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Topics - dayvid

A bit of a rant here now lets go...
What is this obsession from some folk about wiping the smaller operators out?
Do you fail to see that competition does us all good in the end ?
Some of these small operators are actually human beings, guys and girls who you would find in the pub on the weekend people who also have bills to pay and lifes to live. Ok they may not be up to the standard of NXWM but hey give them a chance.
Claribels Central Connect Central Buses Silverdale etc were once small operators give them all a chance. In this time how the economy is its good to have other operators.
Has anyone any gen on this? As i was speaking to a Decourcey bloke yesterday and the rumours are that NXWM will be taking on some National Express coach work ???

Theres a few Levantes parked up in Walsall depot so does anyone have a clue??

So far the rumours are that NXWM will be taking on the Airport runs 210 & 777 ???
Do any services currently serve Hill Street in Birmingham by New Street Train Station ? The actual up hill section ??
Does it get Busy around Rush Hour and is there space for lets say 8 buses to load and unload ??
Rotala / Lost NX contracts
December 13, 2012, 07:31:21 PM
Rotala long acre have lost their 777 and 210 National Express Contracts. New Operator ill be Decourcey
June 19, 2012, 09:36:50 PM
Im sorry guys but i am going to rant.

*Why is our Transport System so rubbish?

How has manchester got a better network than us, i recommend everyone to go there for the day and have a look at Manchester. Birmingham is clearly not the second city.
I love Birmingham but it gets me mad at how it is left behind.

Rant Over.
The Archive / THE 966
May 06, 2012, 03:26:17 PM
Who operates the 966? i saw one of the new B7s one there the other day in Cwood.
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