49 AM
The 4 branded omnilinks are in a horrific state
Yeah but Walsall got to wait for crimson first!
Quote from: 2900 on February 17, 2016, 10:36:54 AM
with the hybrids green interior the grey red dot moquette would look rather odd, IMO the hybrids don't warrant a repaint they are still in excellent condition plenty of other routes require a face lift first.
The issue with the BC hybrids is that they have a lot of branding and other vinyls on them, and a lot of this is missing in parts due to replacement or repainted panels, windscreens etc. If they could tidy up all the vinyls then they would be good for a while longer.
4455 now finished
Quote from: BU07 LGO on February 19, 2016, 10:40:27 AM
4455 now finished
Now returned to BC, replaced in paint by 4871
Quote from: Tony on February 19, 2016, 11:56:45 AM
Now returned to BC, replaced in paint by 4871
Quote from: WN on February 19, 2016, 11:58:48 AM
Yes. Quite a surprise to see an Enviro400 go in!
Are the Crimson Enviro400s for the 24 or 60 if Crimson is being rolled out route by route?
Quote from: John on February 19, 2016, 05:38:48 PM
Yes. Quite a surprise to see an Enviro400 go in!
Are the Crimson Enviro400s for the 24 or 60 if Crimson is being rolled out route by route?
The non branded BC E400s certainly spend most of their time on the 24 (fair few on the 22/23 too these days) and the 60 so maybe Harborne or Cov Rd branding to appear at some future stage?
Quote from: Mike K on February 19, 2016, 10:50:53 PM
The non branded BC E400s certainly spend most of their time on the 24 (fair few on the 22/23 too these days) and the 60 so maybe Harborne or Cov Rd branding to appear at some future stage?
The Harborne's just seem to have the same mixed allocation across the 22/3 and 24 (29 to an extent especially on a Sunday). I am not in Birmingham everyday but at weekends and most of the days this week when i have been there i have noticed a mixture of Hybrids, E400's and Tridents on the 22/3/4 (and 29 on Sundays). Maybe it is just my luck but non hybrids seem a daily occurance on the 22/3 (For example. There was a Trident and 2 E400's on the 22/3 a couple of Sunday's back but 3 hybrids on the 24/9
Can you book Coventrys 4695 to get the new livery please? Its in a horrendous state! And 4405 could do with a repaint/refurb as well!
Oh please! you haven't seen the condition of the interiors of Dundee's SP54 plate Geminis, they haven't been touched from new, you lot in the WM are spoiled rotten with refurbs!
Quote from: lauren1993 on February 24, 2016, 01:33:08 AM
Can you book Coventrys 4695 to get the new livery please? Its in a horrendous state! And 4405 could do with a repaint/refurb as well!
Have I missed something or can we now book a bus for repaint on here? ;) ;) ;)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on February 24, 2016, 01:46:45 AM
Oh please! you haven't seen the condition of the interiors of Dundee's SP54 plate Geminis, they haven't been touched from new, you lot in the WM are spoiled rotten with refurbs!
Some of the AG Gemini hadn't been refurbished since new and are only just being done.
Quote from: lauren1993 on February 24, 2016, 01:33:08 AM
Can you book Coventrys 4695 to get the new livery please? Its in a horrendous state! And 4405 could do with a repaint/refurb as well!
4452 remains with its Big red streak as well as its severely old interior...
Paintshop have been busy, was a 09 plate enviro, 2 scania and 2 geminis all finished this evening as I headed back to garage!
Vehicles returned to garages recently
1947; 4447; 4455; 4640; 4655; 7022
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4650, 4646, 4656
BC- 4631, 4463, 4871; 4460
PB 7031,7021, 4827, 4828, 4821
WB 1941, 1952, 1942
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1946; 1947; 1948; 1950
4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4464; 4468
4525, 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4647; 4648; 4654; 4655
4818; 4819; 4825
7020; 7022; 7030; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/46-51 (7)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62/4/6/8 (7)
AG 4525/7-34 ( 9 )
AG 4635/6/8-45/7-9/52/4/5/7/9 (18)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20/2/3/5/6/9 (26)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020/2-4/6/30/2/3 ( 8 )
Total 215
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
1941 was back out on the 48 yesterday
Vehicles painted in the last week
1941; 4463; 4631; 4821; 4827; 4828
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4650, 4646, 4656, 4526
BC 4871, 4460, 4872
PB 7031,7021, 7029, 4824, 4844
WB 1952, 1942, 1943
Trainer 1408
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1941; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950
4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4647; 4648; 4654; 4655
4818; 4819; 4821; 4825; 4827; 4828
7020; 7022; 7030; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41/6-51 ( 8 )
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62-4/6/8 ( 8 )
AG 4525/7-34 ( 9 )
BC 4631
AG 4635/6/8-45/7-9/52/4/5/7/9 (18)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-3/5-9 (29)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020/2-4/6/30/2/3 ( 8 )
Total 221
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
Hopefully the mk2 enviros are redone without the black between the Windows
Great to see our 33 Enviro400s are starting to go through repaint. I hope they get re-branded
Quote from: John on March 02, 2016, 12:17:49 PM
Great to see our 33 Enviro400s are starting to go through repaint. I hope they get re-branded
You would think the 51 Enviros can't be far behind in the repaint schedule
I wonder after the scanias are done at west brom they will start on the 47 gemins
Quote from: Sh4318 on March 02, 2016, 01:12:19 PM
You would think the 51 Enviros can't be far behind in the repaint schedule
I would think so. a lot of that batch are looking extremely tatty now. Either the Enviro400s or the OmniLinks
They might also be done to keep the liveries of the 33 and 51 the same, rather than one route in Crimson and the other still with old NX livery
Quote from: Jack6101 on March 02, 2016, 04:56:45 PM
I wonder after the scanias are done at west brom they will start on the 47 gemins
It is possible that they might be next
Can't wait to see 4844 come back, one of my fav buses when on the 33
Quote from: Wilko52 on March 02, 2016, 05:23:47 PM
Can't wait to see 4844 come back, one of my fav buses when on the 33
They're terrible buses! I stopped using the 33 when the geminis went lol
Quote from: BU07 LGO on March 02, 2016, 06:02:10 PM
They're terrible buses! I stopped using the 33 when the geminis went lol
You did went on 33 recently. :P
Quote from: BU07 LGO on March 02, 2016, 11:00:27 AM
Hopefully the mk2 enviros are redone without the black between the Windows
I hope so too.
Quote from: P419 EJW on March 02, 2016, 06:19:53 PM
You did went on 33 recently. :P
I hope so too.
And was reminded how boring they are 😬
4821 is just being collected with 4855 dropped off for repaint
Quote from: Tony on March 02, 2016, 10:03:20 PM
4821 is just being collected with 4855 dropped off for repaint
So both the branded and unbranded E40D's are being done at the same time?
Any news on 4871? I haven't heard anything about it for quite a while!
Quote from: Michael Bevan on March 08, 2016, 07:34:38 AM
Any news on 4871? I haven't heard anything about it for quite a while!
19 days...
Quote from: WN on March 08, 2016, 07:52:03 AM
19 days...
Actually 6 days ago, mentioned in my post in this thread on 2nd March
Vehicles painted in the last week
4650; 4656; 7021
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4646, 4526
BC- 4871, 4460. 4465.4872
PB- 1907. 7029, 7031, 4824. 4844. 4855
WB 1952, 1942, 1943,
Trainer 1408
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1941; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950
4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4825; 4827; 4828
7020; 7021, 7022; 7030; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41/6-51 ( 8 )
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62-4/6/8 ( 8 )
AG 4525/7-34 ( 9 )
BC 4631
AG 4635/6/8-45/7-50/52/4/5-7/9 (20)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-3/5-9 (29)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-4/6/30/2/3 (9)
Total 224
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
With the arrival of 4031 at Walsall that has allowed 1750 to go in for paint this morning to be the first B7RLE in Crimson
Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2016, 10:15:13 AM
With the arrival of 4031 at Walsall that has allowed 1750 to go in for paint this morning to be the first B7RLE in Crimson
This should be interesting ! With quite a few batches being done, the crimson converting is in full flow
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on March 09, 2016, 10:33:50 AM
This should be interesting ! With quite a few batches being done, the crimson converting is in full flow
That's more than can be said for Dundee green or Coventry blue!
Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2016, 10:15:13 AM
With the arrival of 4031 at Walsall that has allowed 1750 to go in for paint this morning to be the first B7RLE in Crimson
Will be interesting to see it in Crimson! Hopefully it will look just as good as the Dundee ones!
Quote from: DavieDD2 on March 09, 2016, 10:46:31 AM
That's more than can be said for Dundee green or Coventry blue!
Dundee haven't had enough spare buses to allow for buses to go for paint.
The WM painstshop only has capacity for 17 buses at a time.....
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 11:26:45 AM
Dundee haven't had enough spare buses to allow for buses to go for paint.
The WM painstshop only has capacity for 17 buses at a time.....
Implying its a small unit, Winston! Haha
Quote from: Liverpool Street on March 09, 2016, 12:44:39 PM
Implying its a small unit, Winston! Haha
Not neccesarily a small unit, the paintshop can get through a fair few repaints & turnaround some refurbs quite quick (especially Omnilinks & those with Wrightbus bodywork). However, on a fleet of 1540+ buses for NXWM alone, you only have to do the maths to figure out why some areas still haven't got many buses in the latest liveries.
Another arrival in the last 15 minutes is YW 4369 for a quicky red/white repaint
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 11:26:45 AM
Dundee haven't had enough spare buses to allow for buses to go for paint.
The WM painstshop only has capacity for 17 buses at a time.....
Miller Street is full of buses sitting idle in the reserve fleet, surely a couple of those could be sent up as cover while buses were away getting painted?
Quote from: DavieDD2 on March 09, 2016, 01:12:52 PM
Miller Street is full of buses sitting idle in the reserve fleet, surely a couple of those could be sent up as cover while buses were away getting painted?
And which bendibuses, non-DDA single decks, Scrap Presidents or trainers do you want
Quote from: DavieDD2 on March 09, 2016, 01:12:52 PM
Miller Street is full of buses sitting idle in the reserve fleet, surely a couple of those could be sent up as cover while buses were away getting painted?
Although they are offically allocated to 'reserve' the majority of that fleet are actually in withdrawn condition. Other than the 10 x Scania Artics, the vast majority of the rest of the buses in NXWM's reserve fleet are single deckers and can't be used as they are non DDA.
Any spare reserve fleet that were fit for service were utlized on the Amazon contract which was meant to run up to Xmas, due to the sucess of the services, the routes have continued and will provide an all year round service & thus increases NXWM's total Pvr permanently.
Ah, that would explain it then, sorry, I took 'reserve' too literally, as in spares.
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 01:16:14 PM
Although they are offically allocated to 'reserve' the majority of that fleet are actually in withdrawn condition. Other than the 10 x Scania Artics, the vast majority of the rest of the buses in NXWM's reserve fleet are single deckers and can't be used as they are non DDA.
Seems strange to call them "reserve" as that implies that they could be used again, as has happened in the past. Surely they are a withdrawn fleet?
Quote from: DavieDD2 on March 09, 2016, 01:22:33 PM
Ah, that would explain it then, sorry, I took 'reserve' too literally, as in spares.
Before the 31st Dec 2015 some of the single deckers recently removed from service could have been put back on the road at short notice. Since the DDA rules came in for full size single deckers, there are only the Scania Artics I suspect any Spectra's that were in good condition or not missing any bits are the ones that were sold to Ensign
I understand about the Non DDA compliant and scrap buses but couldn't the bendies be used back on the 67, which would free up buses on their to other garages to cover the paint shop deficit ? I know about the disadvantages they bring but PB did put up with them for a long time and it is short term unless their also in a condition which wouldn't allow them work
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on March 09, 2016, 01:30:28 PM
Seems strange to call them "reserve" as that implies that they could be used again, as has happened in the past. Surely they are a withdrawn fleet?
The Miller St & Pensnett stored fleets are still referred to as 'Reserve Fleet' however if you refer to Tony's NXWM fleet changes over the past 12 months, they are offically allocated to either 'reserve' or 'withdrawn' - what I previously posted wasn't worded correctly. Of late, only really the Presidents have been allocated to reserve, those are since back on fleet.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on March 09, 2016, 01:33:32 PM
I understand about the Non DDA compliant and scrap buses but couldn't the bendies be used back on the 67, which would free up buses on their to other garages to cover the paint shop deficit ? I know about the disadvantages they bring but PB did put up with them for a long time and it is short term unless their also in a condition which wouldn't allow them work
To be honest i think that the "Bendies" were to much of a liability, towards the end, it took PB all there time to get one or two into service daily.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on March 09, 2016, 01:33:32 PM
I understand about the Non DDA compliant and scrap buses but couldn't the bendies be used back on the 67, which would free up buses on their to other garages to cover the paint shop deficit ? I know about the disadvantages they bring but PB did put up with them for a long time and it is short term unless their also in a condition which wouldn't allow them work
1. They may now be out of MOT
2. They spent more time off the road and had to be covered for by other buses due to their unrelaibility originally
3. All single deckers operating with B'ham City Centre on frequent services now need to be min Euro 4 to comply with latest SQPS rules, the Bendi's are Euro 3
Unless NXWM loose some work / new delvieries from the 2016 order commence or they acquire some used nearly new buses / hire in some buses to provide paint cover / boost spares, I don't see the situation changing anythime soon. Had the Amazon routes not continued, they would of had 12-15 Presidents spare
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on March 09, 2016, 01:33:32 PM
I understand about the Non DDA compliant and scrap buses but couldn't the bendies be used back on the 67, which would free up buses on their to other garages to cover the paint shop deficit ? I know about the disadvantages they bring but PB did put up with them for a long time and it is short term unless their also in a condition which wouldn't allow them work
What paint shop defecit?
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 01:42:14 PM
1. They may now be out of MOT
2. They spent more time off the road and had to be covered for by other buses due to their unrelaibility originally
3. All single deckers operating with B'ham City Centre on frequent services now need to be min Euro 4 to comply with latest SQPS rules, the Bendi's are Euro 3
Unless NXWM loose some work / new delvieries from the 2016 order commence or they acquire some used nearly new buses / hire in some buses to provide paint cover / boost spares, I don't see the situation changing anythime soon. Had the Amazon routes not continued, they would of had 12-15 Presidents spare
I honestly think NX should just sell the Scania's to other operators instead of keeping them at Miller Street.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on March 09, 2016, 02:32:48 PM
I honestly think NX should just sell the Scania's to other operators instead of keeping them at Miller Street.
Like who?
How much demand do you see for the ex London Citaro bendi's that are still littering the country
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 02:35:39 PM
Like who?
How much demand do you see for the ex London Citaro bendi's that are still littering the country
Beestons of Hadleigh bought a batch of identical buses that had been used at Heathrow airport last year and have been trying to sell them since. They have ended up having to strip them for spares and sell the bits off
Quote from: Tony on March 09, 2016, 02:41:45 PM
Beestons of Hadleigh bought a batch of identical buses that had been used at Heathrow airport last year and have been trying to sell them since. They have ended up having to strip them for spares and sell the bits off
I assume they would have been ex Menzies Aviation,
You would expect those to also be in good condition/low mileage if they were only running shuttles around Heathrow Airport from new
I suspect the vast majority of Volvo B7LA / Merc Citaro / Scania Bendi's & FTR's will find themselves being converted to coke cans....
10 year old unreliable, undesirable bendis aren't going anywhere in a hurry, I can see NX selling them off as parts and the shells to PVS
Quote from: DavieDD2 on March 09, 2016, 02:52:49 PM
10 year old unreliable, undesirable bendis aren't going anywhere in a hurry, I can see NX selling them off as parts and the shells to PVS
They're actually 12 years old sometime this year, they were on 54 plates (new 2004)
Sorry Winston, I thought they were 56's, been a while since I've seen a photo of one!
Shouldn't they put the 48**'s into paint because the 33's are?
Quote from: The Fox 4846 on March 09, 2016, 04:12:42 PM
Shouldn't they put the 48**'s into paint because the 33's are?
I love people telling me my job!
At the end of the day
@Tony has a job and whatever buses he see's fit to send in for a repaint he will
Majority of 48** have been done?
Quote from: Busman Jamie on March 09, 2016, 06:14:00 PM
Majority of 48** have been done?
Only 4799-15/17-4829 are in Crimson so far plus the ones in paint on Tony's list on previous page
4824 still in paintshop
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 01:42:14 PM
1. They may now be out of MOT
2. They spent more time off the road and had to be covered for by other buses due to their unrelaibility originally
3. All single deckers operating with B'ham City Centre on frequent services now need to be min Euro 4 to comply with latest SQPS rules, the Bendi's are Euro 3
Unless NXWM loose some work / new delvieries from the 2016 order commence or they acquire some used nearly new buses / hire in some buses to provide paint cover / boost spares, I don't see the situation changing anythime soon. Had the Amazon routes not continued, they would of had 12-15 Presidents spare
My bad, didn't take other factors into account when making that question. It does seem a bit of extra work just to get a few extra buses painted.
How does the continuation of the Amazon routers leave 12 - 15 Still busy as from I can tell, each route has a PVR of 1 and theirs only 2 routes !
I meant walsall's which are used on the 51
Quote from: The Fox 4846 on March 09, 2016, 09:18:01 PM
I meant walsall's which are used on the 51
They will be painted. Have patience! There's 1500+ buses in the fleet. Paint shop handles about 15 at a time. They won't be done overnight.
Quote from: Winston on March 09, 2016, 11:26:45 AM
Dundee haven't had enough spare buses to allow for buses to go for paint.
I seem to remember 2 Presidents being transferred as paint float - maybe they've now become part of the fleet.
I've also noticed that Trailways dont get mentioned anymore - are they not contracted to do bodywork any longer.
I would have thought Coventry's and Walsalls 48xx would be painted fairly soon and particularly Coventry's as they have such a low percentage of buses in new livery (except Wolverhampton which has none - presumably getting new ones soon).
Impressive speed of re-liverying and re-trimming overall though - hooray for Wrightbus and Omnilink!!!
Quote from: don on March 11, 2016, 11:38:10 AM
I seem to remember 2 Presidents being transferred as paint float - maybe they've now become part of the fleet.
I think the overall Dundee Pvr has increased since then and E400H 5428 has been away for a number of months following accident damage and is still being repaired
Quote from: Winston on March 11, 2016, 11:58:17 AM
I think the overall Dundee Pvr has increased since then and E400H 5428 has been away for a number of months following accident damage and is still being repaired
That explains the halt to repaints then - no doubt they'll get some replacements for Presidents reasonably soon anyway but it's a shame they can't get the Geminis done as that would be a great improvement.
And oops - forgot the Coventry Geminis - presumably in greater need and priority than 4830 and friends.
Quote from: Winston on March 11, 2016, 11:58:17 AM
I think the overall Dundee Pvr has increased since then and E400H 5428 has been away for a number of months following accident damage and is still being repaired
The Dundee PVR is still 98, and hasn't changed since September
Quote from: Kiewii on March 11, 2016, 12:58:14 PM
The Dundee PVR is still 98, and hasn't changed since September
The number of spares must have been reduced since the the last of the B10L / B10BLE's were removed from service then
4526 now done, out on the 31
On the main site i just noticed 1750 (crimson highlighted) is in for crimson repaint, walsalls first crimson?
Quote from: Chris on March 19, 2016, 10:19:37 PM
On the main site i just noticed 1750 (crimson highlighted) is in for crimson repaint, walsalls first crimson?
Reply #146 on page 10
Quote from: Nathan on March 19, 2016, 10:23:04 PM
Reply #146 on page 10
@Nathan i only just noticed lol completely missed that post
Quote from: Chris on March 19, 2016, 10:19:37 PM
On the main site i just noticed 1750 (crimson highlighted) is in for crimson repaint, walsalls first crimson?
With the arrival of another Plaxton to WA, its allowed the B7RLEs there to go into crimson with 1750 being first of batch.
A bit late, but here is last weeks additions, another list for w/e 19/3 in a couple of days
Vehicles painted w/e 12/3/16 1942; 4526; 4646; 7031
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4871, 4460, 4465, 4872
PB 1907, 7029,7025, 4824, 4855, 4844
WB 1952, 1943,
YW 4369
WA 1750, 4076
Trainer 1408
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1941; 1942; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950
4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4825; 4827; 4828
7020; 7021, 7022; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41/2/6-51 (9)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62-4/6/8 ( 8 )
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-3/5-9 (29)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-4/6/30-3 (10)
Total 228
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
Position of today
Vehicles painted w/e 19/3/16 1408; 1952; 4871; 4872
(4871 was the 300th new livery bus in the West Midlands)
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4460, 4465, 4467
PB 1907, 7029,7025, 4824, 4855, 4844
WB 1943, 1936
YW 4369
PN 4439
WA 1750, 4076
Trainer 1452
Vehicles painted in 2016 so far
1941; 1942; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4825; 4827; 4828
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41/2/6-52 (10)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62-4/6/8 ( 8 )
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-3/5-9 (29)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-4/6/30-3 (10)
Total 231
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
7002-4 (3)
Total 23
Take it
@Tony that the 140/1/241 are the next Crimson routes?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on March 21, 2016, 06:30:19 PM
Take it @Tony that the 140/1/241 are the next platinum routes?
I think you mean Crimson....
Quote from: Nathan on March 21, 2016, 06:32:07 PM
Where do you get that from? (I know you mean Crimson ;)) Platinum Tridents lol.
@Nathan have got my mind on two things at one, so will correct!
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on March 21, 2016, 06:30:19 PM
Take it @Tony that the 140/1/241 are the next Crimson routes?
no 141 X10 maybe or 246😉
4637/51/3/8 have not been repainted, like the rest of the batch at AG. Three Presidents have left AG, which I assume was the paint float. Is there any reason for this?
Quote from: Eric Shaw on March 21, 2016, 08:50:46 PM
4637/51/3/8 have not been repainted, like the rest of the batch at AG. Three Presidents have left AG, which I assume was the paint float. Is there any reason for this?
Maybe they will be used on the 11 with the branded Gemini.
Quote from: Adam 404 on February 25, 2016, 03:45:29 PM
4452 remains with its Big red streak as well as its severely old interior...
Here is evidence of the infamous 4452...
Interior: https://www.facebook.com/369276339910972/photos/a.485882101583728.1073742142.369276339910972/518842278287710/?type=3&theater
Outside: https://www.facebook.com/369276339910972/photos/a.485882101583728.1073742142.369276339910972/518842294954375/?type=3&theater
1750 has been crimsonised
Link to a pic on Fbook by BU07 LGO off here I think
Quote from: RS on April 01, 2016, 07:28:34 PM
1750 has been crimsonised
Link to a pic on Fbook by BU07 LGO off here I think
Didn't think they would get done, thought they would have gone to Dundee soon. Oh well increase the standards for competition against diamond on 301/302 and thandi on 311/313
Quote from: Trident 4194 on April 01, 2016, 07:46:52 PM
Didn't think they would get done, thought they would have gone to Dundee soon. Oh well increase the standards for competition against diamond on 301/302 and thandi on 311/313
It's been on my repaint list I do. Sometimes I do wonder why I bother posting what is going on!
4824 returned to the garage with the 101 branding.
Quote from: busboy31 on April 01, 2016, 08:56:07 PM
4824 returned to the garage with the 101 branding.
You're a few days late with that one.
Quote from: Dom on April 01, 2016, 09:10:50 PM
You're a few days late with that one.
does that mean it's for the 101 or will it be on the 7 or the 16
Quote from: karl724223 on April 01, 2016, 09:48:33 PM
does that mean it's for the 101 or will it be on the 7 or the 16
Its branded for the 101 so is for the 101.
Quote from: Tony on April 01, 2016, 07:49:54 PM
It's been on my repaint list I do. Sometimes I do wonder why I bother posting what is going on!
Fear not - I'm sure everyone really appreciates it - however it's very easy to miss an occasional post which contains important info.
I suspect a one or two people's guesses of what might happen in the future (e.g more B7s to Dundee) were somewhat side swiped by 1750 being crimsoned - I can't imagine why when all their elderly single decks have already been replaced now.
7029 back in Crimson
Quote from: 2206 on April 01, 2016, 10:02:04 PM
Its branded for the 101 so is for the 101.
Does that mean the BX09 fleet have finished then?
Quote from: busboy31 on April 02, 2016, 04:06:40 PM
Does that mean the BX09 fleet have finished then?
You know very well it does, you keep a close enough track on them
@Tony - any chance of an updated complete list re: repaints & retrims upto 2/4/16
1750 looks good in crimson
Noticing the branding hasnt been taken off, does that mean Walsall officially has its first Crimson?
4855 now repainted
Quote from: John on April 04, 2016, 08:57:15 PM
4855 now repainted
Returned to PB and awaiting to have a Vehicle Inspection. So probably won't be out until tomorrow or the day after.
4455 on the 97A today
Quote from: RS on April 05, 2016, 09:39:38 PM
4455 on the 97A today
That was repainted in February
Quote from: RS on April 05, 2016, 09:39:38 PM
4455 on the 97A today
It was done back in February. Its supposed to be for the 97A.
Quote from: John on April 05, 2016, 09:40:53 PM
That was repainted in February
I thought it was recent
@John sorry ;)
I've been told 4854 has gone for paint. Is this true? If it is, well the advert didn't last long!
Vehicles painted 2w/e 2/4/16 1452; 1750; 4076; 4824; 4855
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4460, 4465, 4467, 4458
PB 7025, 7027, 4844, 4849, 4854
WB 1943, 1936
PN 4439
WA 1752
YW 1907, 1926, 4369
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1941; 1942; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750 (1)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41/2/6-52 (10)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/62-4/6/8 ( 8 )
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-9 (30)
PB 4855 (1)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-4/6/29-3 (11)
Total 235
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-5 (4)
Total 25
4369 a tidy up paint in Red & white
@Tony You made a mistake with 1907.
Quote from: Ronnoc on April 06, 2016, 01:37:42 PM
@Tony You made a mistake with 1907.
@Ronnoc - No he hasn't - check the March NX fleetchanges
4128 looks a bit tatty when I've seen it. (Wasn't that one of the Golden Jubliee buses years ago?)
Is it likely to get a red & white repaint at least, seeing it's outside the range to be painted crimson, due to it's age?
Quote from: Westy on April 06, 2016, 10:46:30 PM
4128 looks a bit tatty when I've seen it. (Wasn't that one of the Golden Jubliee buses years ago?)
Is it likely to get a red & white repaint at least, seeing it's outside the range to be painted crimson, due to it's age?
4128 was everything wasn't it. Half the Premier 997 livery for years, it had the Jubilee, it was ALLOVER white too.
Quote from: MW on April 06, 2016, 10:53:40 PM
4128 was everything wasn't it. Half the Premier 997 livery for years, it had the Jubilee, it was ALLOVER white too.
4128s interior - https://flic.kr/p/FMrrbA
4844 now repainted
Quote from: John on April 07, 2016, 06:45:20 PM
4844 now repainted
7029 has come out on the 52 this evening
Are all Walsall's B7LRE's going in for crimson repaint over the next few weeks, or is it just the 301/302 branded ones?
Quote from: Westy on April 07, 2016, 10:47:53 PM
Are all Walsall's B7LRE's going in for crimson repaint over the next few weeks, or is it just the 301/302 branded ones?
They all will be done
4460 passing through Perry Barr at about 5.00 this afternoon ........... is this on it's way back to BC ?
Vehicles painted w/e 9/4
1943; 4460; 4844
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4465, 4467, 4458; 4461
PB 7025, 7027, 4849, 4854; 4848
WB 1936; 1944
PN 4439
WA 1752
YW 1907, 1926, 4369
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1941; 1942; 1943; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164
4447; 4449; 4455; 4460; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750 (1)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
WB 1938/41-3/6-52 (11)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/60/2-4/6/8 (9)
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-20-9 (30)
PB 4844/55 (2)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-4/6/29-33 (11)
Total 238
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Quote from: Tony on April 12, 2016, 12:36:07 PM
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-5 (4)
Total 25
And 7006
7006 Has now been added to the list - thanks
7025 was back in garage today
Quote from: John on April 14, 2016, 08:41:35 PM
7025 was back in garage today
Replaced at Walsall by 7028, so only two red/white Scanias at PB now, 1906 & 7019
Presume it will be some years before the first garage will be totally crimsoned?
Quote from: Westy on April 14, 2016, 10:44:49 PM
Presume it will be some years before the first garage will be totally crimsoned?
I wouldn't go that far, BY could be done in quick fashion given its size although I from what I can tell, vehicles going into the paint shop have somewhat slowed down ?
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on April 14, 2016, 11:20:26 PM
I wouldn't go that far, BY could be done in quick fashion given its size although I from what I can tell, vehicles going into the paint shop have somewhat slowed down ?
Yes, when BY's Omnilinks start to get repainted/trimmed they could be dealt with quite quickly - however, to contradict your other comment, NXWM still seem to be on target for 200+ per year repaints/retrims (a handful of which are trainers or urgent tidying up of red/white buses) - bearing in mind new buses will be delivered in the latest livery, and resulting withdrawals reduce the amount of red/white buses, that appears to suggest the whole fleet would be in new livery over a five year time span - as we are just over one year into the programme, the end date would be early 2020 - but this is presuming it runs at the current rate.
AG already has over 80 buses in crimson so is in the lead, numerically and as a proportion of its allocation. Apart from Coventry, around 20% of the fleet is in new livery.
AG was the first in complete red & white wasnt it?
Quote from: Westy on April 15, 2016, 03:36:07 PM
AG was the first in complete red & white wasnt it?
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on April 14, 2016, 11:20:26 PM
vehicles going into the paint shop have somewhat slowed down ?
They have to observe the speed limit, which is 5 mph.
Vehicles painted w/e 16/4
1907; 4369; 4849; 7025
Vehicles currently in paint
AG 4524
BC 4465, 4467, 4458; 4461
PB 7028, 7027, 4854; 4848; 4851
WB 1936; 1944
PN 4439
WA 1752
YW 1898, 1926,
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1941; 1942; 1943; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4447; 4449; 4455; 4460; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4849; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750 (1)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907 (1)
WB 1938/41-3/6-52 (11)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/60/2-4/6/8 (9)
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4844/9/55 (3)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-6/29-33 (11)
Total 241
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Quote from: The Real 4778 on April 18, 2016, 10:49:26 AM
They have to observe the speed limit, which is 5 mph.
I think he means the amount of buses going through repaints seems to of slowed down not how fast they move around in the paint shop
@The Real 4778
Three of the recent repaints have been out this afternoon for the first time
1907 did a peak 6 board, but is now back in garage
4369 is out on the 2/3
4849 is out on the 7
Two more buses released in the last 24 hours are
1936 to WB
1752 to WA
Quote from: Squiz1971 on April 19, 2016, 03:15:35 PM
I think he means the amount of buses going through repaints seems to of slowed down not how fast they move around in the paint shop @The Real 4778
Oh right.
Quote from: BU07 LGO on April 21, 2016, 12:41:53 PM
Humour is lost on some
No saw the joke but thought I would make a comment anyway lol
Quote from: The Real 4778 on April 18, 2016, 10:49:26 AM
They have to observe the speed limit, which is 5 mph.
I wish
@The Real 4778 would post more often, your quick wit and humour is very valued.
1751 not touched yet because it has a rear advert for Skeggy on the back or does that not matter?
Quote from: Westy on April 24, 2016, 10:36:42 AM
1751 not touched yet because it has a rear advert for Skeggy on the back or does that not matter?
Im sure I remember Tony saying that it expires end of this month. Not 100% though.
Quote from: Dom on April 24, 2016, 10:41:02 AM
Im sure I remember Tony saying that it expires end of this month. Not 100% though.
Two more buses painted, but not yet released are 1926 & 4848
Quote from: Westy on April 24, 2016, 10:36:42 AM
1751 not touched yet because it has a rear advert for Skeggy on the back or does that not matter?
Don't think it does as 4854 had a rear advert only for around a month before it went for repaint.
Whats the livery going to be on the hybrids will it stay the same or will it get redesigned?
Quote from: dw1308 on April 25, 2016, 02:15:58 AM
Whats the livery going to be on the hybrids will it stay the same or will it get redesigned?
A few of us have speculated this already, some, though I can't speak for all, surmise that the new livery may just be crimson, as the locals/commuters would already be familiar enough with the Volvos, that the novelty of advertising that it is a hybrid, has worn off..
I don't know, personally - and I can't see the B5s going into repaint anytime soon; but personally, I'd like to see what they come up with. I have a few ideas in mind..
- Crimson
- Crimson, with "Low Emissions Bus" branding
- Crimson, with Green Branding
- Something similar to XploreDundee, where the green "swoops" are replaced by the standard NX Gold
Of course, all of these are speculations, the interior should prove enough to be acknowledged as a hybrid, as it is. Though, as with anything, time will tell..
I'd say standard livery with some mention of hybrid technology, as per London's hybrids really
Quote from: Liverpool Street on April 22, 2016, 07:24:00 PM
I wish @The Real 4778 would post more often, your quick wit and humour is very valued.
Aww, shucks!
>> Blushes <<
Although this might be a bit Republican for some.... : http://wmbusphotos.com/forum/index.php?topic=3636.msg184419#msg184419
Quote from: clayderman on April 25, 2016, 07:23:11 AM
A few of us have speculated this already, some, though I can't speak for all, surmise that the new livery may just be crimson, as the locals/commuters would already be familiar enough with the Volvos, that the novelty of advertising that it is a hybrid, has worn off..
I don't know, personally - and I can't see the B5s going into repaint anytime soon; but personally, I'd like to see what they come up with. I have a few ideas in mind..
- Crimson
- Crimson, with "Low Emissions Bus" branding
- Crimson, with Green Branding
- Something similar to XploreDundee, where the green "swoops" are replaced by the standard NX Gold
Of course, all of these are speculations, the interior should prove enough to be acknowledged as a hybrid, as it is. Though, as with anything, time will tell..
The 61 plate B5's & E400H's will eventually be done as they are due for a repaint like the 61 plate E400 (E40D) which are currently going through a crimson repaint.
Personally Crimson with the green emissions or low emissions electric hybrid branding would suit the B5's I think but that is my personal opinion and hopefully the interior won't be touched as the green Moquette looks good
The hybrids have green colour interiors this would very odd with Crimson livery IMO
At some point Coventry's earliest Enviro 400's [not 4763-75 obviously] must be due a repaint. Might get some more blue buses on the road (I'm getting fed-up of photographing the aforementioned batch of thirteen!).
I would suggest the logos are done in green and a green band either below the lower deck window.
Quote from: Squiz1971 on April 25, 2016, 11:43:38 AM
The 61 plate B5's & E400H's will eventually be done as they are due for a repaint like the 61 plate E400 (E40D) which are currently going through a crimson repaint.
Personally Crimson with the green emissions or low emissions electric hybrid branding would suit the B5's I think but that is my personal opinion and hopefully the interior won't be touched as the green Moquette looks good
Right after posting i've realised my points were completely biased to the B5 Hybrids at BC only; had forgotten about the E400Hs at WM and Dundee..
Fair play for that argument; suppose that 4871/4872 are intentionally for the 24, then I surmise the B5s will go in soon, after that exWA batch is repainted, although instead of the early 55**s, the entire B5 fleet would go in. ??? Total speculation: Possibly 5517, 5510, 5506 could be the first to go in.. Those are the ones with oddities/appearance "defects"
Quote from: Westy on April 24, 2016, 10:36:42 AM
1751 not touched yet because it has a rear advert for Skeggy on the back or does that not matter?
Quote from: Michael Bevan on April 25, 2016, 01:49:53 AM
Don't think it does as 4854 had a rear advert only for around a month before it went for repaint.
It depends on how long the contract for the advert is for. The advert on 4853/4 was only a one month contract. Whereas some others will have a longer contract. It had already been stated that one would go for repaint, while the other would gain a new rear advert when the Derbyshire rear ad had finished.
The Skegness ad on 1751 may have a longer contract so it can not be repainted until the adverts contact has ran out
Quote from: John on April 25, 2016, 07:28:04 PM
It depends on how long the contract for the advert is for. The advert on 4853/4 was only a one month contract. Whereas some others will have a longer contract. It had already been stated that one would go for repaint, while the other would gain a new rear advert when the Derbyshire rear ad had finished.
The Skegness ad on 1751 may have a longer contract so it can not be repainted until the adverts contact has ran out
The Skegness advert ran for nearly a year, It expired last week
Quote from: Squiz1971 on April 25, 2016, 11:43:38 AM
The 61 plate B5's & E400H's will eventually be done as they are due for a repaint like the 61 plate E400 (E40D) which are currently going through a crimson repaint.
Personally Crimson with the green emissions or low emissions electric hybrid branding would suit the B5's I think but that is my personal opinion and hopefully the interior won't be touched as the green Moquette looks good
I wonder if the manufacturers of the Hybrid's will come out and admit they fiddled their emissions figures VW & other one last week. Where will it stop?
Vehicles painted w/e 23/4
1752; 1926; 1936; 4439; 4848
Vehicles currently in paint
AG 4524
BC 4465, 4467, 4458; 4461
PB 7028, 7027, 4854; 4852; 4851
WB 1944
PN 4434
WA 1757; 1763
YW 1898,
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1907; 1926
1936; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4460; 4463; 4464; 4468
4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4848; 4849; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750/2 (2)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907/26 (2)
WB 1936/8/41-3/6-52 (12)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4439 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/60/2-4/6/8 (9)
AG 4525-34 (10)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4844/8/9/55 (4)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-6/29-33 (11)
Total 245
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
4467 has just passed me in Newtown heading back to BC (failed to get a photo).
Vehicles painted since last update
4524; 4467; 7027; 1763
Vehicles currently in paint
AG 4653
BC 4465, 4458; 4461, 4474
PB 7019; 7028, 4854; 4843; 4851
WB 1944; 1937; 1945
PN 4434
WA 1757; 1760
YW 1898,
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1752; 1763
1907; 1926
1936; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4460; 4463; 4464; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4848; 4849; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750/2/63 (3)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907/26 (2)
WB 1936/8/41-3/6-52 (12)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4439 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/60/2-4/6-8 (10)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4844/8/9/55 (4)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-7/29-33 (12)
Total 249
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Vehicles painted since last update
1757; 1944; 4458; 4461; 4465; 4854; 7028
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4653
BC 4474,4621,4457; 4443
PB 7019, 4851, 4843, 4852
WB 1937, 1945,1939
YW 1898
PN 4434
WA 1760, 1751
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1752; 1757; 1763
1907; 1926
1936; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4848; 4849; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750/2/7/63 (4)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907/26 (2)
WB 1936/8/41-4/6-52 (13)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4439 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4844/8/9/54/5 (5)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-33 (14)
Total 257
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Finally 1751 loses the Skeggy ad!
Dundee repaints in slow motion I see, how long will we be stuck on 26? the Lamp Posts arrived in XD green, as did the B7RLE's from Walsall, 7001 is in a sponsored livery, the only repaints Dundee has seen (never mind refurbs) are 4076, 7002-7006, I empathise with our Coventry cousins, out of sight... (at least they had their own colours from TWM days...)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on May 17, 2016, 08:23:52 PM
Dundee repaints in slow motion I see, how long will we be stuck on 26? the Lamp Posts arrived in XD green, as did the B7RLE's from Walsall, 7001 is in a sponsored livery, the only repaints Dundee has seen (never mind refurbs) are 4076, 7002-7006, I empathise with our Coventry cousins, out of sight... (at least they had their own colours from TWM days...)
You have to take into account the size of the respective fleets into account. Walsall have to deal with 9 other garages (As well as their own) for repaints and a bus total over 1'600 whereas Dundee is comparatively much smaller. The paint shops reflect this.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on May 17, 2016, 09:13:48 PM
You have to take into account the size of the respective fleets into account. Walsall have to deal with 9 other garages (As well as their own) for repaints and a bus total over 1'600 whereas Dundee is comparatively much smaller. The paint shops reflect this.
Dundee's repaints are done independently from the rest of the NX fleet, (not at Walsall) I wasn't having a go at our Brum masters, more the lack of inactivity from our own minions here in Dundee, the purse strings are inevitably being pulled from down there, there may be other reasons, I don't know, without information I can only speculate... :)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on May 17, 2016, 09:36:16 PM
Dundee's repaints are done independently from the rest of the NX fleet, (not at Walsall) I wasn't having a go at our Brum masters, more the lack of inactivity from our own minions here in Dundee, the purse strings are inevitably being pulled from down there, there may be other reasons, I don't know, without information I can only speculate... :)
I know their done independently (Imagine the dead mileage if their weren't !). I was trying to say, the size of the paint shop at Dundee reflects its fleet size, Walsall has considerably more vehicles to deal with hence why more buses come out.
Do Dundee do a vehicle at a time ?
As far as I'm aware. (and I'll gladly be corrected on this), Dundee send their buses through to Motherwell for repaints, they're not done in house.
Quote from: DavieDD2 on May 17, 2016, 09:36:16 PM
Dundee's repaints are done independently from the rest of the NX fleet, (not at Walsall) I wasn't having a go at our Brum masters, more the lack of inactivity from our own minions here in Dundee, the purse strings are inevitably being pulled from down there, there may be other reasons, I don't know, without information I can only speculate... :)
I'd highly doubt the lack of repaints in Dundee is down to a 'tightening of the purse strings', NX aren't exactly shy at present in investing in the fleet. And before you say it, yes Birmingham is taking priority, largely down to the SQPS rules within Birmingham City Centre and new emission rulings due to come on stream from may 2017.
I believe only Dundee's double deckers are painted by an external sub contractor, the two native single deckers 2057/8 were repainted at Dock St in-house by hand
You're right Winston, 2057/8 were repainted here in Dundee and look what happened, we got 1 with painted window surrounds and 1 left with black surrounds, 4076 appears to have a lighter shade of the lighter green than the repainted Geminis, not looking good so far... :)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on May 17, 2016, 10:29:50 PM
You're right Winston, 2057/8 were repainted here in Dundee and look what happened, we got 1 with painted window surrounds and 1 left with black surrounds, 4076 appears to have a lighter shade of the lighter green than the repainted Geminis, not looking good so far... :)
Exactly, all the fingers point towards Dundee rather than Birmingham. 4076 should have exactly the same shade of light green as per 1774-1786 also painted as WA. I actually prefer the black window surrounds being retained.
I agree with you Winston, the black window surrounds offset the green nicely and look so much better, let's hope th powers that be an XD read this forum, sadly, I doubt it :(
Vehicles painted since last update
1937; 1898; 1760
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4653
BC 4474,4621,4457; 4443
PB 7019, 4851, 4843, 4852
WB 1945, 1939; 1953
YW 1902; 1906; 1928
PN 4434
WA 1751
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1752; 1757; 1760; 1763
1898; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4844; 4848; 4849; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750/2/7/60/3 (5)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907/26 (2)
WB 1936-8/41-4/6-52 (14)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4439 (1)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4844/8/9/54/5 (5)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-33 (14)
Total 260
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Thought 1751 had gone in?
Quote from: Westy on May 24, 2016, 01:04:02 PM
Thought 1751 had gone in?
Which is why it is listed in the 'vehicles in paint' section
@Tony BC buses in service in crimson list isn't updated to show 4631/4871/72 etc
Tell a lie I just noticed the way you've written it in fleet number order and not garage by garage
Quote from: Liverpool Street on May 24, 2016, 02:35:29 PM
BC buses in service in crimson list isn't updated to show 4631/4871/72 etc
Yes it does @ Liverpool Street you just need to look carefully down the list 4631 is between the 2 sets of AG Gemini's & 4871/2 are above PN E400MMC's
Quote from: Squiz1971 on May 24, 2016, 02:40:16 PM
Yes it does @ Liverpool Street you just need to look carefully down the list 4631 is between the 2 sets of AG Gemini's & 4871/2 are above PN E400MMC's
Yeah thanks I just noticed
Must be my age
Sorry fella.
Quote from: Liverpool Street on May 24, 2016, 02:42:24 PM
Yeah thanks I just noticed
Must be my age
Sorry fella.
Its fine mate know that feeling well lol
4434 back home
Vehicles painted since last update
1751; 1945; 4434; 4843
Vehicles currently in paint
AG- 4653
BC 4474,4621,4457; 4443
PB 7019, 4851, 4845, 4852
WB 1940, 1939; 1953
YW 1902; 1906; 1928
PN 4438
WA 1754
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1751; 1752; 1757; 1760; 1763
1898; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/7/60/3 (6)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
PB 1905 (1)
YW 1907/26 (2)
WB 1936-8/41-52 (15)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/9 (2)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4631 (1)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52/4/5-7/9 (21)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/54/5 (5)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7020-33 (14)
Total 264
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
7019 & 4653 both returned home last night, 7019 completing the PB Scanias
Quote from: Tony on June 03, 2016, 10:21:55 AM
7019 & 4653 both returned home last night, 7019 completing the PB Scanias
7019 is out today on the 66. It's just leaving Kingstanding as I type this.
4852 has recently returned to Perry Barr and is on the 16 today.
Vehicles painted since last update
4621; 4653; 7019; 4852
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4474, 4457; 4443
PB 4851, 4845, 4853
WB 1940, 1939; 1953
YW 1902; 1906; 1928; 1933
PN 4438
WA 1754; 1772
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1751; 1752; 1757; 1760; 1763
1898; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4852; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/7/60/3 (6)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
YW 1905/7/26 (3)
WB 1936-8/41-52 (15)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/9 (2)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/54/5 (5)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 268
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
1751 spotted on the Bloxwich Road routes earlier today!
4851 has now returned to Perry Barr.
Vehicles painted since last update
4851; 1906; 1754
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4474, 4457; 4443; 4470
PB 4846, 4845, 4853
WB 1940, 1953
YW 1902; 1913; 1928; 1933
PN 4438
WA 1772
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1760; 1763
1898; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/60/3 (7)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
YW 1905-7/26 (4)
WB 1936-9/41-52 (16)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/9 (2)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/51/2/4/5 (8)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 272
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
Quote from: Tony on June 15, 2016, 09:37:22 AM
Vehicles painted since last update
4851; 1906; 1754
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4474, 4457; 4443; 4470
PB 4846, 4845, 4853
WB 1940, 1953
YW 1902; 1913; 1928; 1933
PN 4438
WA 1772
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1760; 1763
1898; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/60/3 (7)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
YW 1905-7/26 (4)
WB 1936-9/41-52 (16)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/9 (2)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8 (13)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/51/2/4/5 (8)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 272
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
1928 passed me in West Bromwich 30 minutes ago. Lost all it's vinyl's at the moment but yet to be repainted. What was it doing in West Bromwich?
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 17, 2016, 01:26:09 PM
1928 passed me in West Bromwich 30 minutes ago. Lost all it's vinyl's at the moment but yet to be repainted. What was it doing in West Bromwich?
WB have a refurb bay & do MOT's for other garages
Vehicles painted since last update
4474; 4438; 1772
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4457; 4443; 4470
PB 4846, 4845, 4853
WB 1940, 1953
YW 1902; 1913; 1928; 1933
PN 4436
WA 1759; 1764
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1760; 1763; 1772
1898; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4438; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/60/3/72 (8)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898 (1)
YW 1905-7/26 (4)
WB 1936-9/41-52 (16)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/8/9 (3)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8/74 (14)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/51/2/4/5 (8)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 275
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 26
I've been told that 1643 and 4010 are going into Crimson soon to be used for schools and non PC use. Is this true? As I think it's lies.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 22, 2016, 07:46:14 PM
I've been told that 1643 and 4010 are going into Crimson soon to be used for schools and non PC use. Is this true? As I think it's lies.
Sorry but I think it's lies to, don't think they could be used for schools work !
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 22, 2016, 07:46:14 PM
I've been told that 1643 and 4010 are going into Crimson soon to be used for schools and non PC use. Is this true? As I think it's lies.
Well considering 1643 is in crimson now, I think you can guess from that.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 22, 2016, 07:46:14 PM
I've been told that 1643 and 4010 are going into Crimson soon to be used for schools and non PC use. Is this true? As I think it's lies.
You mean this crimson 1643?
Quote from: Tony on June 22, 2016, 08:02:35 PM
You mean this crimson 1643?
Why has it been repainted?
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 22, 2016, 08:04:05 PM
Why has it been repainted?
Because I asked for it to be, with permission of the MD
Quote from: Tony on June 22, 2016, 08:04:45 PM
Because I asked for it to be, with permission of the MD
Quote from: Tony on June 22, 2016, 08:04:45 PM
Because I asked for it to be, with permission of the MD
As a matter of interest
@Tony what bus is parked next to 1643?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on June 22, 2016, 08:08:39 PM
As a matter of interest @Tony what bus is parked next to 1643?
1902 on the right and one of PB's on the left, not sure which
Quote from: Tony on June 22, 2016, 08:11:20 PM
1902 on the right and one of PB's on the left, not sure which
Who's gemini is that at the back guessing AG although there's not one on your list for repaint?
Although 4076 was painted In the 2 tone green for Dundee, it would be nice to see 1 of the West Midlands presidents in crimson :)
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on June 22, 2016, 08:18:54 PM
Maybe for the training fleet?
I would have thought it'd be in white if it was for the training fleet
4438 is back at PN.
Are all the rest of the white buses going to be branded up like the 2 single decks already promoting Driver Training?
4474 was out on the 97 today
Just saw 4445 heading to WA so I assume it going for a spray
Quote from: 900 on June 26, 2016, 12:57:08 PM
Just saw 4445 heading to WA so I assume it going for a spray
Will be yes, that was the next one I asked BC to send in, the advert expired several months ago
who removes the adverts? I bet that job is a pain. it was bad enough trying to remove vinyls of coaches
Quote from: mranon on June 26, 2016, 09:10:25 PM
who removes the adverts? I bet that job is a pain. it was bad enough trying to remove vinyls of coaches
u think they use something like a hot paint stripper to take off the ads
Quote from: mranon on June 26, 2016, 09:10:25 PM
who removes the adverts? I bet that job is a pain. it was bad enough trying to remove vinyls of coaches
Im thinking like route branding, garage staff apply/ remove them. I think if the vehicle is going to go into paint then they'll probably let WA deal with it then.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on June 27, 2016, 03:01:13 AM
Im thinking like route branding, garage staff apply/ remove them. I think if the vehicle is going to go into paint then they'll probably let WA deal with it then.
Nah it's not garage staff. Not sure if it's an external vehicle graphics company or not but there was one guy applying the branding on the Geminis at AG.
Thinking about it, I think it's an external company. I'm sure he had some vinyls advertising a company on the guys can and he wasn't in NXWM uniform.
All adverts, both normal and specialist ones are applied and removed by the advertising agency. If NX remove one like we will do with4445 we invoice them.
Route branding is applied by a separate outside company which is who the guy MW saw in AG is
Quote from: Tony on June 27, 2016, 06:27:06 AM
All adverts, both normal and specialist ones are applied and removed by the advertising agency. If NX remove one like we will do with4445 we invoice them.
Route branding is applied by a separate outside company which is who the guy MW saw in AG is
I thought Walsall paint shop done all.of painting.adverts /branding how come you use someone else
Quote from: Solo1 on June 27, 2016, 12:49:05 PM
I thought Walsall paint shop done all.of painting.adverts /branding how come you use someone else
Few if any adverts are painted on these days, I would have thought. Mostly vinyls/contravision that is stuck on. The specialist ad companies might include CBS Outdoor, Viacom or Clear Channel etc - Tony might know who the current company is.
Quote from: paulb1973 on June 27, 2016, 01:36:16 PM
Few if any adverts are painted on these days, I would have thought. Mostly vinyls/contravision that is stuck on. The specialist ad companies might include CBS Outdoor, Viacom or Clear Channel etc - Tony might know who the current company is.
Exterion Media does London, but I've seen a fair few ads for a Birmingham market? Perhaps it's them?
Just seen a picture 1643 in Crimson looks good, fair play to you Tony for asking the MD , if you don't ask you don't know.
Vehicles painted since last update
1643; 1902; 4708
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4457; 4443; 4470; 4448
PB 4846, 4845, 4853
WB 1940, 1953
YW 1913; 1928; 1933; 1911
PN 4436
WA 1759; 1764
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1760; 1763; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4438; 4439; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
reserve 1643
WA 1750-2/4/7/60/3/72 (8)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/26 (6)
WB 1936-9/41-52 (16)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301 (1)
PN 4434/8/9 (3)
BC 4447/9/55/8/60-8/74 (14)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843/4/8/9/51/2/4/5 (8)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 277
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 27
Quote from: Tony on June 28, 2016, 03:39:21 PM
Vehicles painted since last update
1643; 1902; 4708
Guessing 4708 will be green for Dundee?
Here is 4708
Quote from: Tony on June 28, 2016, 06:21:30 PM
Here is 4708
Looks nice, how many others will be joining it Tony?
Quote from: BU07 LGO on June 28, 2016, 06:39:59 PM
Looks nice, how many others will be joining it Tony?
I think the rest of the 47** batch of Geminis
4700 - 4718 is my understanding
Quote from: DavieDD2 on June 28, 2016, 07:01:12 PM
4700 - 4718 is my understanding
4700-4717 are the 06 plate Gemini's 4718 is an 07 E400 Mk1
That's the one, I knew it was 18 Geminis, wasn't paying attention :)
Quote from: DavieDD2 on June 28, 2016, 07:19:57 PM
That's the one, I knew it was 18 Geminis, wasn't paying attention :)
No worries lol, 4708 looking good in the Xplore Dundee livery
If 4700 - 4717 go through the paint shop as quickly as the crimson repaints, there's going to be more green Geminis in the WM that there are up here! we've got 5 so far and no more are scheduled to go for repaint till August.
Quote from: DavieDD2 on June 28, 2016, 07:28:44 PM
If 4700 - 4717 go through the paint shop as quickly as the crimson repaints, there's going to be more green Geminis in the WM that there are up here! we've got 5 so far and no more are scheduled to go for repaint till August.
Somehow doubt they'd keep them down here for any real length of time once they're in green, can't really use them in service
Hate to mention the obvious, but isn't that a Spectra next to it?
4010 by any chance?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on June 28, 2016, 08:12:07 PM
Hate to mention the obvious, but isn't that a Spectra next to it?
4010 by any chance?
Yes, it's 4010.
What's going to replace them at west bromwich
Bonjour to the 4700 06 plate Geminis they were good buses apart from a few they are tired hacks , refurbed bodywork and new seat cushions not gona cover up how they drive now, I had 4084 the other day this to drive was way better than any 06 plate gemni full stop.
4709 outside paint shop this morning
Quote from: BU07 LGO on June 29, 2016, 05:28:08 PM
4709 outside paint shop this morning
Now at Sammy Jones, Aldridge having the chassis protection applied, then going back to WB for mechanical work before heading north
Quote from: 2900 on June 28, 2016, 11:17:53 PM
Bonjour to the 4700 06 plate Geminis they were good buses apart from a few they are tired hacks , refurbed bodywork and new seat cushions not gona cover up how they drive now, I had 4084 the other day this to drive was way better than any 06 plate gemni full stop.
Au revoir, surely....
Quote from: Tony on June 29, 2016, 05:48:24 PM
Now at Sammy Jones, Aldridge having the chassis protection applied, then going back to WB for mechanical work before heading north
Is it at WB yet
Quote from: RS on June 30, 2016, 07:21:46 PM
4845 done with 33 branding was outside the Paintshop this afternoon
We knew the second time you posted it, doesn't need a third!
Quote from: The Real 4778 on June 30, 2016, 05:14:57 PM
Au revoir, surely....
Only fools and horses bro, Del Boy, bonjour
4853 now ready to go back to PB
This should be swapped with 4856 over the weekend finishing off the batch
Quote from: Tony on July 01, 2016, 08:06:45 PM
4853 now ready to go back to PB
This should be swapped with 4856 over the weekend finishing off the batch
Apart from 4847 and 4850.
I noticed that yesterday 4850 had arrived at Walsall for the Crimson treatment.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on July 05, 2016, 07:46:46 AM
I noticed that yesterday 4850 had arrived at Walsall for the Crimson treatment.
Yes, as I posted last week 4856 was the last one at PB, which you disagreed with!
Quote from: Tony on July 05, 2016, 08:16:10 AM
Yes, as I posted last week 4856 was the last one at PB, which you disagreed with!
I must have misread the post then. I do apologise.
Vehicles painted since last update
1940; 4443; 4457; 4845; 4846; 4853
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4470; 4448; 4445; 4459
PB 4847, 4850, 4856
WB 1953
YW 1913; 1928; 1933; 1911
PN 4436
WA 1759; 1764
Dundee 4709
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1760; 1763; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/60/3/72 ( 8 )
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/26 (6)
WB 1936-52 (17)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-3 (3)
PN 4434/8/9 (3)
BC 4443/7/9/55/7/8/60-8/74 (16)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-6/8/9/51-5 (11)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 284
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708 (1)
7002-6 (5)
Total 27
Seen 4457 this morning out on the 60 looking splendid :D
Quote from: Rob2832 on July 06, 2016, 01:18:51 PM
Seen 4457 this morning out on the 60 looking splendid :D
Saw it myself earlier, still on the 60, same thought!
1759 now complete and out on the 29 today
A question, probably for
@Tony , have NE changed the shade of the Crimson being used, saw a PN E400MMC parked next to 4439 which was on the 9 and the crimson on the E400MMC seemed a lot lighter than the Trident or is it just the E400MMC has been washed many times more than 4439?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on July 11, 2016, 06:14:00 PM
A question, probably for @Tony , have NE changed the shade of the Crimson being used, saw a PN E400MMC parked next to 4439 which was on the 9 and the crimson on the E400MMC seemed a lot lighter than the Trident or is it just the E400MMC has been washed many times more than 4439?
Very long story, but yes PN's E400MMCs and their Tridents are a very slightly different shade
Here's a thought. When they painted 4076 in green did they actually mean to paint 4706? Is someone at Walsall dyslexic? ;)
Quote from: Stevo on July 12, 2016, 08:10:00 AM
Here's a thought. When they painted 4076 in green did they actually mean to paint 4706? Is someone at Walsall dyslexic? ;)
No offence but that's quite a stupid comment. I'm sure the reason is they wanted more green vehicles in Dundee.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on July 12, 2016, 12:23:01 PM
No offence but that's quite a stupid comment. I'm sure the reason is they wanted more green vehicles in Dundee.
The clue is in the winky. He's intended it for it to be tongue in cheek.
Quote from: Mike K on July 12, 2016, 12:28:10 PM
The clue is in the winky. He's intended it for it to be tongue in cheek.
Quote from: Mike K on July 12, 2016, 12:28:10 PM
The clue is in the winky. He's intended it for it to be tongue in cheek.
I did - I hoped one or two of you would smile. No offence to those who actually are dyslexic.
Quote from: Stevo on July 12, 2016, 02:12:04 PM
I did - I hoped one or two of you would smile. No offence to those who actually are dyslexic.
I had a bit of a chuckle :)
Quote from: Stevo on July 12, 2016, 02:12:04 PM
I did - I hoped one or two of you would smile. No offence to those who actually are dyslexic.
I had good chuckle too Stevo it was seen as it was meant in good humour
I read somewhere Walsall garage has a new spray booth , which does explain the vastly improved finishes I,ve seen in the last 12 months, far less crap in paintwork now , if you look carefully there's still some there it's a commercial vehicle so it doesn't matter really, one thing I,ve noticed you don't see so many runs now if any in the paint work.
The ADL enviro 400s and ALX 400 seem to me to look far better than the gemni refurbs, I noticed that most ADL vehicles are completely repaneled so when resprayed you have almost ripple free finish thus giving the bus a nearly new look. I,ve been most impressed with the Crimson ALX 400 at the farm and central, I know the lower panels on the gems are bolt ons they get changed at refurbs the rest is filled and sanded back. Scanias look very good to.
When I use to do bodywork we had to be careful on what colour primer we used when repairing burgundy cars back in the day,when applying top coat it would take several coats to cover it,instead of normal 2/3 coats of paint, any such problems with the Crimson paint.
To the Walsall vehicle refinishing crew well done good stuff. Must feel good not having to cut corners, one can say I did that with pride.
The reason I say cut corners is when west broms gems 4700s were treated to the red/white livery it's was shocking the finish , basically shit.
Vehicles painted since last update
1759; 1764; 4436
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4470; 4448; 4445; 4459; 4472
PB 4847, 4850, 4856
WB 1953
YW 1913; 1928; 1933; 1911
PN 4435
WA 1761
Dundee 4709
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1926
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4436; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4447; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/9/60/3/4/72 (10)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/26 (6)
WB 1936-52 (17)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4434/6/8/9 (4)
BC 4443/7/9/55/7/8/60-8/74 (16)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-6/8/9/51-5 (11)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 289
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708 (1)
7002-7 (6)
Total 28
4708 wrightbus gemni b7tl xplore dundee
Oh dear IMO this looks awful the greens chosen far to dark it's shows up , highlights every flaw ,ripple in the bodywork , not 100% complete vinyl transfers to be completed. Should have left it in red and white looked better .
4687/8 are at the paintshop https://www.flickr.com/photos/74108043@N06/28370517555/
According to a comment by the image poster, they are to be repainted into Crimson for PB.
Quote from: Dom on July 17, 2016, 09:03:58 PM
According to a comment by the image poster, they are to be repainted into Crimson for PB.
As I posted on here about half hour before your reply.
Quote from: Tony on July 17, 2016, 09:25:47 PM
As I posted on here about half hour before your reply.
Where may I ask? Because having gone through my unread posts I can not find you saying it.
Quote from: Dom on July 17, 2016, 09:31:44 PM
Where may I ask? Because having gone through my unread posts I can not find you saying it.
Vehicle transfers
Quote from: Tony on July 17, 2016, 09:34:03 PM
Vehicle transfers
I was on about them being Crimsonised.
Quote from: Dom on July 17, 2016, 09:36:28 PM
I was on about them being Crimsonised.
Here we go, another smart arse.
Do you think they'd get transferred to PB and run in Coventry livery then?
Quote from: Dom on July 17, 2016, 09:36:28 PM
I was on about them being Crimsonised.
I would have thought that was a given if they're moving to PB anyway ?
Does this signal the start of Geminis at PB getting the Crimson treatment ?
Quote from: MW on July 17, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
Here we go, another smart arse.
Do you think they'd get transferred to PB and run in Coventry livery then?
And you had already seen that they were at the paint shop from the flier picture.
It is common knowledge that all repaints above 4425 will be in new livery
Quote from: MW on July 17, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
Here we go, another smart arse.
Do you think they'd get transferred to PB and run in Coventry livery then?
1571?? I also do not appreciate you calling me a smart arse. No need for it, just like your post!
Quote from: Tony on July 17, 2016, 09:41:06 PM
And you had already seen that they were at the paint shop from the flier picture.
It is common knowledge that all repaints above 4425 will be in new livery
Yes, at the time I posted it, I hadn't seen vehicle transfers, since this was the latest thread to be posted in.
Quote from: Dom on July 17, 2016, 09:42:46 PM
Exactly my thoughts, although, I did consider them being Mercs at the end of their lifeline.. These Geminis still have a way to go, lol. :P
I was a bit surprised at this transfer; though, not the first time a "surprising" tranfer has occured (PN & PB / YW & WB) - I was thinking, and it's probably a silly question - which may simply come down to numbers, but what about CV to XD and WB to PB? Surely there'd be less hassle, what with new liveries, but don't mind me.. Wishful thinking.
1933 back at YW, 1916 in for paint
Out of all the garages with the new livery being painted. Which one has the highest amount? Would it be PB?
Quote from: Chris on July 18, 2016, 08:33:05 PM
Out of all the garages with the new livery being painted. Which one has the highest amount? Would it be PB?
I think Acocks Green might beat us there. We might be the garage with the second highest amount.
Quote from: Chris on July 18, 2016, 08:33:05 PM
Out of all the garages with the new livery being painted. Which one has the highest amount? Would it be PB?
Just add them up I the list I put on here each week!
Or am I just wasting my time doing loads of typing!
Quote from: Chris on July 18, 2016, 08:33:05 PM
Out of all the garages with the new livery being painted. Which one has the highest amount? Would it be PB?
look at the list Tony puts up
See quote below
AG at 83 sorry
@Tony and yeah
Wasn't AG the first to go red and white too? Also first to ditch roller blinds I think. Not too sure though.
Quote from: MW on July 18, 2016, 08:58:45 PM
Wasn't AG the first to go red and white too? Also first to ditch roller blinds I think. Not too sure though.
Yes, both
Quote from: Tony on July 18, 2016, 09:00:50 PM
Yes, both
You gonna make it a hat trick Tony?
Although with the ALX400s that'd be difficult lol
Quote from: MW on July 18, 2016, 09:09:48 PM
You gonna make it a hat trick Tony?
Although with the ALX400s that'd be difficult lol
No where will be this year. I doubt anywhere will be next although there is one possibility
Quote from: MW on July 18, 2016, 09:09:48 PM
You gonna make it a hat trick Tony?
Although with the ALX400s that'd be difficult lol
Wait what?
Quote from: Ronnoc on July 18, 2016, 09:56:22 PM
Wait what?
I believe he means AG to be the first garage to have a fully crimson fleet and since the ALX400s won't be repainted, it's unlikely as AG seem to be getting them
BY would/could also be the first to be fully crimson as it only has 1 type of bus Scania's in it fleet once they start going in for repaint/refurb
Quote from: Squiz1971 on July 19, 2016, 03:00:07 PM
BY would/could also be the first to be fully crimson as it only has 1 type of bus Scania's in it fleet once they start going in for repaint/refurb
They don't need repainting though!
Quote from: Tony on July 19, 2016, 03:08:11 PM
They don't need repainting though!
Oh right sorry wasn't aware of that being the case
could PN be first to be all Crimson?
It seems as though batches of vehicles are being put into paint based on the physical condition of the bus as opposed to getting a garage in its entirety crimson. That would be quite difficult to gauge as well considering the amount of transfers waiting to happen
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on July 19, 2016, 04:21:30 PM
could PN be first to be all Crimson?
Unlikely, they still have 22 x Tridents numbered below 4425, I also can't see the 15 plate E200's being high up the priority list for repainting.
Vehicles painted since last update
1913; 1928; 1933; 1953; 4448
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4470; 4445; 4459; 4472; 4440
PB 4847, 4850, 4856; 4687; 4688
YW 1911; 1912; 1915; 1916
PN 4435
WA 1761; 1753
Dundee 4709
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1913; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4436; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/9/60/3/4/72 (10)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/13/26/8/33 (9)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4434/6/8/9 (4)
BC 4443/7-9/55/7/8/60-8/74 (17)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-6/8/9/51-5 (11)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 294
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708 (1)
7002-9 ( 8 )
Total 30
Quote from: Winston on July 19, 2016, 05:39:49 PM
Unlikely, they still have 22 x Tridents numbered below 4425, I also can't see the 15 plate E200's being high up the priority list for repainting.
I'd be surprised if any of the midibuses are repainted this side of,say 2019.
Showing 1918 at Yardley Wood, surely it's at Walsall?
Quote from: filbus1 on July 22, 2016, 04:08:11 PM
Showing 1918 at Yardley Wood, surely it's at Walsall?
Presume it is a typo, due to 1918 still being red and white.
Quote from: filbus1 on July 22, 2016, 04:08:11 PM
Showing 1918 at Yardley Wood, surely it's at Walsall?
It should be 1913, I've changed it
Quote from: Dom on July 22, 2016, 04:12:43 PM
Presume it is a typo, due to 1918 still being red and white.
The more important thing was the circumstances which caused the move.
Presumbly Wolves will start getting its own Crimsons once it gets its Platinums?
Quote from: Westy on July 22, 2016, 06:57:40 PM
Presumbly Wolves will start getting its own Crimsons once it gets its Platinums?
Depends tbh, our 2001-2029 B7's are looking a bit scruffy if im honest, but then again as are our tridents and hybrids.
Quote from: Westy on July 22, 2016, 06:57:40 PM
Presumbly Wolves will start getting its own Crimsons once it gets its Platinums?
Only garage with no crimsons?
Quote from: Stu on July 22, 2016, 07:50:31 PM
Neither does Coventry! ;)
Don't forget Dundee! ;)
Quote from: Michael Bevan on July 22, 2016, 09:07:44 PM
Don't forget Dundee! ;)
Now that you mention it, Miller Street doesn't have any as well ;D
neither does lea hall ;)
Quote from: dw1308 on July 24, 2016, 12:15:37 AM
neither does lea hall ;)
Lea Hall doesn't have any buses any more and is no longer owned by NX.
Quote from: 2206 on July 24, 2016, 12:21:08 AM
Lea Hall doesn't have any buses any more and is no longer owned by NX.
I know that it was a joke as I pass the garage everyday on the 14 mate
4847 back in garage this afternoon complete with branding
Vehicles painted since last update
4459; 4470; 4847; 4687; 4709; 1911
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4445; 4472; 4440; 4456
PB 4850, 4856; 4688
YW 1912; 1915; 1916; 1917
PN 4435; 4432; 4433; 4437
WA 1761; 1753
Dundee 4715
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1754; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1911; 1913; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4434; 4436; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467, 4468; 4470; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4708; 4709
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-2/4/7/9/60/3/4/72 (10)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/11/3/26/8/33 (10)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4434/6/8/9 (4)
BC 4443/7-9/55/7/8-68/70/4 (19)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687 (1)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-9/51-5 (12)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 299
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708/9 (2)
7002-9 ( 8 )
Total 31
Are any further vehicles due to get Coventry two-tone blue anytime soon? [..in 2016!]
Any idea what Walsall buses will get repainted next after the B7Lres are done?
Wouldve thought its a toss up between the early Walsall Scanias, including the 4 branded ones & the e200s as theres only 10 of those, I believe!
Quote from: Westy on August 01, 2016, 06:17:33 PM
Any idea what Walsall buses will get repainted next after the B7Lres are done?
Wouldve thought its a toss up between the early Walsall Scanias, including the 4 branded ones & the e200s as theres only 10 of those, I believe!
E200s are way too new for a repaint
Quote from: Tony on August 01, 2016, 06:18:02 PM
E200s are way too new for a repaint
Not arguing but surely it should be how scruffy a batch looks?
Quote from: Dom on August 01, 2016, 06:29:12 PM
Not arguing but surely it should be how scruffy a batch looks?
But they're not scruffy yet either, compared to the buses that are being painted
Quote from: Westy on August 01, 2016, 06:17:33 PM
Any idea what Walsall buses will get repainted next after the B7Lres are done?
Wouldve thought its a toss up between the early Walsall Scanias, including the 4 branded ones & the e200s as theres only 10 of those, I believe!
Or the 61 plate 51 branded E400 (E40D) plus 4870 as well as the 57 plate Scania's would be next
The Walsall Scanias I would say have far greater priority than the E200s - some of those Scanias looking quite jaded and scruffy now.
Said it before, but the refurbished buses are looking excellent. Far cry from those repaints back in 2010.
There are many 41x Trident's that could have a little tidy up.
Quote from: Ronnoc on August 01, 2016, 06:48:08 PM
There are many 41x Trident's that could have a little tidy up.
They won't be repainted so chances are they'll be left as they are till their imminent withdrawal.
Quote from: Liberator9 on August 01, 2016, 06:46:33 PM
The Walsall Scanias I would say have far greater priority than the E200s - some of those Scanias looking quite jaded and scruffy now.
the original WA ones are in a f*cking awful state inside, and out for some
Quote from: Dom on August 01, 2016, 06:53:49 PM
the original WA ones are in a f*cking awful state inside, and out for some
Which ones are you classing as original Walsall?
Quote from: Tony on August 01, 2016, 06:55:06 PM
Which ones are you classing as original Walsall?
The 188× & 189× are the original Wa ones arent they?
Quote from: Tony on August 01, 2016, 06:55:06 PM
Which ones are you classing as original Walsall?
Good point there considering a fair proportion of them are actually West Brom's originally (1848 up to 1862).
The ex PB lot are in good condition as would be expected.
Quote from: Liberator9 on August 01, 2016, 06:59:28 PM
Good point there considering a fair proportion of them are actually West Brom's originally.
The ex PB lot are in good condition as would be expected.
Yes, the ex WB ones are the worst and will be done first
Quote from: Tony on August 01, 2016, 06:55:06 PM
Which ones are you classing as original Walsall?
Sorry yes my bad, not sure why I thought they were originally at WA when they were from WB, sorry guys my bad, but I mean 1878-1895, havent caught enough 4 brandeds to come to a general concensus but the EX-PB are in a brilliant state.
Quote from: Dom on August 01, 2016, 07:03:16 PM
Sorry yes my bad, not sure why I thought they were originally at WA when they were from WB, sorry guys my bad, but I mean 1878-1895, havent caught enough 4 brandeds to come to a general concensus but the EX-PB are in a brilliant state.
That's because the ex PB ones were all repainted and refurbed not too long ago.
Quote from: Tony on August 01, 2016, 07:01:09 PM
Yes, the ex WB ones are the worst and will be done first
Good to hear - makes sense as they certainly are the tattiest of the lot.
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on August 01, 2016, 06:53:31 PM
They won't be repainted so chances are they'll be left as they are till their imminent withdrawal.
I wouldn't say that they should be repainted as such, but just tidied up, as they some of them are really really tatty.
Quote from: Westy on August 01, 2016, 06:17:33 PM
Any idea what Walsall buses will get repainted next after the B7Lres are done?
Wouldve thought its a toss up between the early Walsall Scanias, including the 4 branded ones & the e200s as theres only 10 of those, I believe!
Would have thought the Scanias would possibly be next. As Tony said the midibuses are only two years old and not really needed to be repainted.
Quote from: markcf83 on August 01, 2016, 07:27:58 PM
Would have thought the Scanias would possibly be next. As Tony said the midibuses are only two years old and not really needed to be repainted.
However 801-830 are significantly older (not Walsall's). Perhaps Walsall's and Coventry's 48xx Enviros will be fairly soon.
1896 isn't tatty, that's not in a terrible state, think it was treated to a repaint a couple of years ago
Quote from: Busman Jamie on August 01, 2016, 08:08:38 PM
1896 isn't tatty, that's not in a terrible state, think it was treated to a repaint a couple of years ago
Yeah 1896 is a good one - was fully refurbished in 2013. Good to have at YW and shame it left to go back to WA. Remember the heating on it was pretty strong, so a good one to have on the Winter mornings!
4687 looks brilliant
@Tony One of the better Gemini's which were at Coventry.
Still nothing for wn tridents, some look like they're in the middle of being prepped.
Quote from: Trident4590 on August 02, 2016, 04:50:31 PM
Still nothing for wn tridents, some look like they're in the middle of being prepped.
Prepped for what exactly?
Quote from: Dom on August 02, 2016, 04:53:05 PM
Prepped for what exactly?
Some are scratched, notice it when they come in for mot
Quote from: Trident4590 on August 02, 2016, 04:55:46 PM
Some are scratched, notice it when they come in for mot
Quote from: Trident4590 on August 02, 2016, 04:55:46 PM
Some are scratched, notice it when they come in for mot
That didnt answer my question, I said prepped for what exactly.
Quote from: Dom on August 02, 2016, 05:21:06 PM
That didnt answer my question, I said prepped for what exactly.
Sorry I meant to say to me some of them look like they are being prepped for paint
Quote from: Trident4590 on August 02, 2016, 07:46:51 PM
Vehicles are keyed (scratched) before going into paint
What on earth are you on about?
Quote from: Tony on August 02, 2016, 08:00:43 PM
What on earth are you on about?
Sanding the paint down in a body shop is known as keying, not literally keying it as in vandalising!
Quote from: BU07 LGO on August 02, 2016, 08:47:38 PM
Sanding the paint down in a body shop is known as keying, not literally keying it as in vandalising!
Like this example
Quote from: Adam 404 on August 02, 2016, 08:48:58 PM
Like this example
But no Wolverhampton ones look like that.
Quote from: Tony on August 02, 2016, 08:51:24 PM
But no Wolverhampton ones look like that.
@Tony is that why PN Tridents are usually away at WA for a while, do they need that much repanelling?
Quote from: Stuharris 6360 on August 02, 2016, 08:53:06 PM
@Tony is that why PN Tridents are usually away at WA for a while, do they need that much repanelling?
Varies, 4432 has arrived with only a couple of bent skirt panels, but the paint shop do a lot more than straighten bent panels and paint a bus when they get it
Wasn't 4432 only done last year into red and white after being the last twm bus. 3 liverys in a year
Quote from: Jack6101 on August 02, 2016, 09:28:36 PM
Wasn't 4432 only done last year into red and white after being the last twm bus. 3 liverys in a year
it was.
4718 is in Crimson
Quote from: Tony on August 05, 2016, 10:37:11 PM
No it isn't
It is you have posted a photo of it on WMPTE Group on Facebook
Quote from: RS on August 05, 2016, 10:45:25 PM
It is you have posted a photo of it on WMPTE Group on Facebook
Its an old picture. 4718 was used for a prototype version of the Crimson livery. You can see the differences between that and the actual livery
Quote from: John on August 05, 2016, 10:48:20 PM
Its an old picture. 4718 was used for a prototype version of the Crimson livery. You can see the differences between that and the actual livery
Much brighter red and the top gold line thing is missing
The actual Crimson red looks much better
Quote from: RS on August 05, 2016, 10:35:46 PM
4718 is in Crimson
Get your own material, rather than reporting what others have posted elsewhere......
4850 now back in service in Crimson
Quote from: Michael Bevan on June 22, 2016, 07:46:14 PM
I've been told that 1643 and 4010 are going into Crimson soon to be used for schools and non PC use. Is this true? As I think it's lies.
4010 in the background appears to be in allover red at the mo,
@Michael Bevan - :P
Quote from: clayderman on August 10, 2016, 10:13:51 PM
4010 in the background appears to be in allover red at the mo, @Michael Bevan - :P
I know. I've seen it quite a few times. Would love to get a photo.
Quote from: Tony on August 02, 2016, 08:51:24 PM
But no Wolverhampton ones look like that.
Have a look at the top deck of 4557, that is what I was trying to say
1761 was back out in service yesterday
1753 almost ready just few logos left to do by look of it
A bit of a hold up at the moment while a few of the transfers have been delayed
1753; 1916; 4432; 4472 & 4856 all painted at Walsall waiting for the last bit of livery, but a bus that has jumped the queue due to RTC damage is 1845 which will be the first crimson Scania at Walsall
Will pensnett's crimson tridents be getting any price branding or route branding
I saw 1845 tonight, looks nasty, only drove it last week too
Just saw 4432?? (I think) heading down Leamore Lane, not sure if it's recently been fitted but did have an LED blind
Quote from: Busman Jamie on August 18, 2016, 12:44:36 PM
Just saw 4432?? (I think) heading down Leamore Lane, not sure if it's recently been fitted but did have an LED blind
Its had it for a while but the via scrolling is in hieroglyphics or was
Ah right, cheers for that, I wasn't sure
4437 ready now as well
Vehicles painted since last update
4445; 4472; 4688; 4850; 4856; 1916; 4432; 4437; 1753; 1761; 4715; 4717
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4440; 4456; 4446; 4469
PB 4689; 4690
YW 1912; 1915; 1917; 1910
PN 4435; 4433; 4427; 4430
WA 1755; 1845
Dundee 4704; 4705
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1911; 1913; 1916; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4432; 4434; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4445; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460;
4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4470; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688
4708; 4709
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-4/7/9/60/1/3/4/72 (12)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/11/3/6/26/8/33 (11)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4432/4/6-8/9 (6)
BC 4443/5/7-9/55/7/8-68/70/2/4 (21)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687/8 (2)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 309
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
Total 58
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708/9/15/7 (4)
7002-9 ( 8 )
Total 33
Boss - You have WA 1753 & 1761 listed as both completed since last update & in the paintshop
Quote from: Winston on August 23, 2016, 04:21:25 PM
Boss - You have WA 1753 & 1761 listed as both completed since last update & in the paintshop
Vehicles painted since last update
1912; 1915; 1917; 4433; 4689
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4440; 4456; 4446; 4469
CV 841; 842; 843; 844 (all blue front only)
PB 4690
YW 1910; 1900; 1903; 1916
PN 4435; 4431; 4429: 4430
WA 1755; 1845; 1882
Dundee 4704; 4705
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4432; 4433; 4434; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4443; 4445; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460;
4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4470; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689
4708; 4709; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-4/7/9/60/1/3/4/72 (12)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/11-3/5/7/26/8/33 (13)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4432-4/6-9 (7)
BC 4443/5/7-9/55/7/8-68/70/2/4 (21)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-9 (3)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 313
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-65 (7)
Total 65
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4708/9/15/7 (4)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 34
@Tony Any chance of anymore PN Tridents being finished before next week, with the normal timetable being resumed next week and 4 buses away, surely PN are going to be short?
The E200s going to CV, why didn't they get painted into the 2 tone Coventry blue ?
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on September 03, 2016, 01:22:25 AM
The E200s going to CV, why didn't they get painted into the 2 tone Coventry blue ?
I can assume that they haven't gone two tone as they could still be considered "too new" - albeit 2 years..
Or it's possibly just down to the fact that repainting them into two tone is much more time consuming? And of course, avoiding a 'messy' fleet. I surmise, whatever route they'd be allocated to, some exWN will be bound to appear off its route onto the 2/3 already using the Blue/White livery E200s that were new to CV. Having two different liveries operating the route may be confusing to some.. You'd be surprised. ;) Haha
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on September 03, 2016, 01:22:25 AM
The E200s going to CV, why didn't they get painted into the 2 tone Coventry blue ?
It has been explained elsewhere that because these are transfers, not refurbs, that these buses will not get the new livery yet
Has 4427 been repainted
@Tony as the latest list now contains 4429
Chris-if I'm right it hasn't yet been done. I have kept track of what has been repainted this year and I don't think it's been to Walsall yet. Tony can confirm if I've got it right....
1845 is now in Crimson.
1845 is out today on the 301.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on September 21, 2016, 02:19:51 PM
1845 is out today on the 301.
Broken down in Walsall Bus Station.
Quote from: P419 EJW on September 21, 2016, 04:22:53 PM
Broken down in Walsall Bus Station.
Was stuck in the Bus Station for around 4 hours.
Quote from: Michael Bevan on September 21, 2016, 07:53:21 PM
Was stuck in the Bus Station for around 4 hours.
It's finally towed away.
4431 back at pn
4690 now at PB
Quote from: Tony on September 22, 2016, 03:32:35 PM
4690 now at PB
So will the ex Coventry gems be used to upgrade the 67 then do we think ?
@Tony Have you an up to date list of which buses that have been completed & which buses are in the Walsall paint shop please :D ;D
Vehicles painted since last update
1755; 1845; 1910; 1916; 4431; 4435; 4440; 4456; 4469; 4690; 4704; 4705
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4444; 4446; 4471
CV 840 (blue front only)
YW 1899; 1900; 1903
PN 4427; 4428; 4429: 4430
WA 1768; 1882
Dundee 4703; 4707; 4712; C111; C112
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1772
1898; 1902; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4443; 4445; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455;
4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4704; 4705; 4708; 4709; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-5/7/9/60/1/3/4/72 (13)
WA 1845 (1)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/5-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (15)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4431-9 (9)
BC 4440/3/5/7-9/56-70/2/4 (24)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 323
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-79 (21)
Total 79
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4704/5/8/9/15/7 (6)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 36
Vehicles painted since last update
1768; 1903; 4429; 4430; C111; C112
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4444; 4446; 4471; 4634
YW 1899; 1900; 4572
PN 4426; 4427; 4428
WA 1770; 1882
Dundee 4703; 4707; 4711; 4712
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1772
1898; 1902; 1903; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4443; 4445; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455;
4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4704; 4705; 4708; 4709; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-5/7/9/60/1/3/4/8/72 (14)
WA 1845 (1)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898, 1902/3/5-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (16)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4429-9 (11)
BC 4440/3/5/7-9/56-70/2/4 (24)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 327
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-88 (30)
PB 6796-98 (3)
Total 91
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4704/5/8/9/15/7 (6)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 36
Boss, have C111 & C112 been repainted allover white? Or just have NX coaches decals removed?
Quote from: Winston on October 03, 2016, 03:07:22 PM
Boss, have C111 & C112 been repainted allover white? Or just have NX coaches decals removed?
Fresh coat of white. I haven't seen them yet to see if the fleetnames have been put on
1882 has now been repainted.
Vehicles painted since last update
4444; 4446; 4471; 1899; 1770; 1882; 4703; 4707
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4634; 4441; 4442; 4473
YW 1900; 4572; 4577
PN 4426; 4427; 4428
WA 1769; 1849
Dundee 4711; 4712; 4700; 4701; 4702
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1770; 1772
1845; 1882
1898; 1899; 1902; 1903; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455;
4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4703; 4704; 4705; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-5/7/9/60/1/3/4/8/70/2 (15)
WA 1845/82 (2)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1902/3/5-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (17)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4429-9 (11)
BC 4440/3-9/56-72/4 (27)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 333
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-94 (36)
PB 6796-804 (9)
Total 103
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4703-5/7-9/15/7 (8 )
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 38
Why haven't 4637/51/58 been repainted yet?
Quote from: Ronnoc on October 15, 2016, 07:05:32 PM
Why haven't 4637/51/58 been repainted yet?
They were under two years ago.
Quote from: Tony on October 15, 2016, 07:19:45 PM
They were under two years ago.
I mean in to crimson, just like the rest of its batch (excluding the 11 branded Geminis).
Quote from: Tony on October 15, 2016, 07:19:45 PM
They were under two years ago.
There are several buses in that batch that recieved Crimson less than a year after repaint (4638 had a red/white repaint in April 2015, was repainted in February 2016 into Crimson)
Quote from: Nathan on October 15, 2016, 07:37:33 PM
There are several buses in that batch that recieved Crimson less than a year after repaint though (4638 had a red/white repaint in April 2015, was repainted in 2016 into Crimson)
Due to receiving damage
Quote from: Tony on October 15, 2016, 07:42:25 PM
Due to receiving damage
Cheers. Thanks for the clarification.
Is it fairly conclusive to say if/ when 4520 goes in WA after its treatment, it'll come out in crimson ?
Quote from: GeminiFan1991 on October 15, 2016, 08:03:59 PM
Is it fairly conclusive to say if/ when 4520 goes in WA after its treatment, it'll come out in crimson ?
I think it is still becoming a driver trainer rather than back to normal passenger service
With Pensnett's 44xx tridents nearly finished, it's time to start on another fresh batch.
4506 now at Walsall for repaint
Quote from: Tony on October 15, 2016, 08:22:52 PM
With Pensnett's 44xx tridents nearly finished, it's time to start on another fresh batch.
4506 now at Walsall for repaint
I was thinking today our Geminis would soon be getting repainted. I hope that the red bar under the display is reinstated black upon repaint
What will go into paint once the 97 44** BC tridents are repainted or are BC 46** tridents next through?
Quote from: Chris on October 15, 2016, 10:03:59 PM
What will go into paint once the 97 44** BC tridents are repainted or are BC 46** tridents next through?
The 46** batch at BC is already in the process of being repainted.
Quote from: Tony on October 15, 2016, 08:22:52 PM
With Pensnett's 44xx tridents nearly finished, it's time to start on another fresh batch.
4506 now at Walsall for repaint
Is 4506 heading to AG then?
Vehicles painted since last update
4428; 1900; 4702; 4711
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4634; 4441; 4442; 4473; 4608
YW 4572; 4577
PB 4505; 4506
PN 4426; 4427
WA 1769; 1849
Dundee 4712; 4700; 4701; 4706
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1770; 1772
1845; 1882
1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4428; 4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4702; 4703; 4704; 4705; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4711; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-5/7/9/60/1/3/4/8/70/2 (15)
WA 1845/82 (2)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1900/2/3/5-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (18)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4428-39 (12)
BC 4440/3-9/56-72/4 (27)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31 (2)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 335
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-94 (36)
PB 6796-805 (10)
Total 104
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4702-5/7-9/11/5/7 (10)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 40
Vehicles painted since last update
4634; 1769; 4712
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4441; 4442; 4473; 4608
YW 4572; 4577; 1904
PB 4505; 4506
PN 4426; 4427; 4425
WA 1849
Dundee 4700; 4701; 4706; 4710
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1769; 1770; 1772
1845; 1882
1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4428; 4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4474
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4621; 4631; 4634
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4702; 4703; 4704; 4705; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4711; 4712; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-5/7/9/60/1/3/4/8-70/2 (16)
WA 1845/82 (2)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1900/2/3/5-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (18)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4428-39 (12)
BC 4440/3-9/56-72/4 (27)
AG 4524-34 (11)
BC 4621/31/4 (3)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 337
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-18 (18)
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-95 (37)
PB 6796-808/15/6 (15)
Total 110
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4702-5/7-9/11/2/5/7 (11)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 41
Just seen 4426 returning to Pensnett looking good in Crimson
4572 finished
4506 done
4218 parked outside paint shop still? Thought it had gone back
Quote from: BU07 LGO on November 14, 2016, 07:12:52 PM
4506 done
4218 parked outside paint shop still? Thought it had gone back
@BU07 LGO Did you notice if the red bar under the destination was repainted back to black, or still red?
Good job you said that about 4218, as I was going to go to Coventry to find it today!
Quote from: John on November 15, 2016, 10:04:43 AM
Did you notice if the red bar under the destination was repainted back to black, or still red?
Good job you said that about 4218, as I was going to go to Coventry to find it today!
I can't remember if I'm honest
@John . I do know it still had 46 on the destination!
Quote from: John on November 15, 2016, 10:04:43 AM
Did you notice if the red bar under the destination was repainted back to black, or still red?
Good job you said that about 4218, as I was going to go to Coventry to find it today!
I had a good wander around Coventry city-centre today (having a couple of days off work) looking for 4218. I assumed it wasn't here or it was tucked inside the garage after a fruitless search! Looks like I needn't have bothered, though a few pics grabbed anyway.
Quote from: paulb1973 on November 15, 2016, 05:31:54 PM
I had a good wander around Coventry city-centre today (having a couple of days off work) looking for 4218. I assumed it wasn't here or it was tucked inside the garage after a fruitless search! Looks like I needn't have bothered, though a few pics grabbed anyway.
4505 also finished, sat outside paint shop tonight and 4218 still here!
4218 back at Coventry garage now.
4504 just seen in Walsall with engineer driving so guessing that's going in whilst they collect 4505
1925 off for repaint? Just driven past Newtown Baths with engineer
4572 in service on the 6 today in a fresh coat of paint
Quote from: John on November 15, 2016, 10:04:43 AM
Did you notice if the red bar under the destination was repainted back to black, or still red?
To answer my own question, yes it has been repainted black
Quote from: John on November 17, 2016, 09:13:59 PM
To answer my own question, yes it has been repainted black
And looks a lot smarter for it too.
4441 refurbished and on the 29
Quote from: Mike K on November 17, 2016, 09:14:57 PM
And looks a lot smarter for it too.
Presumably it has been painted into Crimson livery?
Quote from: Sh4318 on November 18, 2016, 06:20:34 PM
Presumably it has been painted into Crimson livery?
Yes it has
4612 now in, looks like 14 will be going Crimson
Quote from: BU07 LGO on November 24, 2016, 06:18:43 PM
4612 now in, looks like 14 will be going Crimson
The past few weeks, I've noticed more Tridents in the new livery appearing on the 14. With Geminis in the process of being done, the 70 regularly having crimson tridents and the 72, Saltley is looking quite smart. 😃
It's about time, I don't think any of them have looked smart since Lea Hall closed.
Quote from: monkeyjoe on November 24, 2016, 09:04:44 PM
It's about time, I don't think any of them have looked smart since Lea Hall closed.
In all fairness, the 55 looks smart. BY look after their buses well. it's just a bad livery.
OK maybe the 72 & 55 but the others I need convincing maybe ill see a difference when next back in Brum.
Vehicles painted since last update
4441; 4442; 4473; 4608; 1904; 4572; 4577; 4505; 4506; 4425; 4426; 4427; 1849; 4701; 1756
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4612; 4620; 4622; 4623; 4626
YW 1925; 4566
PB 4503; 4504; 4691
WA 1848; 1771
Dundee 4700; 4715; 4706; 4710
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1756; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1769; 1770; 1772
1845; 1849; 1882
1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4425; 4426; 4427; 4428; 4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4441; 4442; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4473; 4474
4505; 4506
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4572; 4577
4608; 4621; 4631; 4634
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690
4701; 4702; 4703; 4704; 4705; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4711; 4712; 4715; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-7/9/60/1/3/4/8-70/2 (17)
WA 1845/9/82 (3)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1900/2-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (19)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4425-39 (15)
BC 4440-74 (30)
PB 4505/6 (2)
AG 4524-34 (11)
YW 4572/7 (2)
BC 4608/21/31/4 (4)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-90 (4)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 351
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-10 (10)
PN 6711-18 ( 8 )
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-95 (37)
PB 6796-824 (29)
BC 6825-30/2/3 ( 8 )
Total 132
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4701-5/7-9/11/2/5/7 (12)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 42
When did 1756 get painted
@Tony? Can see it on any of the lists
Quote from: uniquicity on November 28, 2016, 11:06:34 PM
When did 1756 get painted @Tony? Can see it on any of the lists
Appears to have gone in, and been finished whilst I was in the USA, now added to the list.
Another vehicle now in is PB 4486
Quote from: Tony on November 29, 2016, 08:53:42 PM
now in is PB 4486
Excellent - a start on the (original) Gems!
Quote from: The Real 4778 on November 30, 2016, 11:08:06 AM
Excellent - a start on the (original) Gems!
4505/6 are already done. They are original PB Gemini
Quote from: The Real 4778 on November 30, 2016, 11:08:06 AM
Excellent - a start on the (original) Gems!
4503 & 4504 are also in repaint as per Tony's list also part of 4475-4510 or to 4515 I think were the original allocation for PB in 2003
Quote from: Squiz1971 on November 30, 2016, 06:58:58 PM
4503 & 4504 are also in repaint as per Tony's list also part of 4475-4510 or to 4515 I think were the original allocation for PB in 2003
4475-4516 was our original allocation when new. 4517 came in 2007 for a year and left with 4511-14
Quote from: John on November 30, 2016, 07:02:21 PM
4475-4516 was our original allocation when new. 4517 came in 2007 for a year and left with 4511-14
@John I was thinking it was up to 4520 at first & I knew AG's allocation started in an odd place numerical wise
Aren't 4475-4534 all original Geminis or am I missing something?
Unless you're referring to the Line 33 ones
Quote from: MW on November 30, 2016, 07:30:13 PM
Aren't 4475-4534 all original Geminis or am I missing something?
Unless you're referring to the Line 33 ones
By original, I meant the original Perry Barr batch that we had new. The line 33 ones and the unbranded ones up to 4516
Quote from: Tony on November 30, 2016, 06:15:15 PM
4505/6 are already done. They are original PB Gemini
Of course they are, the highest numbered PB pair - I'd forgotten about them, the two that didn't transfer because they're tacho-fitted?
1848 finished. 1787 & 4713 on way to Walsall for repaint
Was 4506 originally an exhibit at a Motor show or used for Wright/TWM publicity photos? I seem to recall when new it was a lot smarter looking than the buses that proceeded it.
Quote from: Gareth on December 01, 2016, 01:32:04 PM
Was 4506 originally an exhibit at a Motor show or used for Wright/TWM publicity photos? I seem to recall when new it was a lot smarter looking than the buses that proceeded it.
Yes it has been. I have a print of it at a show when new, Volvo badge on the front, by the n/s indicator and B7TL as the numerplate. TWM Making Travel Safer in the n/s ad frame
Quote from: Gareth on December 01, 2016, 01:32:04 PM
Was 4506 originally an exhibit at a Motor show or used for Wright/TWM publicity photos? I seem to recall when new it was a lot smarter looking than the buses that proceeded it.
It was also the first one with the screens inside and the exterior tree deflector weren't it?
Quote from: MW on December 01, 2016, 02:04:29 PM
It was also the first one with the screens inside and the exterior tree deflector weren't it?
Yes, the first numerically
Quote from: MW on December 01, 2016, 02:04:29 PM
It was also the first one with the screens inside and the exterior tree deflector weren't it?
They were fitted from 53 plate or 4506 onwards on Gem's & Tridents that were subsequently delivered
Quote from: Squiz1971 on December 01, 2016, 02:25:48 PM
They were fitted from 53 plate or 4506 onwards on Gem's & Tridents that were subsequently delivered
Except Dundees 54 plates ;)
4881; 4882; 4883 now all at Walsall for blue fronts
4691 now ready for PB
1787 & 4713 now at Walsall for repaint
Quote from: BU07 LGO on December 01, 2016, 07:52:53 PM
Except Dundees 54 plates ;)
I was referring more to the West Midlands Gems & Tridents but I forgot about 7001-18
@BU07 LGO Cheers
Quote from: Tony on December 01, 2016, 08:17:38 PM
4881; 4882; 4883 now all at Walsall for blue fronts
4691 now ready for PB
1787 & 4713 now at Walsall for repaint
4504 is currently on it's way back to Perry Barr. Just passed me by the Greyhound Stadium.
4884 now done
Vehicles painted since last update
4626; 4504; 4691; 1848; 4700; 4706; 4710; 4715
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4612; 4620; 4622; 4623; 4611
CV 4776
YW 1925; 4566; 1927
PB 4478; 4484; 4486; 4503; 4693
WA 1765; 1771
Dundee 1787; 4713; 4714
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1756; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1768; 1769; 1770; 1772
1845; 1848; 1849; 1882
1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4425; 4426; 4427; 4428; 4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4441; 4442; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4473; 4474
4504; 4505; 4506
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4572; 4577
4608; 4621; 4626; 4631; 4634
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690; 4691
4700; 4701; 4702; 4703; 4704; 4705; 4706; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4710; 4711; 4712; 4715; 4716; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-7/9/60/1/3/4/8-70/2 (17)
WA 1845/8/9/82 (3)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1900/2-7/10-3/5-7/26/8/33 (19)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4425-39 (15)
BC 4440-74 (30)
PB 4504-6 (3)
AG 4524-34 (11)
YW 4572/7 (2)
BC 4608/21/6/31/4 (5)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-91 (5)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 355
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-10 (10)
PN 6711-18 ( 8 )
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-95 (37)
PB 6796-824 (29)
BC 6825-45 (21)
Total 145
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4700-12/5-7 (16)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 46
Quote from: Tony on December 12, 2016, 10:40:57 AM
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4700-3/5-7 (16)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 46
I make that only 6 not 16
@Tony plus the 4 recently done will still only make the total 10. Though I think you have missed a few off looking at the above list of already painted Dundee Gems
Quote from: Squiz1971 on December 12, 2016, 05:18:56 PM
I make that only 6 not 16 @Tony plus the 4 recently done will still only make the total 10. Though I think you have missed a few off looking at the above list of already painted Dundee Gems
Typo, 4700-12/5-7 are the 16 painted
1925 is now done and on it's way back to Yardley Wood. Just seen it on the Bloxwich Road in Walsall.
4623's repaint/refurb is complete.
Quote from: Nathan on December 14, 2016, 02:29:38 PM
4623's repaint/refurb is complete.
4620 & 4566 also now finished
Saw 4566 yesterday (don't know whether it was in service or not) in that case - thought I was seeing things when I saw a Crimson Trident in the distance round Hall Green!
Passed 4565 on Blowich Rd yesterday, going for repaint most likely.
1771 is finished was on the 4M earlier
4620 http://wmbusphotos.com/NXWM/4475-4699/4620.html
4623 http://wmbusphotos.com/NXWM/4475-4699/4623.html
finished as well
4503 now repainted, came out on the 94 tonight
Quote from: John on December 16, 2016, 10:47:56 PM
4503 now repainted, came out on the 94 tonight
Glad I had 4503 not long ago then. It was the (last) Gemini to have retained the original moquette. Was surprised and couldn't miss the opportunity to picture them. Downstairs: https://flic.kr/p/NCuYjA Upstairs: https://flic.kr/p/MQVXuC
4622 is now finished and on it's way back to Birmingham Central. Just passed it at Broadway North in Walsall.
4545 parked outside paint, potentially WNs first Crimson ?
Quote from: BU07 LGO on January 01, 2017, 06:30:41 PM
4545 parked outside paint, potentially WNs first Crimson ?
No, just offside accident repairs
Vehicles painted since last update
4611; 4612; 4620; 4622; 4623; 1925; 4566; 4486; 4503; 1765; 1771
Vehicles currently in paint
BC 4616; 4617
CV 4776
YW 1923; 4565; 1927
PB 4478; 4484; 4692; 4693; 4694; 4696
Dundee 1787; 4713; 4714
Vehicles painted at Walsall in 2016 so far
C111; C112
1408; 1452; 1643
1750; 1751; 1752; 1753; 1754; 1755; 1756; 1757; 1759; 1760; 1761; 1763; 1764; 1765; 1768; 1769; 1770; 1771; 1772
1845; 1848; 1849; 1882
1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1925; 1926; 1928; 1933
1936; 1937; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1952; 1953
4010; 4076; 4105; 4164; 4369
4425; 4426; 4427; 4428; 4429; 4430; 4431; 4432; 4433; 4434; 4435; 4436; 4437; 4438; 4439; 4440; 4441; 4442; 4443; 4444; 4445; 4446; 4447; 4448; 4449; 4455; 4456; 4457; 4458; 4459; 4460; 4461; 4463; 4464; 4465; 4467; 4468; 4469; 4470; 4471; 4472; 4473; 4474
4486; 4503; 4504; 4505; 4506
4524, 4525, 4526; 4528; 4532
4566; 4572; 4577
4608; 4611; 4612; 4620; 4621; 4622; 4623; 4626; 4631; 4634
4638; 4640; 4641; 4642; 4646; 4647; 4648; 4650, 4653; 4654; 4655; 4656
4687; 4688; 4689; 4690; 4691
4700; 4701; 4702; 4703; 4704; 4705; 4706; 4707; 4708; 4709; 4710; 4711; 4712; 4715; 4716; 4717
4818; 4819; 4821; 4824; 4825; 4827; 4828
4843; 4844; 4845; 4846; 4847; 4848; 4849; 4850; 4851; 4852; 4853; 4854; 4855; 4856
4871; 4872
7019; 7020; 7021, 7022; 7025; 7027; 7028; 7029; 7030; 7031; 7032; 7033
Buses in service in new livery
WA 1750-7/9/60/1/3/4/5/8-70-2 (19)
WA 1845/8/9/82 (3)
PB 1863-1877 (15)
YW 1898/9, 1900/2-7/10-3/5-7/25/6/8/33 (20)
WB 1936-53 (18)
AG 2201-50 (50)
PN 3301-5 (5)
PN 4425-39 (15)
BC 4440-74 (30)
PB 4486/4503-6 (5)
AG 4524-34 (11)
YW 4566/72/7 (3)
BC 4608/21/6/31/4 (5)
AG 4635/6/8-50/52-7/9 (22)
PB 4687-91 (5)
WB 4738-62 (25)
PB 4799-815/7-29 (30)
PB 4843-56 (14)
BC 4871/2 (2)
PN 6101-22 (22)
YW 6123-48 (26)
PB 7019-33 (15)
Total 366
CV 4763-75 (13)
Total 13
BC 6701-10 (10)
PN 6711-18 ( 8 )
WA 6719-58 (40)
WN 6759-95 (37)
PB 6796-824 (29)
BC 6825-45 (21)
Total 145
431-5 (5)
1774-86 (13)
2057/8 (2)
4076 (1)
4700-12/5-7 (16)
7002-10 ( 9 )
Total 46
That's the final list of buses painted in 2016 then?
Has 1918 made it in for paint? As I can't see it on the recent list
Quote from: John on January 03, 2017, 06:06:40 PM
Has 1918 made it in for paint? As I can't see it on the recent list
No, it was going straight in, but the delay in PB sending the transfers has meant it has been delayed
Is that bus still being sneaked in for a repaint mr h?
Quote from: karl724223 on January 03, 2017, 06:10:48 PM
Is that bus still being sneaked in for a repaint mr h?
Yes, but it's been overtaken in the queue
Quote from: karl724223 on January 03, 2017, 06:10:48 PM
Is that bus still being sneaked in for a repaint mr h?
A pensnett volvo by any chance?
Can't see a 2017 thread so I'll post here but 4424 is at paint shop, presumably going green ready for transfer to Dundee so doubt it'll be back at Coventry!
Quote from: BU07 LGO on January 10, 2017, 06:08:43 PM
Can't see a 2017 thread so I'll post here but 4424 is at paint shop, presumably going green ready for transfer to Dundee so doubt it'll be back at Coventry!
No just accident repair patch up. They're not moving north anytime soon
Quote from: Tony on January 10, 2017, 06:11:07 PM
No just accident repair patch up. They're not moving north anytime soon
Ohh! Thought I read somewhere they were off to Dundee!
Quote from: P419 EJW on December 16, 2016, 11:22:11 PM
Glad I had 4503 not long ago then. It was the (last) Gemini to have retained the original moquette. Was surprised and couldn't miss the opportunity to picture them. Downstairs: https://flic.kr/p/NCuYjA Upstairs: https://flic.kr/p/MQVXuC
That's the state of 94s I'm glad I stopped using them and switched to Über when in my Brum gaff lol