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Topics - GeminiFan1991

Bugs and Errors / Forum Calendar
October 20, 2019, 03:19:30 PM
Hello All,

I only realized the CV Open Day was happening on the actual day itself. I suppose that is somewhat down to myself for not paying enough attention to the forum as due to my working hours, whenever I do see the forum, I find myself having to sift through various posts just to keep up to date.

My suggestion is that seeing as this was an "event", is it possible to add these into the Calendar tab. As of now, only birthdays are populated in it but I feel as though it would more beneficial if enthusiast events were incorporated into the calendar so they become more easily accessible, especially at a glance.

Just a thought,
Hi All,

I used to use the NXWM app regularly but as of late, I noticed it just doesn't seem to work. At first, I assumed it was an isolated incident so I took no noticed but its happened multiple times and now every time I load a stop, it just says "There are no National Express West Midlands services due fro this stop". I've since started using NX Bus app (An app which I initially dismissed) and after a short while using it, I have to say it's really intuitive. I especially like the fact it gives you a route map and I believe it even tracks buses on a map (Admittedly I did find it to be hit or miss). Overall, I like this and its a good improvement. I don't like its route planning takes you to Google Maps as opposed to calculating in app (Like NXWM).

Has the NXWM app also ceased to function for anyone else? What are peoples views each app?
Salutations All

I came across the link below, and I found it quite interesting. I've seen vans converted for living purposes but a bus which has the added advantage of extra space is a nice prospect.

What are peoples views on this and the notion of converting a bus into viable living quarters.
National Express West Midlands / Being an NX Driver
October 20, 2016, 08:32:13 PM
Having come short an yet another interview with NX ( :D ......  >:( ..........  :'( ), I was given some advice which many others have given me and that is get into the company through becoming a driver.

I've messaged a few drivers on this who've been nothing but helpful but I was wondering if I could gather more general feedback as to whether this is the ideal way. I have a degree and even at my last interview I was asked why apply for a part time position when you possess such a qualification and a chap at the head office stated he started off as a driver and using his degree he went further up the ladder.

Essentially I'm requesting drivers who could provide feedback as to what to expect, what to brace myself for and so. I live in Stechford by the Police Station, so AG would be my ideal candidate (Geminis  :D) for a garage.
May be some of the younger members of the forum could take note potentially become drivers and so. I'm still in the process of getting my car license but I'm attempting to plan ahead.

I thought I'll this create this thread with a view to let member voice improvements they think NX could improve on from an operational (I.e. how they run buses). Such things include routes moving between between garages or routes interworking to joint garages although I'm not a mod, I'd like to say route changes shouldn't be included in this thread (Their are ample threads which have created).

My entry: currently speaking most routes are currently managed by 1 garage which is located not too far away from the route but would it be feasible on a number of garages having a number of boards for a route if it reduces dead mileage ? I.e. To my knowledge all 11A/C boards are managed by AG, this includes boards which start/ terminate in Perry Barr, Kings Heath, Dudley Road etc.... but what I'm proposing those boards which start & terminate on the other side of the city (i.e. Bearwood, Dudley Road) could be taken on by WB. The same also applies to those boards which start & end in Perry Barr. You get the general gist of what I'm saying, It sounds awfully complicated and probably impractical if everything is taken into account but I hope you get my idea.
For that matter, wouldn't CV be better off handling a few 900 boards which start and end in Coventry ? It may mean lending a Platinum or 2 over but wouldn't it save running a bus dead between the 2 cities ?

P.S. I have my eyes on a role with NX based at the HQ based within the operations department, so ensuing exchange of ideas will surely help !
National Express West Midlands / Cricket Shuttles
June 14, 2016, 01:34:21 PM
Do we know which garages will be contributing to the Cricket Shuttles ?!

National Express West Midlands / NXWM 2016 Orders
December 06, 2015, 05:26:13 PM
Seeing as the dawn of 2016 is nearly there and with it brings another batch of vehicles to NXWM (Fairly diverse) range fleet.

Does anyone have know anything confirmed routes/ garages where these vehicles will be new and which garages will be getting cascades ?! My personal opinion is that the Plaxtons will be rid of or at the very least be left in very small numbers and I hope the Suttons go Platinum.

Any takers and opinions ?!
General Discussion & Questions / Birmingham to Rugeley
September 01, 2015, 07:50:08 PM
I have managed to acquire a job which is based at Rugeley although its quite far away, as much as I like buses, I intend to get the Train due to time although my knowledge on trains and how they run is awfully bad. A few good members of the forum have kindly offered assistance although I'm opening this up to everyone, I'll require return tickets and what are the cheapest prices I can get ?!
National Express West Midlands / NXWM Graduate Job
August 13, 2015, 05:39:33 PM
I'm a recent uni Graduate and after visiting the AG recruitment day back in June, it was quite the day ! I met Tony who was kind enough to let me in the cab of 6147. I also met the manager of AG & YW who informed me of a Graduate scheme that NX do and he stated it would be ideal for me (A sentiment which I also agreed with) taking my educational and bus enthusiast background into account.

My question is when and how does 1 apply for it ?! I was told Applications open in early August and having scoured their website their is no sign of when it opens up ?!
This thread is for discussion regarding the NXWM app and also their website. I'd like not to pollute other threads with this topic so I thought I'll create a dedicated thread so myself and others can share their views and opinions.

I don't use the app during the day as that's when the buses run on a somewhat frequent schedule but during the early mornings or after evenings I use the app and for what it's worth, it does it's job well I've found. It's timings I've found to be reliable. My improvements would be in the "My Stops" section of the app, those stops which I've saved are saved via their road name. Whilst this is obviously logical, I just wish you could differentiate between them, I.e. I catch the 11A/C and I have my closest two stops (In both directions saved) and they come under the same, I wish it was different (Like "Westley Road - 11A"). I also wish you could search the app for routes and it has some kind of "Route Planning" feature.

As for the website, I've personally found it to be a great aid, especially when it comes to learning routes, which route goes where, it's frequency and which garage it emanates from.

Feel free to add your views & opinions. 
The title probably isn't the best although I find I'm often impressed how buses particular double decker buses negotiate roads with ease. I used to think drivers would have their eyes stuck to the mirrors whilst performing the feats although from I've seen they make it look easy so I thought I'll compile a thread which dedicates the maneuverability of the bus !

I used to think the High Street Deritend --> Heath Mill Lane (97/A) was impressive before seeing AG's Geminis in action in Hall Green and Gospel Oak (5/31)

Anyone got anything better ?! Feel free to share.
I've noticed on many threads that their is talk of night services and as well their should as its a growing area for NX but I thought it would be best to congregate the talk into a dedicated thread.
Feel free to add your views and suggestions for possible night services.

Allow me to start it off, I think the 9 and 900 should go 24hr, probably on an hour basis.
I've been an enthusiast for a quite a while and I must thank Tony & Co for this website/ forum as it allows for bus enthusiasts to converse with everyone plus my personal friends aren't exactly big bus fans themselves so it's nice to talk and gain knowledge on the subject.

I've dabbled with the idea of becoming a driver for a while as I always try to stand by the driver and see how they drive the bus and think it'll be nice if that was me. However from the many experienced drivers present on this forum, I was wondering what are your lot take on it ?! Personally I've yet to obtain a proper drivers license (Process of doing so) but I like to make sure what I'm getting myself into.

Are the hours flexible ?! Is it strictly full time ?!

Thanks All !
I thought I'll start off a discussion here so let me ask, why doesn't NX serve Tamworth ?!

This first came to my attention last year when me and some friends went to Drayton Manor but found out we had to catch an Arriva bus to get there (Slightly annoyed as we had passes) but why isn't their a bus that goes there ?! Is it because Arriva have the 110 that goes there or no real demand ?!
I've often wondered what goes on in a bus garage. I know it sounds obvious, buses get parked up after a days work, they get serviced but I personally think what kind of time tabling goes on with the buses. Why does a certain bus get sent on a route while another stays at the garage. If I ever get the opportunity, I would happily take it and work in a garage as I would like to be around them magnificent vehicles !
Also I was wondering how big are the fuel tanks in the buses ?! How long do they last them on their journeys ?!

I'm just recently getting into bus hobby of mine and as such I'm just absorbing all the information I can get and as such I will be using this thread to post answers and probably opinions of mine. I'm using this thread as I don't want to litter other threads with non relevant topics.
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