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Messages - the trainbasher

QuoteDo they serve Birmingham City Centre? No.

They was purchased for the 51, if they was seen to be on Walsall locals and others service that don't service the City Centre I'm sure that wouldn't be going down too well.
They serve the Birmingham City Council area (Sutton, despite many folks forgetting, is a Birmingham City Council ran town, same with Erdington), and BCC funded them, (and isn't there a 77 board which has a X15 on it?).

Not everything revolves around Birmingham centre you know!
QuoteThey are funded by Birmingham City Council, so they have should be used on the Birmingham services...
So technically, as the 6 and 77 go into Sutton, which is a BCC area, they can be used on there?
Other Operators / Re: Bus Link, Drakelow
May 28, 2024, 08:40:23 PM
  • Chaserider service 31 / 32 (peak journeys on Lichfield circulars) will be operated by Bus Link Midlands with the same route and timetable, except the 0945 journey on service 31 and the 0930 journey on service 32 (replacing the current 0915 journey) will be operated by Diamond Bus.
Other Operators / Re: Lichfield City Coaches.
May 28, 2024, 08:38:23 PM
They have, since this thread was last updated, changed to South Derbyshire Coaches as their trading name, and run their SDC branded fleet on the Tamworth 82
Other Operators / Re: Travel Express / Lets Go
May 24, 2024, 01:05:17 AM
Section 5.2 – Decisions Taken at Public Inquiries
Public Inquiry (89405) held at The Public Inquiry Room (Birmingham), B15 1PL, 38 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, on 10 April 2024 commenced at 10:30 (Previous Publication:(2653))
PD1140735 SN
1. The standard national public service vehicle operator's licence under reference PD1140735 is revoked under sections 17(1)(a), 17(1)(b), 17(3)(aa) and 17(3)(c) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 (as amended) (the "Act"). All orders of revocation take effect at 2359 hours on Sunday 16 June 2024.
2. I have made no order of disqualification under section 28 of the Act.
3. Under section 155 of the Transport Act 2000 a financial penalty in the sum of £8,250 [£550 x 15 vehicles authorised]. This must be paid in full before this operator's licence is revoked. Failure to do so will have a significant adverse impact on the issue of good repute upon any future application for an operator's licence made by Travel Express Ltd and/or Mr Chumber.
4. Transport manager Mr Kishan Chumber has lost his good repute as a transport manager under Schedule 3 paragraph 7A(1) of the Act. He is disqualified as a transport manager with immediate effect for four years (48 months) until 2359 hours on 03 May 2028 under Schedule 3 paragraph 7B(2) of the Act. I am unable to think of a rehabilitation measure for Mr Chumber.
5. Transport manager Mr Nirmal Johal has lost his good repute as a transport manager under Schedule 3 paragraph 7A(1) of the Act. He is disqualified as a transport manager with immediate effect for three years (36 months) until 2359 hours on 03 May 2027 under Schedule 3 paragraph 7B(2) of the Act. I am unable to think of a rehabilitation measure for Mr Johal.

Other Operators / Re: Chaserider
May 19, 2024, 05:46:52 PM
QuoteTfWM will have to consider cross-border services stating in the West Midlands County over the border into Staffordshire.  There are a few for Chaserider, there are the 70 and 71 from Woverhampton - Cannock, 36 from Walsall - Lichfield and 5 to Codsall.  There is nothing to stop TfWM including these or giving a permit for them to come in which I think is how I think they dealt with services coming in and out of Greater Manchester from the neighbouring areas.

There is also the 35A from Walsall - Leighswood which is the only service entirely in the West Midlands County operated by Chaserider.  Given the plans for "Network Transformation" it may be one of the routes that change, with TfWM thinking about the links, journeys actually made and how to cover the access standards that apply in the West Midlands County.
The 35A and 36 are TfWM contracts, but Staffordshire also pay towards them.
QuoteIt is also revealing that TfWM have done so little to prepare a plan. It is almost as if they'd not expected Parker to win the Mayoral vote. "A dereliction of duty" from them I think and that is being kind at best.
A plan is set to be put to the WMCA board    ---   page 57 for reference, Agenda item 10.

This was discussed at the Transport Delivery Overview and Scruitny Committee in March
From the same link...
Transport Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 

  • Pre-Decision: Future Bus Delivery Options To review the franchising assessment and to make any further recommendations to the WMCA Board to help inform a decision as to whether the Authority should progress further to audit and consultation. July 2024

  • Pre-Decision: West Midlands Ring & Ride and Demand Response Transport Service To report on the proposed outcome of the introduction of the revised target operating model of the West Midlands Ring & Ride and Demand Responsive Transport Service prior to WMCA Board. July 2024
QuoteThis has been mooted for some time though, I wouldn't be surprised if TfWM already have plans at a very advanced stage, hence the recent purchase of NX's Walsall garage by the WMCA.

This was discussed at the Transport Delivery Overview and Scruitny Committee in March

QuoteThe group then received an update on the grant scheme and reserve funding now available to provide circa £80m to support the bus network between June 2023 and December 2024. Once this funding ends there is the potential for significant changes to the network. To prepare for this, TfWM are in discussions with the DfT around the risks post-January 2025. TfWM are currently asking operators to provide information on a viable network and what is needed to maintain these services. TfWM expect to have a full understanding of the commercial position by mid-March, during April to June will look at initial planning followed by stakeholder engagement in early Summer, with full public consultation during August and September prior to services needing to be registered in the Autumn. Members also reminded to note that on 19 July the WMCA Board will decide as to whether we move to the next stage of bus franchising.
QuoteThe uncertainty continues. A lovely non committal response on the future of Coventry VLR project from the new WM Mayor yesterday

"Speaking to BBC CWR about the Very Light Railway (VLR) system in Coventry, Mr Parker said there were "a number of stages we need to get through before we get it up-and-running".

What odds are the bookies giving?
Uncertainty, or practicality? Methinks the latter. He knows Rome wasn't built in a day.
QuoteLook at the mess of labour controlled Birmingham City Council... don't hold your breath.....
Considering who is in Whitehall and suffocating local authorities...
QuoteThe problem with Franchising is a lot of local services currently run would also be withdrawn, what the Labour bloke hasn't factored in is the fact and I'll use Walsall as Midlands Today were there when the they reported on this is Roadworks and the fact all it takes is one motorway M6 or M5 to be screwed and all the A Roads become congested. I often wonder what people who moan expect the bus to do fly. Walsall alone the 529 which was mentioned for years has had J10 works these cause delays, this would also affect the 41 down Bloxwhich Lane. If the M6 at either J10, J9 or J8/7 is screwed this causes the A34, A454, A463, A461, A462, A4444, A4038 and countless other roads delays hence delaying the X51, 51, 34, 37, 39, 11, 11A, 529, 41 as traffic looks to Divert from the M6 along the A34 onto to say the A454 to get down to J9 or J10 this also delays the 79 in Darlaston. Then City Services are delayed by Metro Works.

As someone who has used mostly NX buses for the last 3 or 4 years they are more reliable than the Thandi 37 which ran every 20 minutes but disappeared often on Fridays. Other factors are the Tram when it was down it put more cars on the road and more people on the 79/74 the 79 would often start to get busy normally between Darlaston and Wolverhampton, it was often almost full by the time it reached Darlaston. The M5 and M6 cause West Brom buses to be delayed notably the 74. The 37 is being run by NX of Evening on tender and Commercially I believe during the day to cover for Thandi, NX only ran it between Darlaston and Willenhall. Under a franchise this and routes like the 310 and 65 could be scrapped.

The biggest issue is Councils and MP's almost destroying the bus services, the removal of the A34 flyover makes the X51 10 minutes longer and at Peak times stuck in Traffic. The constant approval of Roadworks at busy times. Last year The 79 was affected by 3 or 4 set of roadworks in Bilston within the space of a few weeks. Initially it was an overnight resurfacing Job on Mount Pleasant. Then they screwed that up so the A41 at the junction was down to Temporary Lights, then they moved these further down to near the Island for 5G City Fibre works then there was some by the Peugeot Garage the other side of that island not forgetting the roadworks they do in Hilltop or Wednesbury. This year has seen two lots of work in Wednesbury and some in Bilston. Willenhall has seen some. Franchising just causes more issues as Diamond might take on the 37 there might be Roadworks in Tividale making it late and then some in Willenhall.

Other issues include ASB on the 29, 69, 70, 70A, 37, 11 and other routes. This current Mayor isn't perfect in my eyes but Bus Fares are cheap, he has said the bus is the backbone which it is and has acknowledged that there needs to be better infrastructure in place
There's no proof that existing bus services would be withdrawn if franchising comes in, and then, by TfWM standards, any journey must have at least EIGHT passengers to provide a feeder service so users can interchange. If there are more than TEN per journey then where possible a direct facility is provided.
 In the built up area no one should be more than 400 metres from a bus service between 0700 and 1900 and within 700 metres other times. In areas of lower density, 700 metres standard applies. The above distances are reduced by 20% to 320 metres and 560 metres in areas of severe gradients or where a high proportion of elderly people or people with mobility difficulties reside.

 This is TfWM policy, so would no doubt carry on, even if franchising was brought in. Personally, I feel that we need franchising, as it is near enough a Mobico-Rotala duopoly in the region, and franchising would bring in new companies to run services (see Manchester, where Comfortdelgro have won franchises and broken up the South Manchester monopoly Stagecoach has).

It will also allow for a cohesive approach, where local authorities and the franchising authority can introduce additional bus priority, knowing that the franchised routes can't be changed or cut at an operators whim (such as when Diamond tried to scrap the 226 and 002, 2 commercial routes)
National Express West Midlands / Re: Buses To Find
April 22, 2024, 08:04:42 PM
QuoteIn the compound at Coventry garage.
Technically though they're not on the NXWM fleet strength though
National Express West Midlands / Re: Buses To Find
April 22, 2024, 06:39:32 PM
QuoteE004 and E017 please. Of all the YW electrics, these are proving elusive.
Both are no longer with NXWM. The "Z" ones that are in service replaced E004, E017 and E018.
QuoteMaybe a new voice or (unlikely, but still hopeful for) the return of Mr. Platinum?
Don't even need that. Text to Speech or AI could do it for them.
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