NXWM 4770

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4770 BV 57 XKO AD Tt SFD46MBRA7GX34361 AD 7409/3 H45/33F
New to Walsall garage 1/08
transferred to Coventry garage 8/15
transferred to Walsall garage 11/23

Perry Barr
rd September 2024

Birmingham Central garage
rd October 2023

th April 2022

Burges, Coventry
18th June 2019
31st August 2018
Pool Meadow, Coventry
13th February 2018

Leamington Spa
14th April 2017

Kings Heath Stadium
24th July 2016

Coventry garage
7th September 2016

Coventry Station
27th November 2015

Walsall garage
22nd October 2015

Walsall Bus Station
8th August 2015

Old Square, Birmingham
14th May 2015

Newtown Row, Birmingham
22nd October 2014

Barr Beacon
2nd August 2009

Walsall Bus Station
7th January 2008

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